2,459 research outputs found

    Endings: What Can You Teach?

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    Our writer-in-residence shares strategies for crafting the perfect ending to a story

    Assessing a Young Writer’s Story

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    Now that\u27s a story! Find out what this 1st grader is doing well and what our writer-in-residence would teach next

    Beginnings: 3 Examples (And Why They Work)

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    Our writer-in-residence helps us look closely at the beginnings of three short stories

    Interactive Bulletin Boards that Support Writing

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    Great writing instruction = student created bulletin boards. Here are some ideas

    Hold Readers at a Climax

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    Our writer-in-residence says: A climax is long. In fact, it\u27s a place to hold readers

    Feed Your Writer’s Notebook This Summer

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    Summer is a great time to tend to your writer\u27s notebook. You can stock up on notebook entries that will support your mini-lessons during the school year. Not sure what to write? Here are some notebook strategies to help fuel your inspiration

    4 Craft Strategies to Notice in \u3cem\u3eThe Leaving Morning\u3c/em\u3e (And Why)

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    What can you learn about writing from a picture book? Lots

    Julie\u27s 5 Most Frequently Used Notebook Strategies

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    People always ask, “How do you come up with ideas for writing?” So I analyzed my writer’s notebook and identified my most frequently used strategies for recording, nurturing and thinking about story content

    Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in Youth and Adolescents

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    Until recently, Type 2 diabetes was typically regarded as a disease of the middle-aged and elderly. While it is still true that this age group maintains a higher risk than younger adults, evidence is accumulating that onset in those of a much younger age. Children and adolescents are now part of this epidemic. This new phenomenon brings a serious new aspect to the global diabetes epidemic and heralds an emerging public health problem of major proportions. Prevention and treatment in these youth cannot be taken lightly. Prevention can be maintained through implementing exercise and balanced nutrition. It is essential to involve the whole society in this prevention process including schools, healthcare workers, friends and families. Treatment is important to help these youth avoid further complications later in life. Treatment involves weight loss, exercise, medication and maintenance of the disease. Type 2 diabetes in our youth is a serious concern and needs to be recognized as such if the problem is to be corrected

    Methods of Teaching the Holocaust to Secondary Students as Implemented by Tennessee Recipients of the Belz-Lipman Holocaust Educator of the Year Awards.

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    Teaching the Holocaust is a challenging task. Not only do educators have a responsibility to impart the historical information surrounding these events, but issues of humanity are also an important part of the lessons. As of 2001, Holocaust education has been mandated by at least 6 states in the United States. At least 11 others, including Tennessee, have task forces or commissions responsible for promoting Holocaust education and providing professional development opportunities and materials for teaching such units. It is conceivable that additional states will enact legislation requiring Holocaust studies. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore methods of teaching Holocaust education in a variety of subject areas to secondary students in grades 7 through 12, as implemented by recipients of Tennessee\u27s Belz-Lipman Holocaust Educator of the Year Awards. These individuals have been recognized, through an application and committee selection process, as outstanding and successful teachers in this field. The researcher interviewed 17 of the 39 award recipients from across the State of Tennessee to determine commonalities in the resources, materials, and instructional methods used by the teachers. The participants included 4 males and 13 females, representing language arts (8) and social science (8) teachers from the middle school and high school levels. One participant taught a class in which students could obtain credit in both academic areas. The findings of this study included the importance of teacher training in this area; participants spoke of regularly attending sessions offered by reputable Holocaust organizations. This study also found commonalities in resources and materials used, such as specific titles of poetry, literature, and movie selections. Additionally, instructional methods such as group discussions, writing assignments, student project activities, and assessment strategies were frequently discussed. The importance of personalizing Holocaust history was emphasized throughout the study. The results indicate that students and teachers benefited from these lessons. While the findings of this study significantly contribute to the field of Holocaust education in Tennessee, the need for additional research is also addressed. To ensure successful, meaningful, pedagogically sound lessons, attention to this topic must be an on-going endeavor
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