326 research outputs found

    A SspI PCR-RFLP detecting a silent allele at the goat CSN2 locus

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    The comparison between the cDNA sequence obtained and the published sequences of the goat CSN2 alleles showed a new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (transition C-T) at the 180th nucleotide of the ninth exon. This mutation, which took place at 124 nt from the polyadenylation site, identifies a silent allele at the CSN2 locus named CSN2 A1. Since the 9th exon C-T transition creates a SspI endonuclease restriction site, the SspI digestion of a PCR product of 360 bp spanning the 9th exon and flanking regions, would allow carriers for the presence of thymine to be identified. The allelic frequency of the CSN2 A1 allele, determined in 170 goats belonging to an undefined genetic type reared in the province of Naples (Italy), was 0.23 It has been observed that the sequences in the 3’ untranslated regions (UTR), proximal to the polyadenylation site, can affect the mechanism of mRNA deadenylation and degradation. Therefore, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the C-T transition might, directly or indirectly, influence the stability of the mRNA and, consequently, the amount of protein produced

    A point mutation in the splice donor site of intron 7 in the as2-casein encoding gene of the Mediterranean River buffalo results in an allele-specific exon skipping

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    The CSN1S2 cDNA of 10 unrelated Mediterranean River Buffaloes reared in Southern Italy was amplified by RT-PCR, while the region from the 6th to the 8th exon of the CSN1S2 gene was amplified from genomic template. cDNA sequence comparisons showed that five individuals had a normal transcript only (named CSN1S2A), one had a deleted transcript only (named CSN1S2B), because of the splicing out of the 27-bp of exon 7, and the remaining four had a heterozygous pattern. Analysis of the genomic sequences revealed a FM865620: g.773G>C transversion that caused inactivation of the intron 7 splice donor site and, consequently, the allele-specific exon skipping characteristic of the CSN1S2B allele. The g.773G>C mutation creates a new AluI restriction site enabling a PCR– RFLP rapid genotyping assay. The cDNA sequences showed three additional exonic mutations forming an extended haplotype with the g.773G>C polymorphism: FM865618: c.459C>T, c.484A>T and c.568A>G homozygous and heterozygous respectively in the CSN1S2BB and CSN1S2AB buffaloes. The first is silent, while the remaining two are non-conservative (p.Ile162Phe and p.Thp200Ala respectively). The genotype frequencies (37 CSN1S2A/A, 15 CSN1S2A/B and one CSN1S2B/B) are in agreement with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, with the frequency of the deleted B allele being 0.16. The predicted bubaline as2B protein is 198 aa long instead of 207 aa and would also be characterized by the presence of Phe at position 147 and Ala at 185

    Joint multi-baseline SAR interferometry

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    We propose a technique to provide interferometry by combining multiple images of the same area. This technique differs from the multi-baseline approach in literature as (a) it exploits all the images simultaneously, (b) it performs a spectral shift preprocessing to remove most of the decorrelation, and (c) it exploits distributed targets. The technique is mainly intended for DEM generation at centimetric accuracy, as well as for differential interferometry. The problem is framed in the contest of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) channel estimation via the cross-relations (CR) technique and the resulting algorithm provides significant improvements with respect to conventional approaches based either on independent analysis of single interferograms or multi-baselines phase analysis of single pixels of current literature, for those targets that are correlated in all the images, like for long-term coherent areas, or for acquisitions taken with a short revisit time (as those gathered with future satellite constellations)
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