5 research outputs found

    Econometric model for analyzing HRD Funds absorption at regional level – North-East region

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    The European Social Fund interventions in Romania in the field of Human Resources Development, as established in the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007- 2013, will assure investment in human capital, modernisation of education and training systems, increasing the access to employment and strengthening the social inclusion for vulnerable groups. The present paper proposes a simple, but robust, econometric model in order to analyze the absorption of the funds allotted by the Sectoral Operational Program - Human Resources Development at regional level in one of the eight Development Regions in Romania.Human Resources Development, Econometric Model, Regional Development

    Analysis of structural and cohesion funds absorption in Romania

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    The present research aims at depicting the main drivers and bottlenecks in the process of structural and cohesion funds absorption in Romania. As these funds are important inflows for the Romanian economy it is highly important to have a clear picture of the current situation, by analyzing the number of projects and corresponding amounts that have been submitted, contracted and reimbursed, respctively. Main conclusions of the study can be used by researchers and practitioners in the field of structural and cohesion funds.structural funds, cohesion funds, funds absorption

    Climate, aggression, and violence (CLASH):a cultural-evolutionary approach

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    The CLimate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans (CLASH) proposes that aggression and violence increase as climates become hotter and seasonal variation becomes smaller by influencing time-orientation and self-control. Emerging empirical evidence supporting the model is reviewed. Wealth, income inequality, and pathogen stress as powerful influences of these processes are also discussed. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and societal importance of climate change in shaping violence

    The Logic of Climate and Culture:Evolutionary and Psychological Aspects of CLASH

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    A total of 80 authors working in a variety of scientific disciplines commented on the theoretical model of CLimate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans (CLASH). The commentaries cover a wide range of issues, including the logic and assumptions of CLASH, the evidence in support of CLASH, and other possible causes of aggression and violence (e.g., wealth, income inequality, political circumstances, historic circumstances, pathogen stress). Some commentaries also provide data relevant to CLASH. Here we clarify the logic and assumptions of CLASH and discusses its extensions and boundary conditions. We also offer suggestions for future research. Regardless of whether none, some, or all of CLASH is found to be true, we hope it will stimulate future research on the link between climate and human behavior. Climate is one of the most presing issues of our time