165 research outputs found

    Safety versus accessibility in maternal and perinatal care

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    This article adds to the debate on appropriate staffing in maternity units. My starting point for assessing staffing norms is the staff required to provide a safe maternity unit. A survey in 12 districts showed that their health facilities were not adequately prepared to perform all the essential emergency services required. Lack of staff was often cited as a reason. To test this notion, two norms (World Health Organization (WHO) and Greenfield) giving the minimum staff required for the provision of safe maternity services were applied to the 12 districts. Assuming the appropriate equipment is available and the facility is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, at a minimum there need to be ten professional nurses with midwifery/advanced midwives to ensure safety for mother and baby in every maternity unit. The norms indicate that the units should do a minimum of 500 - 1 200 deliveries per year to be cost-effective. All 12 districts had sufficient staff according to the WHO. When the numbers of facilities with maternity units were compared with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and WHO norms for number of health facilities per population, a large excess of facilities was found. Per district there were sufficient personnel to perform the number of deliveries for that district using the WHO or Greenfield formulas, but per site there were insufficient personnel. In my view there are sufficient personnel to provide safe maternity services, but too many units are performing deliveries, leading to dilution of staff and unsafe services. A realignment of maternity units must be undertaken to provide safe services, even at the expense of accessibility

    Ward rounds – bedside or conference room?

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    No Abstract. South African Medical Journal Vol. 96(5) 2006: 398-40

    Can the outcome of induction of labour with oral misoprostol be predicted?

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    Objective. To determine predictors of outcome for induction of labour using oral misoprostol.Setting. Labour ward at Kalafong Hospital in Atteridgeville, Pretoria, that serves an indigent South African urban population.Methods. Data were collected prospectively on all women undergoing induction of  labour with oral misoprostol from 1 March  2004 to 28 February 2005. Patients with contraindications to misoprostol induction were excluded. Univariate analysis and  logistical regression analysis were performed to determine the significant predictors of success of induction of labour. Successful induction was defined as a vaginal delivery achieved within 24 hours.Results. Five hundred and fifty-eight patients were included. There were three major  indications for induction of labour, namely hypertension (45%), postdates (22.1%)  and prelabour rupture of membranes (20.6%). Vaginal delivery was achieved within 24 hours in 52.4% of patients. The caesarean section rate was 42.1 %. Fetal heart rate changes occurred in 25.6% and    hyperstimulation in 1.4% of patients.  Logistical regression analysis identified the following parameters as independent  predictors of vaginal delivery achieved within 24 hours: primiparity (p < 0.001), Bishop score< 3 (p < 0.001), Bishop score 4- 6 (p = 0.029), ruptured membranes (p < 0.001) and preeclampsia (p = 0.006). A method of scoring (Mbele score) has been developed making use of the results of this analysis in order to predict the successful outcome of induction.Conclusions. Primigravidity, intact membranes, pre-eclampsia and a low Bishop  score were indicators of an unsuccessful  outcome for induction of labour. It is thought that the Mbele score will be helpful in counselling patients on methods of delivery when they are admitted for induction of labour

    Evaluation of a strict protocol approach in managing women with severe disease due to abortion

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    No  Abstract

    Evaluation of a strict protocol approach in managing women with severe disease due to hypertension in pregnancy: A before and after study

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    BACKGROUND: To evaluate whether the introduction of a strict protocol based on the systemic evaluation of critically ill pregnant women with complications of hypertension affected the outcome of those women. METHOD: Study group: Indigent South African women managed in the tertiary hospitals of the Pretoria Academic Complex. Since 1997 a standard definition of women with severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM), also referred to as a Nearmiss, has been used in the Pretoria Academic Complex. All cases of SAMM and maternal deaths (MD) were entered on the Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Audit System programme (MaMMAS). A comparison of outcome of severely ill women who had complications of hypertension in pregnancy was performed between 1997–1998 (original protocol) and 2002–2003 (strict protocol). Data include women referred from outside the Pretoria Academic Complex area to the tertiary hospitals. RESULTS: Between 1997–1998 there were 79 women with SAMM and 18 maternal deaths due to complications of hypertension, compared with 91 women with SAMM and 13 maternal deaths in 2002–2003. The mortality index (MI) declined from 18.6% to 12.5% (OR 0.62, 95% CI 0.27–1.45). Statistically significant fewer women had renal failure (RR 0.37, 95% CI 0.21 – 0.66) and cerebral complications (RR 0.52, 95%CI 0.34 – 0.81) during the second period, and liver dysfunction (RR 0.27 95%CI 0.06 – 1.25) tended to be lower. However, there tended to be an increase in the number of women, who had immune system failure (RR 4.2 95%CI 0.93 – 18.94) and respiratory failure (RR 1.42 95%CI 0.88 – 2.29) although it did not reach significance. Cardiac failure remained constant (RR 0.84 95%CI 0.54 – 1.30). CONCLUSION: The strict protocol approach based on the systemic evaluation of severely ill pregnant women with complications of hypertension and an intensive, regular feedback mechanism has been associated with a reduction in the number of patients with renal failure and cerebral compromise

    Scaling up kangaroo mother care in South Africa: 'on-site' versus 'off-site' educational facilitation

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    Background Scaling up the implementation of new health care interventions can be challenging and demand intensive training or retraining of health workers. This paper reports on the results of testing the effectiveness of two different kinds of face-to-face facilitation used in conjunction with a well-designed educational package in the scaling up of kangaroo mother care. Methods : Thirty-six hospitals in the Provinces of Gauteng and Mpumalanga in South Africa were targeted to implement kangaroo mother care and participated in the trial. The hospitals were paired with respect to their geographical location and annual number of births. One hospital in each pair was randomly allocated to receive either 'on-site' facilitation (Group A) or 'off-site' facilitation (Group B). Hospitals in Group A received two on-site visits, whereas delegates from hospitals in Group B attended one off-site, 'hands-on' workshop at a training hospital. All hospitals were evaluated during a site visit six to eight months after attending an introductory workshop and were scored by means of an existing progress-monitoring tool with a scoring scale of 0-30. Successful implementation was regarded as demonstrating evidence of practice (score >10) during the site visit. Results : There was no significant difference between the scores of Groups A and B (p = 0.633). Fifteen hospitals in Group A and 16 in Group B demonstrated evidence of practice. The median score for Group A was 16.52 (range 00.00-23.79) and that for Group B 14.76 (range 07.50-23.29). Conclusion : A previous trial illustrated that the implementation of a new health care intervention could be scaled up by using a carefully designed educational package, combined with face-to-face facilitation by respected resource persons. This study demonstrated that the site of facilitation, either on site or at a centre of excellence, did not influence the ability of a hospital to implement KMC. The choice of outreach strategy should be guided by local circumstances, cost and the availability of skilled facilitators

    Basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care in 12 South African health districts

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    Aim. To assess the functionality of healthcare facilities with respect to providing the signal functions of basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care in 12 districts. Setting. Twelve districts were selected from the 52 districts in South Africa, based on the number of maternal deaths, the institutional maternal mortality ratio and the stillbirth rate for the district. Methods. All community health centres (CHCs) and district, regional and tertiary hospitals were visited and detailed information was obtained on the ability of the facility to perform the basic (BEmONC) and comprehensive (CEmONC) emergency obstetric and neonatal care signal functions. Results. Fifty-three CHCs, 63 district hospitals (DHs), 13 regional hospitals and 4 tertiary hospitals were assessed. None of the CHCs could perform all seven BEmONC signal functions; the majority could not give parenteral antibiotics (68%), perform manual removal of the placenta (58%), do an assisted delivery (98%) or perform manual vacuum aspiration of the uterus in a woman with an uncomplicated incomplete miscarriage (96%). Seventeen per cent of CHCs could not bag-and-mask ventilate a neonate. Less than half (48%) of the DHs could perform all nine CEmONC signal functions (81% could perform eight of the nine functions), 24% could not perform caesarean sections, and 30% could not perform assisted deliveries. Conclusions. The ability of the CHCs and district hospitals to perform the signal functions (lifesaving services) of basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care was poor in many of the districts studied. This implies that safe maternity care was not consistently available at many facilities conducting births

    Maternal near miss and maternal death in the Pretoria Academic Complex, South Africa: A population-based study

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    Background. In order to reduce maternal mortality in South Africa (SA), it is important to understand the process of obstetric care, identify weaknesses within the system, and implement interventions for improving care.Objective. To determine the spectrum of maternal morbidity and mortality in the Pretoria Academic Complex (PAC), SA.Methods. A descriptive population-based study that included all women delivering in the PAC. The World Health Organization definition, criteria and indicators of near miss and maternal death were used to identify women with severe complications in pregnancy.Results. Between 1 August 2013 and 31 July 2014, there were 26 614 deliveries in the PAC. The institutional maternal mortality ratio was 71.4/100 000 live births. The HIV infection rate was 19.9%, and 2.7% of women had unknown HIV status. Of the women, 1 120 (4.2%) developed potentially life-threatening conditions and 136 (0.5%) life-threatening conditions. The mortality index was 14.0% overall, 30.0% for non-pregnancy-related infections, 2.0% for obstetric haemorrhage and 13.6% for hypertension. Of the women with life-threatening conditions, 39.3% were referred from the primary level of care. Vascular, uterine and coagulation dysfunctions were the most frequent organ dysfunctions in women with life-threatening conditions. The perinatal mortality rate was 26.9/1 000 births overall, 23.1/1 000 for women with non-life-threatening conditions, and 198.0/1 000 for women with life-threatening conditions.Conclusion. About one in 20 pregnant women in the PAC had a potentially life-threatening condition; 39.3% of women presented to a primary level facility as an acute emergency and had to be transferred for tertiary care. All healthcare professionals involved in maternity care must have knowledge and skills that equip them to manage obstetric emergencies. Review of the basic antenatal care protocol may be necessary
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