18 research outputs found

    Volumetric capnography: lessons from the past and current clinical applications.

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    Dead space is an important component of ventilation-perfusion abnormalities. Measurement of dead space has diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic applications. In the intensive care unit (ICU) dead space measurement can be used to guide therapy for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); in the emergency department it can guide thrombolytic therapy for pulmonary embolism; in peri-operative patients it can indicate the success of recruitment maneuvers. A newly available technique called volumetric capnography (Vcap) allows measurement of physiological and alveolar dead space on a regular basis at the bedside. We discuss the components of dead space, explain important differences between the Bohr and Enghoff approaches, discuss the clinical significance of arterial to end-tidal CO2 gradient and finally summarize potential clinical indications for Vcap measurements in the emergency room, operating room and ICU

    Nitric oxide and the heart: update on new paradigms.

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    The role of nitric oxide (NO) as a regulator of cardiac contraction was suggested in the early nineties, but a consensual view of its main functions in cardiac physiology has only recently emerged with the help of experiments using genetic deletion or overexpression of the three nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms in cardiomyocytes. Contrary to the effects of exogenous, pharmacologic NO donors, signaling by endogenous NO is restricted to intracellular effectors co-localized with NOS in specific subcellular compartments. This both ensures coordinate signaling by the three NOS isoforms on different aspects of the cardiomyocyte function and helps to reconcile previous apparently contradictory observations based on the use of non-isoform-specific NOS inhibitors. This review will emphasize the role of NOS on excitation-contraction coupling in the normal and diseased heart. Endothelial NOS and neuronal NOS contribute to maintain an adequate balance between adrenergic and vagal input to the myocardium and participate in the early and late phases of the Frank-Starling adaptation of the heart. At the early phases of cardiac diseases, inducible NOS reinforces these effects, which may become maladaptive as disease progresses

    Activation of the human diaphragm during a repetitive postural task

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    The co-ordination between respiratory and postural functions of the diaphragm was investigated during repetitive upper limb movement. It was hypothesised that diaphragm activity would occur either tonically or phasically in association with the forces from each movement and that this activity would combine with phasic respiratory activity.Movements of the upper limb and ribcage were measured while standing subjects performed repetitive upper limb movements ‘as fast as possible’. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the costal diaphragm were made using intramuscular electrodes in four subjects. Surface electrodes were placed over the deltoid and erector spinae muscles.In contrast to standing at rest, diaphragm activity was present throughout expiration at 78 ± 17% (mean ± s.d.) of its peak inspiratory magnitude during repeated upper limb movement.Bursts of deltoid and erector spinae EMG activity occurred at the limb movement frequency (≈2.9 Hz). Although the majority of diaphragm EMG power was at the respiratory frequency (≈0.4 Hz), a peak was also present at the movement frequency. This finding was corroborated by averaged EMG activity triggered from upper limb movement. In addition, diaphragm EMG activity was coherent with ribcage motion at the respiratory frequency and with upper limb movement at the movement frequency.The diaphragm response was similar when movement was performed while sitting. In addition, when subjects moved with increasing frequency the peak upper limb acceleration correlated with diaphragm EMG amplitude. These findings support the argument that diaphragm contraction is related to trunk control.The results indicate that activity of human phrenic motoneurones is organised such that it contributes to both posture and respiration during a task which repetitively challenges trunk posture

    Relevance of nitric oxide for myocardial remodeling.

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    Endogenous myocardial nitric oxide (NO) may modulate the transition from adaptive to maladaptive remodeling leading to heart failure. In rodent models of pressure overload or myocardial infarction, the three NO synthase (NOS) isoforms were shown to play a neutral, protective, or even adverse role in myocardial remodeling, depending on the quantity of NO produced, the location of each NOS and their regulators, the prevailing oxidant stress and resultant NO/oxidant balance, as well as NOS coupling/dimerization. Beside neuronal NOS and--in specific conditions--inducible NOS isoforms, endothelial NOS (eNOS) exerts cardioprotective effects on pressure-overload, ischemia/reperfusion, and myocardial infarction-induced myocardial remodeling, provided the enzyme remains in a coupled state. Besides its effects on excitation-contraction coupling in response to stretch, eNOS acts as an "endogenous beta-blocker" by restoring the sympathovagal balance, opposing excessive hypertrophy as well as promoting vasodilatation and neoangiogenesis, thereby contributing to tissue repair. As eNOS was also shown to mediate the beneficial effects of cardiovascular drugs commonly used in patients with heart failure, strategies to increase its expression and/or coupled catalytic activity in the myocardium offer new therapeutic avenues for the treatment of this disease