2,069 research outputs found


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    Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) is the exclusive source of an array of terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs) that are used in the treatments of hypertension and certain types of cancer. TIA biosynthesis is under stringent spatiotemporal control and is induced by jasmonate (JA) and fungal elicitors. Tryptamine, derived from the indole branch, and secologanin from the iridoid branch are condensed to form the first TIA, strictosidine. Biosynthesis of TIA is regulated at the transcriptional level and several transcription factors (TFs) regulating the expression of genes encoding key enzymes in the pathway have been isolated and characterized. The JA-responsive APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (AP2/ERF), ORCA3, and the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) factor, CrMYC2, are the key activators of the TIA biosynthesis. Recently, two other TFs, the bHLH IRIDOID SYNTHESIS 1 (BIS1) and BIS2 were also identified as regulators of TIA pathway. Analysis of C. roseus genome sequence has revealed that ORCA3 forms a physical cluster with two uncharacterized AP2/ERFs, ORCA4 and ORCA5. In plants, physically linked clusters of TFs are less characterized. Moreover, the regulation of TF clusters is relatively unexplored. My research uncovered that the ORCA gene cluster is differentially regulated. ORCA4 and ORCA5, while functionally overlapping with ORCA3, regulate an additional set of TIA pathway genes. ORCA4 or ORCA5 overexpression has resulted in significant increase of TIA accumulation in C. roseus hairy roots. In addition, ORCA5 directly regulates the expression of ORCA4 and indirectly regulates ORCA3, likely via unknown factor(s). Interestingly, ORCA5 also activates the expression of ZCT3, a negative regulator of the TIA pathway. In addition CrMYC2 is capable of activating ORCA3 and co-regulating pathway genes concomitantly with ORCA3. Several lines of evidence suggest that, in addition to the transcriptional control, biosynthesis of TIAs is also controlled at the posttranslational level, such as protein phosphorylation. Available literature indicates that a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is involved in this process. Analysis of C. roseus MAP kinome, identified two independent MAPK cascades regulating the indole and iridoid branches of the TIA pathway. We showed that the ORCA cluster and CrMYC2 act downstream of a MAP kinase cascade consisting of CrMAPKK1, CrMAPK3 and CrMAPK6. Overexpression of CrMAPKK1 in C. roseus hairy roots upregulates TIA pathway genes expressions and boosts TIA accumulation. The other cascade, consisting of CrMAPKK6 and CrMAPK13, mostly regulates the iridoid branch of the TIA pathway. Overexpression of CrMAPK13 in C. roseus hairy roots significantly upregulates iridoid pathway genes and boosts tabersonine accumulation. Moreover, we recently identified the third MAPK cascade, consisting of CrMAPKK1 and CrMAPK20, that negatively regulates the indole branch of the TIA pathway. Overexpression of CrMAPK20 in C. roseus hairy roots represses the genes regulated by CrMYC2-ORCAs and reduces catharanthine accumulation. These findings significantly advance our understanding of transcriptional and post-translational regulatory mechanisms that govern TIA biosynthesis in C. roseus

    Livelihood Status and Health Condition of Waste Pickers in Sylhet City Corporation: A Study

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    Urban poor are engaged in waste picking in the city areas of Bangladesh, as it requires no skills and experience. Though several studies have been conducted on waste management, the livelihood of waste pickers remains unexplored. So, this study has been undertaken to investigate the livelihood and health status of the informal waste pickers living in the Sylhet City Corporation, Bangladesh using the five capitals of the sustainable livelihood framework. To achieve the study objectives, at first, purposively selected one hundred waste pickers were surveyed. Then, to substantiate quantitative data gathered by the survey, ten in-depth interviews and a focus group discussion (FGD) were conducted. This study found that the vulnerabilities of waste pickers in the city area are the consequences of their poor education and lack of skills, lower earnings, miserable living and working conditions, lower social status, and no access to social services. In addition, they face chronic injuries and occupational health risks, but they are not aware of this. As a result, they cannot maintain a standard of living by their efforts. So, Government and non-government organisations should recognise their contribution and take necessary steps for improving their livelihood and health status


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    Social awareness means that you should know what is socially acceptable from you in society and you should act in that manner. Mass media has a prominent role to play in modern society. It can bring about radical changes and improve social situation as it influences our social, civil, cultural, political, economic and aesthetic outlook.Modernization has converted media into an indispensable feature of human activity. However, factors like age, education, economic condition, personal needs and availability of proper components decide the quantum and frequency of media use. This is evident from the fact that most media centres are located in urban areas. The majority of consumers of media products are also concentrated in and around cities and towns

    Vegetation composition and assessment of phytotoxicity in a paper mill dumpsite

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    The solid waste dumpsites of pulp and paper industries are prone to be turned into degraded lands due to the loss of vegetation cover. Such sites often possess drought, salinity and pH stresses as well as heavy metal contamination. Restoration of top soil by creating vegetation cover has proved to be the most sustainable approach to check land degradation. Therefore, to find some stress-tolerant species capable of creating vegetation cover in paper mill dumpsites, a vegetation composition study was conducted in a paper mill dumpsite. A total of seven plant species viz., Calotropis gigantea (L.) Dryand., Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob, Mikania scandens (L.) Willd., R. communis L., Rotheca serrata (L.) Steane & Mabb., Senna sophera (L.) Roxb. and Solanum myriacanthum Dunal were found. To correlate the existence of these plants with stress condition of soil, the level of phytotoxicity in the dumpsite was assessed by studying seed germination status, proline accumulation, leaf relative water content (RWC), leaf pH, total chlorophyll content and ascorbic acid level of Ricinus communis as bioassay indices. The significantly lower percentage of seed germination in dumpsite soil, compared to control, revealed the phytotoxic nature of the soil of the dumpsite. The significantly higher level of proline, RWC, total chlorophyll and ascorbic acid in plant leaves from dumpsites than from the control soils indicated considerable stress in the dumpsite. Soil physicochemical and nutrient status analyses substantiated with the bioassay results. Despite apparent phytotoxicity, the presence of certain plant species in the dumpsite indicated their inherent stress tolerance capability to be prospected

    evaluation of antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic activity of newly formulated polyherbal antidiabetic tablets (phadt) in streptozocin induced diabetes mellitus in rats.

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    In this study rats were divided into 5 groups (n=6). Group I normal control, II received Poly Herbal Antidiabetic Tablet(PHADT) (400 mg /kg)b.wp.o, III  Streptozocin(STZ) (55mg/kg b.wi.p)  treated diabetic rats, IV STZ +PHADT, V STZ+Glibenclamide(10mg/kg bwp.o).The treatment is made for 33 days. The body weight, feed intake was measured daily, blood sugar level measured every 5th day. OGTT was estimated on 33rd day. On 34th day the blood was withdrawn from retro-orbital plexus and the serum was used for the lipid profile estimation. After scarification under overdose of ketamine, the liver and skeletal muscle glycogen was measured. The STZ induced diabetic rats treated with PHADT, Glibenclamide showed significantly increased body weight, decreased feed intake, decreased blood sugar level, high postprandial glucose clearance and decreased serum lipid profile, increased skeletal muscle glycogen content when compared to STZ induced diabetic rats (Group III). Significant regeneration of pancreatic β cells was observed in diabetic rats treated with PHADT, Glibenclamide. From this study, it can be concluded that Poly Herbal Anti Diabetic Tablet(PHADT) has anti-hyperglycemic activity as well as anti hyperlipidemic activity.Keywords:  STZ; PHADT; serum lipid profile; Glibenclamide

    Anomalously Elastic Intermediate Phase in Randomly Layered Superfluids, Superconductors, and Planar Magnets

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    We show that layered quenched randomness in planar magnets leads to an unusual intermediate phase between the conventional ferromagnetic low-temperature and paramagnetic high-temperature phases. In this intermediate phase, which is part of the Griffiths region, the spin-wave stiffness perpendicular to the random layers displays anomalous scaling behavior, with a continuously variable anomalous exponent, while the magnetization and the stiffness parallel to the layers both remain finite. Analogous results hold for superfluids and superconductors. We study the two phase transitions into the anomalous elastic phase, and we discuss the universality of these results, and implications of finite sample size as well as possible experiments

    Nanoparticles in Dentistry ; a review

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    Nanotechnology finds frequent application in everyday life, particularly in the field of medicine. Due to the capabilities of nanotechnology, examining and manipulating atoms, chemical bonds , and molecules between substances is a relatively straightforward task. When applied in the field of dentistry it is referred to as “nano dentistry”. Nanoparticles which are believed to possess superior efficacy, find significant usage in dentistry, primarily in the prevention and treatment of oral disorders, as well as the maintenance of good oral health and hygiene. Nanoparticles possess distinct characteristics such as their surface to volume ratio, antimicrobial activity, physical, mechanical and biological properties, as well as their particle size. This article provides an overview of the various nanoparticles utilized in dentistry and their respective contributions to the field

    Artificial intelligence in public health dentistry

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    The creation of the relevant technology must be driven by educational demands. Even so, the human factor must always be taken into consideration. Exciting new technology and potent cures will continue to be produced by scientific research. The capacity of a digital computer, computer-controlled robot to carry out actions closely identified with intelligent beings is known as artificial intelligence (AI). The evolution of AI has been clearly accelerating over the past ten years, and dentistry has not been an exception. Dental AI is important for diagnosing patients, storing patient data, and evaluating genetic information to improve patient treatment. This applies particularly to oral medicine and radiography. A good understanding of technology adaption will not only contribute to better and more accurate patient care but will also lighten the workload of the physician. The need for sophisticated software to compute this data has arisen due to the massive growth in documented information as well as patient data. A new age in dentistry has emerged as a result of the convergence of artificial intelligence and digitization, and the field\u27s prospects for the future look quite bright

    Formal to Casual- Usage of Laptop Among Students- An Eye Opener

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    The number of college students using laptops is on the rise so is the musculoskeletal disorders reported. This research tries to understand whether university students in India have the same discomfort level as reported in prior studies. The study tries to evaluate the role of parameters like postural adaptation, time related parameters like duration of laptop usage, frequency of rest breaks and the predisposition of MSD among the students. And it is found that neck pain is the most common pain among Indian college students. And that MSD is caused by poor postural adaptation, time spent on the laptop as well as lack of proper ergonomic knowledge