96,271 research outputs found

    Interplay of universality classes in a three-dimensional Yukawa model

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    We investigate numerically on the lattice the interplay of universality classes of the three-dimensional Yukawa model with U(1) chiral symmetry, using the Binder method of finite size scaling. At zero Yukawa coupling the scaling related to the magnetic Wilson--Fisher fixed point is confirmed. At sufficiently strong Yukawa coupling the dominance of the chiral fixed point associated with the 3D Gross--Neveu model is observed for various values of the coupling parameters, including infinite scalar selfcoupling. In both cases the Binder method works consistently in a broad range of lattice sizes. However, when the Yukawa coupling is decreased the finite size behavior gets complicated and the Binder method gives inconsistent results for different lattice sizes. This signals a cross-over between the universality classes of the two fixed points.Comment: 24 pp. LaTeX 2e src, needs psfig.st

    Scale distributions and fractal dimensions in turbulence

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    A new geometric framework connecting scale distributions to coverage statistics is employed to analyze level sets arising in turbulence as well as in other phenomena. A 1D formalism is described and applied to Poisson, lognormal, and power-law statistics. A d-dimensional generalization is also presented. Level sets of 2D spatial measurements of jet-fluid concentration in turbulent jets are analyzed to compute scale distributions and fractal dimensions. Lognormal statistics are used to model the level sets at inner scales. The results are in accord with data from other turbulent flows

    Shape Complexity in Turbulence

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    The shape complexity of irregular surfaces is quantified by a dimensionless area-volume measure. A joint distribution of shape complexity and size is found for level-set islands and lakes in two-dimensional slices of the scalar field of liquid-phase turbulent jets, with complexity values increasing with size. A well-defined power law, over 3 decades in size (6 decades in area), is found for the shape complexity distribution. Such properties are important in various phenomena that rely on large area-volume ratios of surfaces or interfaces, such as turbulent mixing and combustion

    Sturcture of the Goldstone Bosons

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    The feasibility of measuring the pion and kaon structure functions has been investigated. A high luminosity electron-proton collider would make these measurements feasible. Also, it appears feasible to measure these structure functions in a nuclear medium. Simulations using the RAPGAP Monte Carlo of a possible pion structure function measurement are presented.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Second Workshop on Physics with an Electron Polarized Light-Ion Collider, 14-16 Sept 2000, Cambridge, Ma 6 pages, 5 figures, late

    Mixing in turbulent jets: scalar measures and isosurface geometry

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    Experiments have been conducted to investigate mixing and the geometry of scalar isosurfaces in turbulent jets. Specifically, we have obtained high-resolution, high-signal-to-noise-ratio images of the jet-fluid concentration in the far field of round, liquid-phase, turbulent jets, in the Reynolds number range 4.5 × 10^3 ≤ Re ≤ 18 × 10^3, using laser-induced-fluorescence imaging techniques. Analysis of these data indicates that this Reynolds-number range spans a mixing transition in the far field of turbulent jets. This is manifested in the probability-density function of the scalar field, as well as in measures of the scalar isosurfaces. Classical as well as fractal measures of these isosurfaces have been computed, from small to large spatial scales, and are found to be functions of both scalar threshold and Reynolds number. The coverage of level sets of jet-fluid concentration in the two-dimensional images is found to possess a scale-dependent-fractal dimension that increases continuously with increasing scale, from near unity, at the smallest scales, to 2, at the largest scales. The geometry of the scalar isosurfaces is, therefore, more complex than power-law fractal, exhibiting an increasing complexity with increasing scale. This behaviour necessitates a scale-dependent generalization of power-law-fractal geometry. A connection between scale-dependent-fractal geometry and the distribution of scales is established and used to compute the distribution of spatial scales in the flow

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Transport Systems in Trees

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    Our ecosystem is dependent upon the ability of photosynthetic plants to convert solar energy into a form of energy useable to biological organisms. Even so, much remains to become understood about how plants function. With such expansive bodies,how do trees cyclewaterand nutrients throughouttheir bodies

    Coulomb blockade in silicon based structures at temperatures up to 50 K

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    Coulomb blockade has been observed in the current-voltage characteristics of structures fabricated in silicon germanium delta-doped material at temperatures up to 50 K. This is consistent with the estimated effective tunnel capacitance of 10 aF which is significantly smaller than the reported capacitances of tunnel junctions made from Al or GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

    Zero gravity tissue-culture laboratory

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    Hardware was developed for performing experiments to detect the effects that zero gravity may have on living human cells. The hardware is composed of a timelapse camera that photographs the activity of cell specimens and an experiment module in which a variety of living-cell experiments can be performed using interchangeable modules. The experiment is scheduled for the first manned Skylab mission

    Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility

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    Economists and social scientists have long been interested in intergenerational mobility, and documenting the persistence between parents and children's outcomes has been an active area of research. However, since Gary Solon's 1999 Chapter in the Handbook of Labor Economics, the literature has taken an interesting turn. In addition to focusing on obtaining precise estimates of correlations and elasticities, the literature has placed increased emphasis on the causal mechanisms that underlie this relationship. This chapter describes the developments in the intergenerational transmission literature since the 1999 Handbook Chapter. While there have been some important contributions in terms of measurement of elasticities and correlations, we will focus primarily on advances in our understanding of the forces driving the relationship and less on the precision of the correlations themselves.Intergenerational Transmission, Educational Mobility
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