9 research outputs found

    Gene array expression in retina.

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    <p><b>A</b>, Principal Component Analysis on raw expression data showing the first two principal components; <b>B</b>, Venn diagram of overlap in regulated gene number between the three different animal models.</p

    Plasma biomarkers and metabolites at the end of the study.

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    <p>Shown are mean ± SD values obtained at fasting stage at the end of study.</p

    Comparison of microarray gene expression with confirmatory realtime PCR.

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    <p>From the initial micro array 49 differentially regulated genes were selected for further confirmation by real-time PCR and normalized in the PCR to the mean of three reference genes (18s, actb, gapdh). Genes were initially selected to cover a full range from highly up-regulated (positive fc values) to down-regulated (negative fc values) genes observed between ZDF obese and lean rats. Shown are fold changes (fc) and probabilities corrected for multiple testing by a Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) methodology (p(FDR)).</p

    Relationship between oncostatin M (OSM) and literature known downstream effector genes in microarray data sets.

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    <p>Genes highlighted in orange were regulated in obese versus lean ZDF rats and STZ treated and non-treated rat retina. Genes highlighted in green were regulated in obese versus lean ZDF but not in STZ treated vs non-treated Wistar rat retina. Genes highlighted in purple were differentially regulated in STZ treated versus non-treated rats but not in obese versus lean ZDF rat retina.</p

    Up-regulation of the complement system in ZDF obese versus lean rats and STZ treated versus non-treated rats.

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    <p>Genes shown in orange color were regulated in both animal models, ZDF obese and STZ-treated rats; C1q and C1r were found regulated in ZDF but not in STZ (green color); a gray background color indicates genes which expression in retina could be confirmed but which were not regulated. Gene symbols with a transparent background color could not be assessed in the micro array measurements.</p

    The role of insulin resistance in experimental diabetic retinopathy—Genetic and molecular aspects

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Diabetic retinopathy is characterized by defects in the retinal neurovascular unit. The underlying mechanisms of impairment–including reactive intermediates and growth-factor dependent signalling pathways and their possible interplay are incompletely understood. This study aims to assess the relative role of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia alone or in combination on the gene expression patterning in the retina of animal models of diabetes.</p><p>Material and methods</p><p>As insulinopenic, hyperglycemic model reflecting type 1 diabetes, male STZ-Wistar rats (60mg/kg BW; i.p. injection at life age week 7) were used. Male obese ZDF rats (fa/fa) were used as type-2 diabetes model characterized by persisting hyperglycemia and transient hyperinsulinemia. Male obese ZF rats (fa/fa) were used reflecting euglycemia and severe insulin resistance. All groups were kept till an age of 20 weeks on respective conditions together with appropriate age-matched controls. Unbiased gene expression analysis was performed per group using Affymetrix gene arrays. Bioinformatics analysis included analysis for clustering and differential gene expression, and pathway and upstream activator analysis. Gene expression differences were confirmed by microfluidic card PCR technology.</p><p>Results</p><p>The most complex genetic regulation in the retina was observed in ZDF rats with a strong overlap to STZ-Wistar rats. Surprisingly, systemic insulin resistance alone in ZF rats without concomitant hyperglycemia did not induce any significant change in retinal gene expression pattern. Pathway analysis indicate an overlap between ZDF rats and STZ-treated rats in pathways like complement system activation, acute phase response signalling, and oncostatin-M signalling. Major array gene expression changes could be confirmed by subsequent PCR. An analysis of upstream transcriptional regulators revealed interferon-γ, interleukin-6 and oncostatin-M in STZ and ZDF rats. CONCLUSIONS: Systemic hyperinsulinaemia without hyperglycemia does not result in significant gene expression changes in retina. In contrast, persistent systemic hyperglycemia boosts much stronger expression changes with a limited number of known and new key regulators.</p></div

    Metabolic parameters in ZDF obese versus ZDF lean rats, ZF obese versus ZF lean rats and Wistar rats without and with single injection of streptozotocin.

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    <p><b>A</b>, Blood glucose monitored weekly in fed animals <b>B</b>, Body weight <b>C,</b> Food intake, <b>D,</b> Water intake; and <b>E</b> plasma insulin concentrations in fed animals, Mean ± SEM (n = 8) are shown; *) indicates p<0,05 and **) indicates p<0,01 in unpaired student t-test compared to respective control groups.</p

    Confirmation of microarray detected gene array expression by microfluidic card PCR.

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    <p><b>A,</b> relative highly expressed genes, significantly regulated in retina of ZDF obese versus ZDF lean rats; <b>B,</b> moderately and low expressed genes, significantly regulated in retina of ZDF obese versus ZDF lean rats. In the insert of Fig 3B the expression values for tnf are magnified. Shown are mean values of the relative expression and standard deviation of the mean. From each group 6 biological samples were measured. <sup>*)</sup> indicated a corrected p(FDR) value <0.05 comparing ZDF obese to ZDF lean animals; <sup>#)</sup> indicated a corrected p(FDR) value <0.05 comparing STZ treated versus non-treated Wistar rats.</p