221 research outputs found

    Should Psychotherapy be taught to Psychiatric Residents? A Debate.

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    Much of this discussion was inspired by a debate held at the 1984 APA Annual Meeting, entitled Does Psychodynamic Theory Have Little Relevance to Contemporary Psychiatric Care? We saw the need for a debate, resident generated, that would address a corollary issue in residency training. Our program will include an introduction, a debate involving statements for the affirmative, that is, that psychotherapy should be taught to psychiatric residents, and two statements for the negative, that psychotherapy should not be taught to psychiatric residents. Concluding remarks will follow. If our title is provocative , if what we have to say inspires you to participate in this critical discussion, either by way of pleasing, stimulating, or offending you, then we have served our purpose well

    The Pit & the Pendulum: Sex Offender Laws

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    For centuries the criminal justice system has struggled to define the methodology of and the justifications for social control of sexual behavior that does not conform to community mores. This poster compares and contrasts the historical and contemporary attempts in the United States, Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Germany to address the risk created by individuals who engage in behaviors broadly characterized as sexually deviant. Where available, we consider the rationale for sentencing, and the earliest attempts to bring “treatment” into the criminal dispositional formula for sexual based prosecution. We also consider the impact that the choice of societal response has on risk assessment and evaluation in the various systems, including where available, the assessment and commitment of juvenile offenders. The current practice of civil commitment for a person deemed to be a sexually violent predator (SVP) is discussed highlighting the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kansas v. Hendricks. This practice will then be compared and contrasted with the approach of designating an offender as a Dangerous Offender (DO) or a Long-Term Offender (LTO) under the criminal law. We also highlight sex offender registries where applicable. This poster is intended as an overview of the law as it exists, and not as a defense or a critique of any specific model

    A review of challenges with using the natural gas system for hydrogen

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    Hydrogen, as an energy carrier, is attractive to many stakeholders based on the assumption that the extensive global network of natural gas infrastructure can be repurposed to transport hydrogen as part of a zero‐carbon energy future. Therefore, utility companies and governments are rapidly advancing efforts to pilot blending low‐carbon hydrogen into existing natural gas systems, many with the goal of eventually shifting to pure hydrogen. However, hydrogen has fundamentally different physical and chemical properties to natural gas, with major consequences for safety, energy supply, climate, and cost. We evaluate the suitability of using existing natural gas infrastructure for distribution of hydrogen. We summarize differences between hydrogen and natural gas, assess the latest science and engineering of each component of the natural gas value chain for hydrogen distribution, and discuss proposed solutions for building an effective hydrogen value chain. We find that every value chain component is challenged by reuse. Hydrogen blending can circumvent many challenges but offers only a small reduction in greenhouse gas emissions due to hydrogen's low volumetric energy density. Furthermore, a transition to pure hydrogen is not possible without significant retrofits and replacements. Even if technical and economic barriers are overcome, serious safety and environmental risks remain

    Satellite observations reveal extreme methane leakage from a natural gas well blowout

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    Methane emissions due to accidents in the oil and natural gas sector are very challenging tomonitor, and hence are seldomconsidered in emission inventories and reporting. One of the main reasons is the lack of measurements during such events. Here we report the detection of large methane emissions from a gas well blowout in Ohio during February to March 2018 in the total column methane measurements from the spaceborne Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). From these data, we derive a methane emission rate of 120 ± 32 metric tons per hour. This hourly emission rate is twice that of the widely reported Aliso Canyon event in California in 2015. Assuming the detected emission represents the average rate for the 20-d blowout period, we find the total methane emission from the well blowout is comparable to one-quarter of the entire state of Ohio's reported annual oil and natural gas methane emission, or, alternatively, a substantial fraction of the annual anthropogenic methane emissions from several European countries. Our work demonstrates the strength and effectiveness of routine satellite measurements in detecting and quantifying greenhouse gas emission from unpredictable events. In this specific case, the magnitude of a relatively unknown yet extremely large accidental leakage was revealed using measurements of TROPOMI in its routine global survey, providing quantitative assessment of associated methane emissions

    Targeting NF-κB signaling in B cells as a potential new treatment modality for ANCA-associated vasculitis

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    B lineage cells are critically involved in ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV), evidenced by alterations in circulating B cell subsets and beneficial clinical effects of rituximab (anti-CD20) therapy. This treatment renders a long-term, peripheral B cell depletion, but allows for the survival of long-lived plasma cells. Therefore, there is an unmet need for more reversible and full B lineage cell targeting approaches. To find potential novel therapeutic targets, RNA sequencing of CD27 + memory B cells of patients with active AAV was performed, revealing an upregulated NF-κB-associated gene signature. NF-κB signaling pathways act downstream of various B cell surface receptors, including the BCR, CD40, BAFFR and TLRs, and are essential for B cell responses. Here we demonstrate that novel pharmacological inhibitors of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK, non-canonical NF-κB signaling) and inhibitor-of-κB-kinase-β (IKKβ, canonical NF-κB signaling) can effectively inhibit NF-κB signaling in B cells, whereas T cell responses were largely unaffected. Moreover, both inhibitors significantly reduced B cell proliferation, differentiation and production of antibodies, including proteinase-3 (PR3) autoantibodies, in B lineage cells of AAV patients. These findings indicate that targeting NF-κB, particularly NIK, may be an effective, novel B lineage cell targeted therapy for AAV and other autoimmune diseases with prominent B cell involvement. </p

    Targeting NF-κB signaling in B cells as a potential new treatment modality for ANCA-associated vasculitis

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    B lineage cells are critically involved in ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV), evidenced by alterations in circulating B cell subsets and beneficial clinical effects of rituximab (anti-CD20) therapy. This treatment renders a long-term, peripheral B cell depletion, but allows for the survival of long-lived plasma cells. Therefore, there is an unmet need for more reversible and full B lineage cell targeting approaches. To find potential novel therapeutic targets, RNA sequencing of CD27 + memory B cells of patients with active AAV was performed, revealing an upregulated NF-κB-associated gene signature. NF-κB signaling pathways act downstream of various B cell surface receptors, including the BCR, CD40, BAFFR and TLRs, and are essential for B cell responses. Here we demonstrate that novel pharmacological inhibitors of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK, non-canonical NF-κB signaling) and inhibitor-of-κB-kinase-β (IKKβ, canonical NF-κB signaling) can effectively inhibit NF-κB signaling in B cells, whereas T cell responses were largely unaffected. Moreover, both inhibitors significantly reduced B cell proliferation, differentiation and production of antibodies, including proteinase-3 (PR3) autoantibodies, in B lineage cells of AAV patients. These findings indicate that targeting NF-κB, particularly NIK, may be an effective, novel B lineage cell targeted therapy for AAV and other autoimmune diseases with prominent B cell involvement. </p