6,617 research outputs found

    Wingtip vortex dissipator for aircraft

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    A means for attenuating the vortex created at aircraft wingtips which consists of a retractable planar surface transverse to the airstream and attached downstream of the wingtip which creates a positive pressure gradient just downstream from the wing is presented. The positive pressure forces a break up of the rotational air flow of the vortex

    Flight tests of vortex-attenuating splines

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    Visual data on formation and motion of lift-induced wingtip vortex were obtained by stationary, airflow visualization method. Visual data indicated that vortex cannot be eliminated by merely reshaping wingtip. Configuration change will likely have only small effect on far-field flow

    An investigation of the increase in vortex induced rolling moment associated with landing gear wake

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    Flight tests were conducted to verify the results found in ground base facilities of the effect of span lift load variation as well as the vortex attentuation of the high energy jet engine exhaust through proper thrust programming. During these flight tests a large increase in vortex strength was experienced as a result of extending the landing gear. Tests in the Langley Vortex Research Facility indicate that the wake produced by the landing gear may possibly form an aerodynamic endplate or reflection plane at the inboard edge of each inboard flap which increases the effective aspect ratio of the flap and thereby increases the strength of the flap outer edge vortex

    Thrust-augmented vortex attenuation

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the vortex attenuating effect of engine thrust. Tests were made using a 0.03-scale model of the Boeing 747 transport aircraft as a vortex generating model. A Learjet-class probe model was used to measure the vortex induced rolling moment at a scale separation distance of 1.63 km. These tests were conducted at a lift coefficient of 1.4 at a model velocity of 30.48 m/s. The data presented indicate that engine thrust is effective as a vortex attenuating device when the engines are operated at high thrust levels and are positioned to direct the high energy engine wake into the core of the vortex. The greatest thrust vortex attenuation was obtained by operating the inboard engine thrust reversers at one-quarter thrust and the outboard engines at maximum forward thrust

    A static air flow visualization method to obtain a time history of the lift-induced vortex and circulation

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    A recently proposed method of flow visualization was investigated at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Langley Research Center. This method of flow visualization is particularly applicable to the study of lift-induced wing tip vortices through which it is possible to record the entire life span of the vortex. To accomplish this, a vertical screen of smoke was produced perpendicular to the flight path and allowed to become stationary. A model was then driven through the screen of smoke producing the circular vortex motion made visible as the smoke was induced along the path taken by the flow and was recorded by highspeed motion pictures

    The NASA supercritical-wing technology

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    A number of high aspect ratio supercritical wings in combination with a representative wide body type fuselage were tested in the Langley 8 foot transonic pressure tunnel. The wing parameters investigated include aspect ratio, sweep, thickness to chord ratio, and camber. Subsequent to these initial series of tests, a particular wing configuration was selected for further study and development. Tests on the selected wing involved the incorporation of a larger inboard trailing edge extension, an inboard leading edge extension, and flow through nacelles. Range factors for the various supercritical wing configurations are compared with those for a reference wide body transport configuration

    Exploratory wind-tunnel investigation of a wingtip-mounted vortex turbine for vortex energy recovery

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    The Langley 8-foot transonic pressure tunnel was used for tests to determine the possibility of recovering, with a turbine-type device, part of the energy loss associated with the lift-induced vortex system. Tests were conducted on a semispan model with an unswept, untapered wing, with and without a wingtip-mounted vortex turbine. Three sets of turbine blades were tested to determine the effect of airfoil section shape and planform. The tests were conducted at a Mach number of 0.70 over an angle-of-attack range from 0 deg. to 4 deg. at a Reynolds number of 3.82 x 10 to the 6th power based on the wing reference chord of 13 in

    Effect of underwing aft-mounted nacelles on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a high-wing transport airplane

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    As part of a propulsion/airframe integration program, tests were conducted in the Langley 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel to determine the longitudinal aerodynamic effects of installing flow through engine nacelles in the aft underwing position of a high wing transonic transfer airplane. Mixed flow nacelles with circular and D-shaped inlets were tested at free stream Mach numbers from 0.70 to 0.85 and angles of attack from -2.5 deg to 4.0 deg. The aerodynamic effects of installing antishock bodies on the wing and nacelle upper surfaces as a means of attaching and supporting nacelles in an extreme aft position were investigated

    A wind tunnel investigation of jet-wake effect of a high-bypass engine on wing-nacelle interference drag of a subsonic transport

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    Jet wake effect of high bypass jet engine on wing-nacelle interference drag of subsonic transport mode