5,250 research outputs found

    Observations of stratospheric temperature changes coincident with the recent Antarctic ozone depletions

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    A high degree of correlation between the recent decline in Antarctic total ozone and cooling of the stratosphere during Austral spring has been noted in several recent studies (e.g., Sekiguchi, 1986; Angel, 1986). This study analyzes the observed temperature trends in detail, focusing on the spatial and temporal aspects of the observed cooling. Ozone losses and stratospheric cooling can be correlated for several reasons: (1) ozone losses (from an unspecified cause) will directly reduce temperatures due to decreased solar ultraviolet absorption (Shine, 1986), and/or (2) changes in both ozone and temperature structure due to modification of stratospheric circulation patterns (Mahlman and Fels, 1986). In order to scrutinize various ozone depletion scenarios, detailed information on the observed temperature changes is necessary; the goal is to provide such data. The data used are National Meteorological Center (NMC) Climate Analysis Center (CAC) derived temperatures, covering 1000 to 1 mb (0 to 48 km), for the period 1979 to 1987. Discussions on data origin and quality (assessed by extensive comparisons with radiosonde observations), along with other details of these observations, can be found in Newman and Randel (1988)

    The breakup of the Southern Hemisphere spring polar ozone and temperature minimums from 1979 to 1987

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    The purpose of this study is to quantify the observations of the polar vortex breakup. The data used in this study consist of Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data, and National Meteorological Center (NMC) analyses. The final warming is diagnosed using the difference between zonal means at 80 degrees and 50 degrees S for temperature, ozone, and layer mean temperature. The polar vortex breakup can also be diagnosed by the onset of weak zonal mean zonal winds (i.e., u, overbar denotes a zonal average) at 60 degrees S. Computations of the polar vortex breakdown date using NMC meteorological data and TOMS total ozone data indicate that the breakdown is occurring later in the spring in the lowest portion of the stratosphere. At altitudes above 100 mb, the large interannual variance of the breakdown date renders any trend determination of the breakdown date difficult. Individual plots of TOMS total ozone indicate that the total ozone minimum remains intact for a longer period of time than is observed in earlier years

    NMC stratospheric analyses during the 1987 Antarctic expedition

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    Stratospheric constant pressure analyses of geopotential height and temperature, produced as part of regular operations at the National Meteorological Center (NMC), were used by several participants of the Antarctic Ozone Expedition. A brief decription is given of the NMC stratospheric analyses and the data that are used to derive them. In addition, comparisons of the analysis values at the locations of radiosonde and aircraft data are presented to provide indications for assessing the representativeness of the NMC stratospheric analyses during the 1987 Antarctic winter-spring period

    Short meridional scale anomalies in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere

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    Short meridional scale anomalies (SMSA) in the lower stratospheric temperature field were recently discovered by Stanford and Short (1981) in the analyses of Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) channel 4 data. Newman and Stanford (1983) further elucidated the properties of these anomalies, and their work is duplicated herein;It is shown that 1000-3000 km meridional scale anomalies with 10,000-40,000 km zonal scales exist in the MSU channel 4 data, and the existence of these anomalies is independent of the analysis scheme. Additionally, these anomalies are observed in TIROS-N satellite MSU channel 3 data, as well as Nimbus 6 satellite Scanning Microwave Sounder (SCAMS) data. The atmospheric origin of the SMSA is established through the correlation of MSU channel 4 brightness temperatures with brightness temperatures simulated from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) analyses, National Meteorological Center (NMC) analyses, and radiosonde data. These conventional data simulations correlate well with the MSU channel 4 data. The independence of the conventional and satellite data establishes that the SMSA are not due to instrumental effects;The horizontal, vertical, and time structure of the SMSA are studied using both satellite and conventional data. The SMSA exist in both hemispheres, have zonal scales of 10,000 to 40,000 km, and are strongest in the mid-latitudes. The vertical SMSA temperature structure shows maxima in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere with a node between these maxima in the 200 to 400 mb region. The SMSA are not regularly propagating features. They are found to be episodic, with an episode lasting from 1 to 3 weeks;In addition to the temperature structure, the SMSA are also found in the zonal wind, meridional wind, geopotential heights, and possibly the low-level cloud data. Heat and momentum fluxes are investigated, and it is found that the fluxes due to the SMSA are not the most important parts of the total heat and momentum flux budgets. However, the portions due to the SMSA are not inconsequential. Finally, a possible forcing mechanism due to secondary effects of baroclinic instabilities is outlined for the SMSA

    Estimating stratospheric temperature trends using satellite microwave radiances

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    The objective was to evaluate and intercompare stratospheric temperatures using Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) data as a basis data set. The MSU, aboard the NOAA polar orbiter satellite series, provides twice daily global coverage over a layer (50-150 mb) at approximately a (170km)(exp 2) resolution. Conventional data sets will be compared to the satellite data in the lower stratosphere in order to assess their quality for trend computations

    The df: A proposed data format standard

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    A standard is proposed describing a portable format for electronic exchange of data in the physical sciences. Writing scientific data in a standard format has three basic advantages: portability; the ability to use metadata to aid in interpretation of the data (understandability); and reusability. An improperly formulated standard format tends towards four disadvantages: (1) it can be inflexible and fail to allow the user to express his data as needed; (2) reading and writing such datasets can involve high overhead in computing time and storage space; (3) the format may be accessible only on certain machines using certain languages; and (4) under some circumstances it may be uncertain whether a given dataset actually conforms to the standard. A format was designed which enhances these advantages and lessens the disadvantages. The fundamental approach is to allow the user to make her own choices regarding strategic tradeoffs to achieve the performance desired in her local environment. The choices made are encoded in a specific and portable way in a set of records. A fully detailed description and specification of the format is given, and examples are used to illustrate various concepts. Implementation is discussed

    Theoretical modelling and meteorological analysis for the AASE mission

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    Providing real time constituent data analysis and potential vorticity computations in support of the Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Experiment (AASE) is discussed. National Meteorological Center (NMC) meteorological data and potential vorticity computations derived from NMC data are projected onto aircraft coordinates and provided to the investigators in real time. Balloon and satellite constituent data are composited into modified Lagrangian mean coordinates. Various measurements are intercompared, trends deduced and reconstructions of constituent fields performed

    The QBO and interannual variation in total ozone

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    Garcia and Soloman (1987) have noted that the October monthly mean minimum total ozone amounts south of 30 S were modulated by a quasibiennial oscillation (QBO) signal. The precise mechanism behind this effect, however, is unclear. Is the modulation brought about by the circulation-produced QBO signal in the ozone concentration itself, or does the temperature QBO modulate the formation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), leading to changes in the chemically induced Antarctic spring ozone decline rate. Or is some other phenomenon involved. To investigate the means through which the QBO effect occurs, a series of correlation studies has been made between polar ozone and QBO signal in ozone and temperature

    October lower stratospheric Antarctic temperature and total ozone from 1979-1985

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    During October, from 1979 to 1985, Southern Hemisphere daily plots of TOMS total ozone and lower stratospheric temperature are shown to be strongly correlated. The same result is found for the monthly averages. Additionally, these data reveal strong wave events during the ozone hole period. October zonal means of TOMS total ozone and NMC temperature are well correlated from year to year, and both are decreasing. Finally, the mid-latitude temperature maximum is found to be radically cooler in 1985 than in either 1979 (a dynamically active year) or in 1980 (a dynamically quiescent year)

    The Antarctic ozone hole: An update

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    In the 30 years since the ozone hole was discovered, our understanding of the polar atmosphere has become much more complete. The worldwide response to the discovery was fast, but the recovery is slow
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