77 research outputs found
We appreciate and would like to respond to the comments made by Nolan and Cook. We make three points in our reply, which are directed at clarifying our position and responding to a few of Nolan and Cook\u27s assumptions.
First, as a matter of clarification, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) is not a measure of summer rainfall as Nolan and Cook (2010) imply. Instead it is a theoretical measure of soil-moisture, the value of which evolves over several months in response to fluxes of precipitation, evaporation, and runoff. In practice, PDSI is usually heavily weighted toward the precipitation side of the soil water balance.
Second, with regard to archaeological facts, the known developmental trajectory of the greater Cahokia region is not quite as Nolan and Cook describe it. In their discussion of the timing of the precocious development of social complexity in the American Bottom, Nolan and Cook refer to the American Bottom during both the Edelhardt (A.D. 1000-1050) and Lohmann phases (A.D. 1050-1100) as being relatively wet but not the wettest areas in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio Valleys. However, Cahokia\u27s big bang dates to the end of the Edelhardt phase and continued through the Lohmann phase, so the overall climatic state of the Edelhardt phase is not at issue. Nolan and Cook\u27s Figure 2 supports the concept that the Cahokia area was extremely wet during the Lohmann phase as opposed to the Edelhardt phase
The dynamics of pre-state political centralization in the North American midcontinent.
Previous theoretical studies of the civilizing process have considered pre-state political centralization independent of the process of the formation of and interaction between social classes. From a political-cultural perspective, the two are inextricably bound. The regional political consolidation of chiefly authority at Cahokia, located in the Mississippi River floodplain of southwestern Illinois, is to be seen in the context of the long-term development of a cultural hegemony. When and how the political authority of complex chiefdoms may have been established and perpetuated is understood with reference to the diffusion of an elite ideology, elite actions in accord with this ideology, and the alienation of low-ranking subgroups from their traditional past. A relatively fine-scale subphase chronology is developed using K-means grouping and multidimensional-scaling procedures. This chronology permits the measurement of community-organizational and refuse-compositional change using architectural and artifactual evidence from the paramount chiefly center of Cahokia. Diachronic changes in the density of nonlocal items and craft-goods residues originating in the Ozark highlands, the Interior Low Plateau, and the Coastal Plain along with changes in community plans, the form and tempo of monument construction, and the appearance of decorative motifs on pots are analyzed. A qualitative shift in the political economy and community structure of prehistoric Cahokia is identified, corresponding to changes in the regional settlement patterns. It is inferred that regional political centralization occurred prior to the ultimate sacralization of chiefly authority. There exist indications of an initial (Lohmann-phase, A.D. 1000-1050) collaborative paramountcy legitimized through the control of exotica and esoterica and symbolized by hand-held objects or weaponry. This apparently was followed decades later by the iconographic and monumental signs of a divine chiefship (Stirling phase, A.D. 1050-1150), to the possible detriment of the continued expansion of the regional political economy. These results serve to highlight the critical importance of human consciousness, actions, and ideology in our understanding of the emergence of complex chiefdoms and social class, and in the evolution of inequality among human social formations in general.Ph.D.AnthropologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/105588/1/9135673.pdfDescription of 9135673.pdf : Restricted to UM users only
Chiefdoms: Power, Economy, and Ideology. Timothy Earle, editor. A School of American Research Book, Cambridge University Press, England, 1991. xii + 341 pp., figures, tables, references, index. ’54.50 (cloth).
New Perspectives on Cahokia: Views from the Periphery. James B. Stoltman, editor. Monographs in World Archaeology No. 2. Prehistory Press, Madison, 1991. viii + 354 pp., figures, tables, references cited. ’40.00 (paper).
Cahokia's Countryside: Household Archaeology, Settlement Patterns, and Social Power. Mark W. Mehrer. Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, 1995. xvii + 213 pp., figures, tables, references cited, index. $29.00 (paper).
Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things, by Ian Hodder, 2012. Malden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell; ISBN 978–0–470–67211–2 hardback £62.00, €74.40, 37.95; xii+252 pp., 26 figs; e-book £20.99, €24.99, 40.00; xv+304 pp., 31 figs.; e-book 28.00 - Archaeology: The Discipline of Things, by Bjørnar Olsen, Michael Shanks, Timothy Webmoor & Christopher Witmore, 2012. Berkeley (CA): University of California Press; ISBN 978–0–520–27417–4 paperback £24.95, 34.95; ix+255 pp., 26 figs; hardback £52.00, 34.95 - The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World, edited by Paul Graves-Brown, Rodney Harrison & Angela Piccini, 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press; ISBN 978–0–19–960200–1 hardback £125.00, $175.00; xxvii+823 pp., 137 figs., 3 photo essays, 2 tables
TaÃno Indian Myth and Practice: The Arrival of the Stranger King. William F. Keegan. 2007. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, xvi + 230 pp. $39.95 (cloth), ISBN-13 978-0-8130-3038-8.
An Archaeology of Doings: Secularism and the Study of Pueblo Religion. Severin M. Fowles. 2013. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico. xvi + 306 pp. $34.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-934691-56-4.
Cahokia\u27s Boom and Bust in the Context of Climate Change
During the early Mississippian Lohmann phase (A.D. 1050-1100), the American Bottom experienced a political and economic transformation. This transformation included the abrupt planned construction of central Cahokia, a large-scale influx of people to downtown Cahokia, the abandonment of pre-Mississippian village settlements, the reorganization of farming in the Mississippi River floodplain, and the founding of the Richland farming complex in the Illinois uplands. New tree ring-based records of climate change indicate that this rapid development occurred during one of the wettest 50-year periods during the last millennium. During the next 150 years, a series of persistent droughts occurred in the Cahokian area which may be related to the eventual abandonment of the American Bottom. By A.D. 1150, in the latter part of a severe 15-year drought, the Richland farming complex was mostly abandoned, eliminating an integral part of Cahokia\u27s agricultural base. At about the same time, a 20,000-log palisade was erected around Monks Mound and the Grand Plaza, indicating increased social unrest. During this time, people began exiting Cahokia and, by the end of the Stirling phase (A.D. 1200), Cahokia\u27s population had decreased by about 50 percent and by A.D. 1350, Cahokia and much of the central Mississippi valley had been abandoned
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