22 research outputs found
Stability of %ES within sessions (A,B) and between sessions 1 and 2 (C,D).
<p>A. Difference in %ES for each participant between two runs of 200 trials within session 1 (calculated as Run 2-Run 1). Group mean±95% CI is shown for ESM and Norm groups. B. Correlation between %ES in Run 1 and Run 2. Least-squares linear regression line is shown with Pearson correlation coefficient and the p value for the correlation. Dotted horizontal and vertical lines show the 30% criterion level for defining a participant as an ESM, based on %ES from the two runs combined. C. Difference in %ES for each participant in Session 1 and Session 2. Other conventions are as in A. D. Correlation between %ES Session 1 and Session 2. Other conventions are as in B.</p
Plots of Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) results.
<p>Mean±95% CI value scores for each of the ten “values” for each participant group are plotted (CC: participants born and educated in China; N = 38; BC: Chinese ethnic background, born in the UK [or moved in early life], educated in the UK, N = 43; WB: Caucasian comparison group, N = 42). Group scores were compared with a one-way ANOVA for each value. Statistically significant results were observed for all values except “Security”. Marked values (*) are those for which post-hoc testing demonstrated that the BC and WB groups were similar and statistically distinct from the CC group. This was true for 5/9 values returning statistically significant ANOVA results.</p
Express saccades and median saccade latency.
<p>The percentage of express saccades (%Express) is plotted against median saccade latency in gap (A,C,E) and overlap (B,D,F) conditions for the three participant groups (CC: A,B; BC: C,D; WB: E,F). • ESMs (participants with >30% express saccades in overlap conditions); • Norm (non-ESM participants). The horizontal line in overlap plots (b,d,f) illustrates the 30% criterion above which participants were defined as ESMs.</p
Overlap average latency distributions for ESMs and “normal” participants.
<p>Average (mean±95%CI) percentage latency distributions in overlap conditions for each group divided into Normal participants (Norm; A,C,E) and ESMs (B,D,F). Each panel also shows the number and percentage of each participant type within that group, the intersubject mean median latency (±SD), and the mean (±SD) percentage of express saccades.</p
Stability of %ES over three testing sessions.
<p>A. Grey lines: individual participant data (broken lines: ESMs; solid lines: Norms). Black lines and points: group data, shown as the mean±95% CI (ESM ■; Norm ●). Black dashed line shows the 30% criterion level. B. 3D correlation plot of %ES over three sessions for ESMs (</p><p></p><p></p><p><mn>●</mn></p><p></p><p></p>) and Norms (●).<p></p
Effect of gap (A-E) and overlap (F-J) training (see Fig. 1 for details of the training regimes).
<p>Percentage of express saccades (%ES) is plotted against median saccade latency for ESM (</p><p></p><p></p><p><mn>●</mn></p><p></p><p></p>) and Norm (•) individual participants. For details of the relative timing of different tests in the two training regimes refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0120437#pone.0120437.g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1</a>. In plots showing overlap performance during gap (D,E) and overlap training (F-H), the horizontal dashed line is plotted at 30%.<p></p
Distribution of saccade latency for the prosaccade overlap task in “express saccade makers” (ESMs) and non-express saccade maker (“NORM”) participants.
<p>A,B. Examples of individual distributions with summary parameters (mean±SD; median(IQR)), where N is the total number of observations. C,D. Average distributions for the two participant groups. The values plotted in each 10ms bin are the group mean±95% CI. The solid black line plots the mean, with grey lines showing ±95% CI. The vertical grey region indicates the express saccade latency range (80ms to 130ms). The intersubject mean of individual median saccade latency (±SD) and the intersubject %ES is shown for the two participant groups. N is the number of participants in the group. Note the different y-axis scales between A,B and C,D.</p
Average (mean±95%CI) percentage latency distribution histograms for the three participant groups for overlap data.
<p>Bin width = 10 ms. Mean and median latency for these distributions are also shown, along with the percentage of observations falling in the ES range (%ES; range 80–130 ms, shown by vertical dotted lines), and the proportion of ESM participants in that group (%ESM).</p
Effect of gap (A-D) and overlap (E-F) training on group data.
<p>Intersubject mean±95%CI saccade median latency (A,B,E,F) and intersubject mean±95% CI %ES (C,D,G,H) for ESM (</p><p></p><p></p><p><mn>●</mn></p><p></p><p></p>) and Norm (●) groups is shown. To improve clarity, error bars are only plotted in one direction where they would extensively overlap.<p></p
Average (mean±95%CI) percentage latency distribution histograms for the two participant groups.
<p>Bin width = 10ms. Intersubject group mean (±SD) latency and intersubject mean %ES are also shown. Grey area indicates the ES latency range (80ms-130ms). A-C: data from Norms; D-F: data from ESMs.</p