104 research outputs found

    Estimates of heterogeneity (I2) can be biased in small meta-analyses

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    In meta-analysis, the fraction of variance that is due to heterogeneity is known as I2. We show that the usual estimator of I2 is biased. The bias is largest when a meta-analysis has few studies and little heterogeneity. For example, with 7 studies and the true value of I2 at 0, the average estimate of I2 is .124. Estimates of I2 should be interpreted cautiously when the meta-analysis is small and the null hypothesis of homogeneity (I2=0) has not been rejected. In small meta-analyses, confidence intervals may be preferable to point estimates for I2.Comment: 7 pages + 3 figure

    New Confidence Intervals and Bias Comparisons Show that Maximum Likelihood Can Beat Multiple Imputation in Small Samples

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    When analyzing incomplete data, is it better to use multiple imputation (MI) or full information maximum likelihood (ML)? In large samples ML is clearly better, but in small samples ML's usefulness has been limited because ML commonly uses normal test statistics and confidence intervals that require large samples. We propose small-sample t-based ML confidence intervals that have good coverage and are shorter than t-based confidence intervals under MI. We also show that ML point estimates are less biased and more efficient than MI point estimates in small samples of bivariate normal data. With our new confidence intervals, ML should be preferred over MI, even in small samples, whenever both options are available.Comment: 5 table

    Better estimates from binned income data: Interpolated CDFs and mean-matching

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    Researchers often estimate income statistics from summaries that report the number of incomes in bins such as \$0-10,000, \$10,001-20,000,...,\$200,000+. Some analysts assign incomes to bin midpoints, but this treats income as discrete. Other analysts fit a continuous parametric distribution, but the distribution may not fit well. We fit nonparametric continuous distributions that reproduce the bin counts perfectly by interpolating the cumulative distribution function (CDF). We also show how both midpoints and interpolated CDFs can be constrained to reproduce the mean of income when it is known. We compare the methods' accuracy in estimating the Gini coefficients of all 3,221 US counties. Fitting parametric distributions is very slow. Fitting interpolated CDFs is much faster and slightly more accurate. Both interpolated CDFs and midpoints give dramatically better estimates if constrained to match a known mean. We have implemented interpolated CDFs in the binsmooth package for R. We have implemented the midpoint method in the rpme command for Stata. Both implementations can be constrained to match a known mean.Comment: 20 pages (including Appendix), 3 tables, 2 figures (+2 in Appendix

    Do Test Score Gaps Grow before, during, or between the School Years? Measurement Artifacts and What We Can Know in Spite of Them

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    Do test score gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged children originate inside or outside schools? One approach to this classic question is to ask (1) How large are gaps when children enter school? (2) How much do gaps grow later on? (3) Do gaps grow faster during school or during summer? Confusingly, past research has given discrepant answers to these basic questions. We show that many results about gap growth have been distorted by measurement artifacts. One artifact relates to scaling: Gaps appear to grow faster if measurement scales spread with age. Another artifact relates to changes in test form: Summer gap growth is hard to estimate if children take different tests in spring than in fall. Net of artifacts, the most replicable finding is that gaps form mainly in early childhood, before schooling begins. After school begins, most gaps grow little, and some gaps shrink. Evidence is inconsistent regarding whether gaps grow faster during school or during summer. We substantiate these conclusions using new data from the Growth Research Database and two data sets used in previous studies of gap growth: the Beginning School Study and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort of 1998–1999

    Findings on Summer Learning Loss Often Fail to Replicate, Even in Recent Data

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    It is widely believed that (1) children lose months of reading and math skills over summer vacation and that (2) inequality in skills grows much faster during summer than during school. Concerns have been raised about the replicability of evidence for these claims, but an impression may exist that nonreplicable findings are limited to older studies. After reviewing the 100-year history of nonreplicable results on summer learning, we compared three recent data sources (ECLS- K:2011, NWEA, and Renaissance) that tracked U.S. elementary students' skills through school years and summers in the 2010s. Most patterns did not generalize beyond a single test. Summer losses looked substantial on some tests but not on others. Score gaps—between schools and students of different income levels, ethnicities, and genders—grew on some tests but not on others. The total variance of scores grew on some tests but not on others. On tests where gaps and variance grew, they did not consistently grow faster during summer than during school. Future research should demonstrate that a summer learning pattern replicates before drawing broad conclusions about learning or inequality
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