1,541 research outputs found

    Arp 65 interaction debris: massive HI displacement and star formation

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    Context: Pre-merger interactions between galaxies can induce significant changes in the morphologies and kinematics of the stellar and ISM components. Large amounts of gas and stars are often found to be disturbed or displaced as tidal debris. This debris then evolves, sometimes forming stars and occasionally tidal dwarf galaxies. Here we present results from our HI study of Arp 65, an interacting pair hosting extended HI tidal debris. Aims: In an effort to understand the evolution of tidal debris produced by interacting pairs of galaxies, including in situ star and tidal dwarf galaxy formation, we are mapping HI in a sample of interacting galaxy pairs. The Arp 65 pair is one of them. Methods: Our resolved HI 21 cm line survey is being carried out using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). We used our HI survey data as well as available SDSS optical, Spitzer infra-red and GALEX UV data to study the evolution of the tidal debris and the correlation of HI with the star-forming regions within it. Results: In Arp 65 we see a high impact pre-merger interaction involving a pair of massive galaxies (NGC 90 and NGC 93) that have a stellar mass ratio of ~ 1:3. The interaction, which probably occurred ~ 1.0 -- 2.5 ×\times 108^8 yr ago, appears to have displaced a large fraction of the HI in NGC 90 (including the highest column density HI) beyond its optical disk. We also find extended ongoing star formation in the outer disk of NGC 90. In the major star-forming regions, we find the HI column densities to be ~ 4.7 ×\times 1020^{20} cm−2^{-2} or lower. But no signature of star formation was found in the highest column density HI debris, SE of NGC 90. This indicates conditions within the highest column density HI debris remain hostile to star formation and it reaffirms that high HI column densities may be a necessary but not sufficient criterion for star formation.Comment: Accepted in A&

    When left ventricular failure complicates chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Hypoxia plays the major role

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    Abstract Introduction: As the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) progress, is usually accompanied by involvement of the both left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV), and their systolic and diastolic function. Signs and symptoms of LV failure can be difficult to distinguish from those of COPD. Objective: The study was carried out to determine the prevalence of LV systolic dysfunction in the COPD patients and to assess the possible risk factor behind such development. Material and Methods: It is a prospective study of 60 cases of COPD patients with or without cor-pulmonale attending Manipal Teaching Hospital. Results: The prevalence of LV systolic dysfunction was found to be 26.7%, and the findings directly correlate with the severity of COPD i.e., the more the severity of the lung disease more the probability for the incidence of LV systolic dysfunction. These data are in support of the hypothesis that hypoxia and the excess accumulation of toxic metabolic products like lactic acid, significant right-to-left shunting through the bronchial circulation explains the diminished LV ejection fraction in severe COPD patients. Conclusion: Routine echocardiography investigation of the severe COPD patients is required for assessing the status of LV function and to rule out the possible association of LV systolic dysfunction. Key words: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cor-pulmonale, Hypoxia, LV systolic dysfunction hronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease state characterized by the presence of airflow obstruction due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema which is progressive and is partially reversible. Right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy and dilatation secondary to pulmonary hypertension caused by COPD (i.e., cor pulmonale) is unrelated to the left side of the heart. With RV pressure overload, the septum tends to be displaced toward the left ventricle (LV) during systole, which causes a distortion of the LV 1 . Since the myocardial fibres of the RV free walls are connected with those of the septum and LV free wall, a pressure increase in the RV is accompanied by changes in the LV systolic function 2 . This might be a partial explanation for the LV involvement in the course of COPD, causing an increased morbidity and mortality of ischemic heart disease and LV dysfunction 3 . Understanding the relationship between RV hypertrophy and LV systolic function in patients with COPD will be helpful for the better patient management. Objective The main objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of LV systolic dysfunction in the COPD patients and to assess the possible risk factor behind such development

    Planning and costing of agricultural adaptation with reference to integrated hill farming systems in Nepal.

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    1. Despite an existing information gap in scientific evidence regarding the effects of future changes in climate patterns and options for the future, the community-based adaptation process should nevertheless be initiated. This requires community involvement through participatory planning in order to make use of local experiences and knowledge. 2. The existing technologies at the community level, and among researchers supporting communities in undertaking adaptations to climate change, are currently inadequately disseminated. While the generation of additional technologies is regarded as a priority in the long term, transfer of already available technologies to the user community should be the immediate priority. 3. The local adaptation plan of action (LAPA) is an effective means to mainstream adaptation options in national and local governmental plans, and to support local communities in planning for adaptation. Although the initial costs of defining this methodology are high, they will decrease as soon as it is evolved and scaled up. Hence, the adaptation costs and resulting benefits will also remain at the local level. 4. The majority of the adaptation actions identified for the hill farming system in Nepal are long-term actions. In order to achieve sustainability, the adaptation actions should not be part of any project or one-time investment, but must be integrated into the regular agricultural development process. 5. Adaptation priorities for the hill farming system of Nepal mainly incorporate improved practices for integrated soil, land, hedgerow and water management – for instance, through water harvesting and small-scale irrigation measures

    Neonatal health in Nepal: analysis of absolute and relative inequalities and impact of current efforts to reduce neonatal mortality

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    Background: Nepal has made substantial progress in reducing under-five mortality and is on track to achieve Millennium Development Goal 4, but advances in neonatal health are less encouraging. The objectives of this study were to assess relative and absolute inequalities in neonatal mortality over time, and to review experience with major programs to promote neonatal health. Methods: Using four nationally representative surveys conducted in 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011, we calculated neonatal mortality rates for Nepal and for population groups based on child sex, geographical and socio-economic variables using a true cohort log probability approach. Inequalities based on different variables and years were assessed using rate differences (rd) and rate ratios (rr); time trends in neonatal mortality were measured using the annual rate of reduction. Through literature searches and expert consultation, information on Nepalese policies and programs implemented since 1990 and directly or indirectly attempting to reduce neonatal mortality was compiled. Data on timeline, coverage and effectiveness were extracted for major programs. Results: The annual rate of reduction for neonatal mortality between 1996 and 2011 (2.8 percent per annum) greatly lags behind the achievements in under-five and infant mortality, and varies across population groups. For the year 2011, stark absolute and relative inequalities in neonatal mortality exist in relation to wealth status (rd = 21.4, rr = 2.2); these are less pronounced for other measures of socio-economic status, child sex and urban-rural residence, ecological and development region. Among many efforts to promote child and maternal health, three established programs and two pilot programs emerged as particularly relevant to reducing neonatal mortality. While these were designed based on national and international evidence, information about coverage of different population groups and effectiveness is limited. Conclusion: Neonatal mortality varies greatly by socio-demographic variables. This study clearly shows that much remains to be achieved in terms of reducing neonatal mortality across different socio-economic, ethnic and geographical population groups in Nepal. In moving forward it will be important to scale up programs of proven effectiveness, conduct in-depth evaluation of promising new approaches, target unreached and hard-to-reach populations, and maximize use of financial and personnel resources through integration across programs

    Effect of Heat Stress on Crossbred Dairy Cattle in Tropical Nepal: Impact on Blood Parameters

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    Chitwan district of Nepal has been known as the dairy kingdom of the country considering its strategic location andpotential to easily provision inputs and produce as well as market quality milk across the country. However, theclimate especially during summer has been a challenge to farmers that potentially compromise the daily milk yieldof cows. Therefore, sixteen crossbred dairy cattle were placed in a RCBD fashion to assess the impacts of cold waterbathing in ameliorating effect of heat stress on their performance and body physiology. Routine assessment of themicroclimate within the experimental shed and blood parameters was made. The results from the experimentinferred that frequency of bathing (none, once, twice or thrice a day) did not have any significant impact onHaemoglobin, Haematocrit, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride and Bicarbonate levels in the blood plasma(p>0.05). Inaddition, the animals did not exhibit any signs of physiological distress clinically either. A detailed study scopingtemperature humidity index and over a number of other milk and blood parameters are to be tested across a numberof other available breeds too in order for the researchers to come to a meaningful strategy to beat the heat stress


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    Objective: The oral bioavailability of Candesartan cilexetil is less (<15%), so in this study an approach has been made to increase its bioavailability by proniosomal gel formulation.Methods: The proniosomal formulation of Candesartan cilexetil was prepared by slurry method, using span 60 and Tween 60 as non-ionic surfactants, maltodextrin as carrier and cholesterol and soya lecithin as stabilizers. Prepared gel formulations were evaluated for compatibility study, entrapment efficiency, vesicle size, surface morphology, in-vitro diffusion studies, in-vitro skin permeation studies, in-vivo pharmacokinetics studies, various release kinetic studies and stability studies.Results: FT-IR study showed no interaction between drugs and other excipients, drugs and excipients are compatible. Mean vesicles size of proniosome derived niosome was found in the range of 16.34 µm-32.48 µm and 7.25-16.45 µm before and after shaking. An optimized formulation A3 containing a 2:1 ratio of span 60 and cholesterol showed maximum entrapment (86.17%) and in-vitro drug release (93.8%) compared to other formulations. In-vitro skin permeation studies were carried out using Albino rat skin and results showed that formulation A3 exhibited 88.65% drug permeation in a steady-state manner over a period of 24 h with a flux value of 1.94 µg/cm2/h and enhancement ratio of 3.73. In-vivo pharmacokinetics studies of proniosomal gel formulation A3 showed a significant increase in bioavailability (1.425 folds) compared with an oral formulation of Candesartan cilexetil. Stability studies showed that proniosomal gel formulation was stable throughout its study period.Conclusion: Physiochemically stable Candesartan cilexetil proniosomal gel was formulated, which could deliver significant amount of the drug across the skin in a steady-state manner for the prolong period of time in the treatment of hypertension.Â

    Agreement between Lea Symbols and Patti Pics visual acuity in children and adults

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    Background: Patti Pics (PP) and Lea Symbols (LS) are commonly used by eye care practitioners worldwide. Although the relationship between the two tests is fairly well understood, the availability of different chart designs (single optotypes, multiple optotypes, multiple optotypes with crowding box) merits futher understanding. The purpose of this study is to explore the agreement between the acuity measures obtained with Patti Pics and Lea Symbols in children and adults and compare their performance with the Sloan Letter (SL) chart in adults. Methods: Monocular visual acuity was obtained from ninety-three 3 to 5-year-old children using Patti Pics and Lea Symbols. Acuities were also obtained from 113 adults using the same tests under identical conditions. Acuity results obtained with the pediatric tests were compared with the gold-standard Sloan Letter chart in adults. The Bland-Altman method was implemented to compare the level of agreement between tests. Results: Patti Pics yielded worse visual acuity than the Lea Symbols by approximately half a logMAR line in both children (mean difference: -0.07 ± 0.07 logMAR, p <0.01) and adults (Mean difference: -0.05 ± 0.06 logMAR, p <0.01). The 95% limits of agreement between Lea Symbol acuity and Patti pics acuity in children was ± 0.14 logMAR. Mean difference between the Sloan Letter chart and Lea Symbols acuity was not statistically significant (p = 0.08) in adults but the difference was statistically significant between PP and SL (p<0.001). The 95% limits of agreement between LS and SL and between PP and SL was ± 0.19 logMAR and ± 0.22 logMAR, respectively. Conclusion: Patti Pics consistently underestimated visual acuity as compared to Lea Symbols both in children and adults although the differences were not clinically significant. The LS and PP did not yield clinically significant differences in acuities when compared with Sloan letters in adults
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