3 research outputs found

    Effect of substrate stiffness on physicochemical properties of normal and fibrotic lung fibroblasts

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    The presented research aims to verify whether physicochemical properties of lung fibroblasts, modified by substrate stiffness, can be used to discriminate between normal and fibrotic cells from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The impact of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate stiffness on the physicochemical properties of normal (LL24) and IPF-derived lung fibroblasts (LL97A) was examined in detail. The growth and elasticity of cells were assessed using fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy working in force spectroscopy mode, respectively. The number of fibroblasts, as well as their shape and the arrangement, strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the substrate. Moreover, normal fibroblasts remain more rigid as compared to their fibrotic counterparts, which may indicate the impairments of IPF-derived fibroblasts induced by the fibrosis process. The chemical properties of normal and IPF-derived lung fibroblasts inspected using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, and analyzed complexly with principal component analysis (PCA), show a significant difference in the distribution of cholesterol and phospholipids. Based on the observed distinctions between healthy and fibrotic cells, the mechanical properties of cells may serve as prospective diagnostic biomarkers enabling fast and reliable identification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)

    Impact of PDMS substrates with different flexibility on fibroblast properties in lung diseases

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    Obecny stopie艅 zaawansowania metod diagnostycznych jest bardzo wysoki. Pomimo to, w dalszym ci膮gu istnieje wiele chor贸b, w przypadku kt贸rych postawienie ostatecznej diagnozy jest bardzo trudnym zadaniem. Niejednokrotnie w ca艂y proces zaanga偶owane jest szerokie grono specjalist贸w. Jedn膮 z takich chor贸b jest idiopatyczne w艂贸knienie p艂uc, kt贸re nale偶y do grupy chor贸b 艣r贸dmi膮偶szowych p艂uc. Zmiany zachodz膮ce w jej przebiegu obejmuj膮 przede wszystkim mi膮偶sz p艂ucny, powoduj膮c zaburzenia wentylacji uk艂adu oddechowego o typie restrykcji oraz upo艣ledzenie wymiany gazowej. Rokowanie dla pacjent贸w u kt贸rych ostatecznie stwierdzono t臋 rzadk膮 chorob臋 nie jest dobre, a mediana prze偶ycia wynosi 3-5 lat. Szereg objaw贸w towarzysz膮cych idiopatycznemu w艂贸knieniu p艂uc jest bardzo zbli偶ony do innych jednostek chorobowych p艂uc. Dlatego te偶 g艂贸wnym wyzwaniem dzisiejszej medycyny jest opracowanie metody diagnostycznej pozwalaj膮ce w spos贸b jednoznaczny okre艣li膰, z kt贸r膮 jednostk膮 chorobow膮 mamy do czynienia, umo偶liwiaj膮c szybkie wdro偶enie w艂a艣ciwej terapii i poprawienie rokowa艅. Jak pokazuj膮 najnowsze doniesienia ze 艣wiata nauki, wiele chor贸b wywiera wp艂yw na w艂a艣ciwo艣ci biomechaniczne kom贸rek. Takie badania zosta艂y ju偶 przeprowadzone m.in. dla kom贸rek raka prostaty. R贸wnie偶 w przypadku kom贸rek pochodz膮cych z idiopatycznego w艂贸knienia p艂uc pokazano, 偶e zachodzi korelacja wyst臋powania schorzenia z ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ciami mechanicznymi. Bardzo istotnym aspektem jest zbadanie czy w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechaniczne fibroblast贸w mog膮 stanowi膰 biomarker, pozwalaj膮cy na ich jednoznaczne rozr贸偶nienie. Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie wp艂ywu elastyczno艣ci pod艂o偶a hodowlanego na biomechanik臋, proliferacj臋 oraz morfologi臋 prawid艂owych fibroblast贸w i kom贸rek pochodz膮cych z idiopatycznego w艂贸knienia p艂uc. Elastyczno艣膰 fibroblast贸w wyznaczono przy u偶yciu mikroskopii si艂 atomowych (AFM). Pomiary wykonano dla dw贸ch linii kom贸rek p臋cherzyk贸w p艂ucnych: prawid艂owych kom贸rek LL24 i pochodz膮cych z idiopatycznego w艂贸knienia p艂uc LL97A. Analiz臋 proliferacji i zmian morfologicznych przeprowadzono na podstawie zdj臋膰 z mikroskopu fluorescencyjnego. W tym celu badane pr贸bki zosta艂y wybarwione za pomoc膮 barwnik贸w fluorescencyjnych, kt贸re selektywnie wi膮za艂y si臋 z j膮drem kom贸rkowym i szkieletem kom贸rkowym. Uzyskane wyniki, kt贸re zosta艂y przedstawione w niniejszej pracy, wskazuj膮 偶e elastyczno艣膰 pod艂o偶a na kt贸rym by艂y hodowane kom贸rki ma wp艂yw na zmiany ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechanicznych. R贸偶nice zosta艂y r贸wnie偶 zaobserwowane dla proliferacji i morfologii kom贸rek.The current level of advancement of diagnostic methods is very high. Despite this, there are still many diseases for which the final diagnosis is a very difficult task. A wide range of specialists is often involved in the whole process. One such disease is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which belongs to the group of interstitial lung diseases. Changes occurring in its course include primarily pulmonary parenchyma, causing respiratory ventilation disorderson the type of restriction and impairment of gas exchange. The prognosis for patients who eventually have this rare disease is not good and the median survival is 3-5 years. The number of symptoms associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is very similarto other lung diseases. Therefore, the main challenge of today's medicine is to develop a diagnostic method that allows you to clearly determine which disease entity we are dealing with, allowing you to quickly implement the right therapy and improve prognosis. As the latest reports from the world of science show, many diseases affect the biomechanical properties of cells. Such studies have already been conducted, among others for prostate cancer cells. Also, in the case of cells derived from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, it has been shown that there is a correlation between the occurrence of the disease and their mechanical properties. A very important aspect is to examine whether the mechanical properties of fibroblasts can constitute a biomarker, allowing them to be clearly distinguished. The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of flexibility in culture mediumon biomechanics, proliferation and morphology of normal fibroblasts and cells derived from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The flexibility of fibroblasts was determined using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Measurements were made for two alveolar cell lines: normal LL24 cells and derived from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis LL97A. Analysis of proliferation and morphological changes was performedbased on fluorescence microscope photos. To this end, the test samples were stained with fluorescent dyes, which selectively bound to the cell nucleus and the cell skeleton.The obtained results, which were presented in this paper, indicatethat the elasticity of the medium on which the cells were grown has an effect on the changes in their mechanical properties. Differences have also been observed for proliferationand cell morphology

    Thallus hydration properties of Turgidosculum complicatulum

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    Grzyby zliczenizowane zasiedlaj膮ce tereny Antarktydy Oceanicznej na drodze ewolucji wykszta艂ci艂y niezwyk艂e w艂asno艣ci prze偶ywania w skrajnie trudnych warunkach 艣rodowiskowych. Celem pracy by艂o zbadanie w艂asno艣ci hydratacyjnych plechy porostu Turgidosculum complicatulum. Badanie procesu rehydratacji porostu Turgidosculum complicatulum i glonu Prasiola crispa przeprowadzono za pomoc膮 izotermy sorpcyjnej (model Denta), kinetyki hydratacji (pomiary grawimetryczne). W pierwszym etapie bada艅 przeprowadzono proces dehydratacji, podczas kt贸rego pr贸bki kompleksu jak r贸wnie偶 samego glonu zamkni臋to w szczelnych eksykatorach nad 偶elem krzemionkowym nast臋pnie wa偶膮c ka偶d膮 z pr贸bek w r贸wnych odst臋pach czasu. Nast臋pnym etapem by艂o przeniesienie pr贸bek do eksykator贸w o zadanych wilgotno艣ciach oraz wa偶enie pr贸bek w r贸wnych odst臋pach czasu. Kinetyka hydratacji plechy grzyba zlichenizowanego Turgidosculum complicatulum, a tak偶e jego fotobiontu Prasiola crispa prowadzona z fazy gazowej zosta艂a opisana superpozycj膮 dw贸ch funkcji eksponencjalnych. Po przeanalizowaniu wynik贸w wyodr臋bniono trzy frakcje wody zwi膮zanej: wod臋 naj艣ci艣lej zwi膮zan膮, 艣ci艣le zwi膮zan膮 jak r贸wnie偶 lu藕no zwi膮zan膮. Izoterma sorpcyjna zar贸wno dla T. complicatulum jak i dla P. crispa ma kszta艂tsigmoidalny i dobrze opisana jest izoterm膮 Denta, co pozwala wyodr臋bni膰 dwarodzaje miejsc wi膮偶膮cych wod臋 na powierzchni plechy, a mianowicie pierwotne i wt贸rnemiejsca wi膮偶膮ce.Lichens colonizing areas of Antarctica Oceanic developed through evolution unusual properties of living in extremely harsh environmental conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the properties of lichen thallus hydration Turgidosculum complicatulum. Explore the process of rehydration lichen and algae Turgidosculum complicatulum Prasiola crispa performed using sorption isotherms (model Dent), the kinetics of hydration (gravimetric measurements). In the first stage of the study carried out a dehydration process in which a sample of the complex as well as the algae closed in sealed desiccators over silica gel by weighing each of the samples at regular intervals. The next step was to transfer the samples to the desiccators with given wigotno艣ciach and weighing the samples at regular intervals. Hydration kinetics fronds plug zlichenizowanego Turgidosculum complicatulum and its fotobiontu Prasiola crispa conducted from the gas phase is described superposition of two exponential functions. After analyzing the results of an earmarked three fractions of bound water: water closely related, closely related as well as loosely bound. The sorption isotherm for both T. complicatulum and for P. crispa is shapedsigmoidal and well described Dent isotherm, which allows you to extract twotypes of binding sites on the surface of the water thallus, namely primary and secondarybinding sites