8 research outputs found

    Map of the Weddell Sea showing the haul-out locations.

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    <p>Haul-out locations of 31 Weddell seals in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica during the austral winter of 2007 (n = 4, blue circles), 2009 (n = 8, red squares) and 2011 (n = 19, dark green dots). For the purposes of this study the black contour line depicts the continental shelf break at 1000 m depths and the dark grey patch is the Antarctic continent including ice shelves. The yellow circles highlight the two tagging sites used in all years. The inset figure at the top shows the study area (lighter grey) in the wider context. Bathymetry data are from the ETOPO1 model [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0155817#pone.0155817.ref039" target="_blank">39</a>]. Light grey shaded areas correspond to an observed sea ice concentration of more than 20% on 1<sup>st</sup> March 2011; based on daily AMSR-E/Aqua sea ice concentration data on a 12.5 km grid [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0155817#pone.0155817.ref040" target="_blank">40</a>].</p

    Density plot of percentage of seals hauled out within the specific hour.

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    <p>Densities for males (top) and females (bottom) of less than 20% are not shown. Background colours show the sun angle for an observer at latitude of 74.5°S with contour lines for astronomical twilight (-12°), nautical twilight (-8°), civil twilight (-6°) and sun rise/set (-0.8°). Night time (sun angle below -8°) is grey, while day time (sun angle above -8°) is yellow.</p

    Timing of haul-out event vs. diving effort.

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    <p>Local time of the centre of haul-out events in relation to the diving effort preceding that event, as defined in the text (Tm vs Td) for males (left) and females (right). Only boxes with at least 2 haul-outs are shown. The darker the colour of the grid cell the longer the average haul-out duration corresponding to that percentage of diving.</p

    Logarithmic density plot of haul-out timing over duration.

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    <p>Number of haul-out events over the centre time of haul-outs (Tm) and duration of haul-outs (Td) for the complete dataset. The darker the grid cell the more events occurred (see colour bar).</p

    Time series of time spent in different behavioural modes.

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    <p>(A) Time series of monthly percentage time spent in different behavioural modes for all seals. (B) Weekly average of percentage time spent hauled out for each seal used in this study. The two bottom lines show the weekly mean values for males and females respectively.</p