504 research outputs found

    Gemini-South + FLAMINGOS Demonstration Science: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the z=5.77 Quasar SDSS J083643.85+005453.3

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    We report an infrared 1-1.8 micron (J+H-bands), low-resolution (R=450) spectrogram of the highest-redshift radio-loud quasar currently known, SDSS J083643.85+005453.3, obtained during the spectroscopic commissioning run of the FLAMINGOS multi-object, near-infrared spectrograph at the 8m Gemini-South Observatory. These data show broad emission from both CIV 1549 and CIII] 1909, with strengths comparable to lower-redshift quasar composite spectra. The implication is that there is substantial enrichment of the quasar environment, even at times less than a billion years after the Big Bang. The redshift derived from these features is z = 5.774 +/- 0.003, more accurate and slightly lower than the z = 5.82 reported in the discovery paper based on the partially-absorbed Lyman-alpha emission line. The infrared continuum is significantly redder than lower-redshift quasar composites. Fitting the spectrum from 1.0 to 1.7 microns with a power law f(nu) ~ nu^(-alpha), the derived power law index is alpha = 1.55 compared to the average continuum spectral index = 0.44 derived from the first SDSS composite quasar. Assuming an SMC-like extinction curve, we infer a color excess of E(B-V) = 0.09 +/- 0.01 at the quasar redshift. Only approximately 6% of quasars in the optically-selected Sloan Digital Sky Survey show comparable levels of dust reddening.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A Two-Study Comparison of Clinical and MRI Markers of Transition from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease

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    A published predictor model in a single-site cohort study (questionable dementia, QD) that contained episodic verbal memory (SRT total recall), informant report of function (FAQ), and MRI measures was tested using logistic regression and ROC analyses with comparable measures in a second multisite cohort study (Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, ADNI). There were 126 patients in QD and 282 patients in ADNI with MCI followed for 3 years. Within each sample, the differences in AUCs between the statistical models were very similar. Adding hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes to the model containing AVLT/SRT, FAQ, age and MMSE increased the area under the curve (AUC) in ADNI but not QD, with sensitivity increasing by 2% in ADNI and 2% in QD for a fixed specificity of 80%. Conversely, adding episodic verbal memory (SRT/AVLT) and FAQ to the model containing age, Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes increased the AUC in ADNI and QD, with sensitivity increasing by 17% in ADNI and 10% in QD for 80% specificity. The predictor models showed similar differences from each other in both studies, supporting independent validation. MRI hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes showed limited added predictive utility to memory and function measures

    Characteristics of Mantle Fabrics beneath the South-Central United States: Constraints from Shear-Wave Splitting Measurements

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    New shear-wave splitting measurements at permanent broadband seismic stations in the south-central United States reveal the orientation and degree of polarization of mantle fabrics, and provide constraints on models for the formation of these fabrics. For stations on the stable North American craton, correspondence between observed polarization direction of the fast wave and the trend of Proterozoic and Paleozoic structures associated with rifts and orogenic belts implies a lithospheric origin for the observed anisotropy. The largest splitting times (up to 1.6 s) are observed at stations located in the ocean-continent transition zone, in which the fast directions are parallel to the Gulf of Mexico continental margin. The parallelism and the geometry of the keel of the craton beneath the study area suggest that asthenospheric flow around the keel of the North American craton, lithospheric fabrics developed during Mesozoic rifting, or a combination of these factors are responsible for the observed anisotropy on stations above the transitional crust

    Identification of a triplet pair intermediate in singlet exciton fission in solution.

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    Singlet exciton fission is the spin-conserving transformation of one spin-singlet exciton into two spin-triplet excitons. This exciton multiplication mechanism offers an attractive route to solar cells that circumvent the single-junction Shockley-Queisser limit. Most theoretical descriptions of singlet fission invoke an intermediate state of a pair of spin-triplet excitons coupled into an overall spin-singlet configuration, but such a state has never been optically observed. In solution, we show that the dynamics of fission are diffusion limited and enable the isolation of an intermediate species. In concentrated solutions of bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)[TIPS]--tetracene we find rapid (<100 ps) formation of excimers and a slower (∼ 10 ns) break up of the excimer to two triplet exciton-bearing free molecules. These excimers are spectroscopically distinct from singlet and triplet excitons, yet possess both singlet and triplet characteristics, enabling identification as a triplet pair state. We find that this triplet pair state is significantly stabilized relative to free triplet excitons, and that it plays a critical role in the efficient endothermic singlet fission process.H.L.S was supported by the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability and A.J.M received funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://www.pnas.org/content/112/25/7656.abstract

    NuSTAR observations of the powerful radio-galaxy Cygnus A

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    We present NuSTAR observations of the powerful radio galaxy Cygnus A, focusing on the central absorbed active galactic nucleus (AGN). Cygnus A is embedded in a cool-core galaxy cluster, and hence we also examine archival XMM-Newton data to facilitate the decomposition of the spectrum into the AGN and intracluster medium (ICM) components. NuSTAR gives a source-dominated spectrum of the AGN out to >70keV. In gross terms, the NuSTAR spectrum of the AGN has the form of a power law (Gamma~1.6-1.7) absorbed by a neutral column density of N_H~1.6x10^23 cm^-2. However, we also detect curvature in the hard (>10keV) spectrum resulting from reflection by Compton-thick matter out of our line-of-sight to the X-ray source. Compton reflection, possibly from the outer accretion disk or obscuring torus, is required even permitting a high-energy cutoff in the continuum source; the limit on the cutoff energy is E_cut>111keV (90% confidence). Interestingly, the absorbed power-law plus reflection model leaves residuals suggesting the absorption/emission from a fast (15,000-26,000km/s), high column-density (N_W>3x10^23 cm^-2), highly ionized (xi~2,500 erg cm/s) wind. A second, even faster ionized wind component is also suggested by these data. We show that the ionized wind likely carries a significant mass and momentum flux, and may carry sufficient kinetic energy to exercise feedback on the host galaxy. If confirmed, the simultaneous presence of a strong wind and powerful jets in Cygnus A demonstrates that feedback from radio-jets and sub-relativistic winds are not mutually exclusive phases of AGN activity but can occur simultaneously.Comment: 13 pages; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Advanced Camera for Surveys General Catalog: Structural Parameters for Approximately Half A Million Galaxies

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    We present the Advanced Camera for Surveys General Catalog (ACS-GC), a photometric and morphological database using publicly available data obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. The goal of the ACS-GC database is to provide a large statistical sample of galaxies with reliable structural and distance measurements to probe the evolution of galaxies over a wide range of look-back times. The ACS-GC includes approximately 470,000 astronomical sources (stars + galaxies) derived from the AEGIS, COSMOS, GEMS, and GOODS surveys. Galapagos was used to construct photometric (SEXTRACTOR) and morphological (GALFIT) catalogs. The analysis assumes a single Sersic model for each object to derive quantitative structural parameters. We include publicly available redshifts from the DEEP2, COMBO-17, TKRS, PEARS, ACES, CFHTLS, and zCOSMOS surveys to supply redshifts (spectroscopic and photometric) for a considerable fraction (similar to 74%) of the imaging sample. The ACS-GC includes color postage stamps, GALFIT residual images, and photometry, structural parameters, and redshifts combined into a single catalog.NASA/ESA GO-10134, GO-09822, GO-09425.01, GO-09583.01, GO-9500NASA NAS 5-26555NSF AST00-71048NASA LTSA NNG04GC89GESO Paranal Observatory LP175.A-0839Astronom

    Dephasing time of composite fermions

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    We study the dephasing of fermions interacting with a fluctuating transverse gauge field. The divergence of the imaginary part of the fermion self energy at finite temperatures is shown to result from a breakdown of Fermi's golden rule due to a faster than exponential decay in time. The strong dephasing affects experiments where phase coherence is probed. This result is used to describe the suppression of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations of composite fermions (oscillations in the conductivity near the half-filled Landau level). We find that it is important to take into account both the effect of dephasing and the mass renormalization. We conclude that while it is possible to use the conventional theory to extract an effective mass from the temperature dependence of the SdH oscillations, the resulting effective mass differs from the mm^\ast of the quasiparticle in Fermi liquid theory.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX 3.0, epsf, 1 EPS figur

    Specific heat and validity of quasiparticle approximation in the half-filled Landau level

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    We calculate the specific heat of composite fermion system in the half-filled Landau level. Two different methods are used to examine validity of the quasiparticle approximation when the two-body interaction is given by V(q)=V0/q2ηV(q) = V_0 / q^{2-\eta} (1η21 \le \eta \le 2). The singular part of the specific heat is calculated from the free energy of the gauge field, which is compared with the specific heat calculated from the quasiparticle approximation via the singular self-energy correction due to the gauge field fluctuations. It turns out that two results are in general different and they coincide only for the case of the Coulomb interaction (η=1\eta = 1). This result supports the fact that the quasiparticle approximation is valid only for the case of the Coulomb interaction. It is emphasized that this result is obtained by looking at a gauge-invariant quantity -- the specific heat.Comment: 8 pages, Revte