8 research outputs found

    Direct Measurement of Ballistic and Diffusive Electron Transport in Gold

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    We experimentally show that the ballistic length of hot electrons in laser-heated gold films can exceed ∌150 nm, which is ∌50% greater than the previously reported value of 100 nm inferred from pump–probe experiments. We also find that the mean free path of electrons at the peak temperature following interband excitation can reach upward of ∌45 nm, which is higher than the average value of 30 nm predicted from our parameter-free density functional perturbation theory. Our first-principles calculations of electron–phonon coupling reveal that the increase in the mean free path due to interband excitation is a consequence of drastically reduced electron–phonon coupling from lattice stiffening, thus providing the microscopic understanding of our experimental findings

    Using Laser-Induced Thermal Voxels to Pattern Diverse Materials at the Solid–Liquid Interface

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    We describe a high-resolution patterning approach that combines the spatial control inherent to laser direct writing with the versatility of benchtop chemical synthesis. By taking advantage of the steep thermal gradient that occurs while laser heating a metal edge in contact with solution, diverse materials comprising transition metals are patterned with feature size resolution nearing 1 ÎŒm. We demonstrate fabrication of reduced metallic nickel in one step and examine electrical properties and air stability through direct-write integration onto a device platform. This strategy expands the chemistries and materials that can be used in combination with laser direct writing

    Modification of the Poly(bisdodecylquaterthiophene) Structure for High and Predominantly Nonionic Conductivity with Matched Dopants

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    Four p-type polymers were synthesized by modifying poly­(bisdodecylquaterthiophene) (PQT12) to increase oxidizability by p-dopants. A sulfur atom is inserted between the thiophene rings and dodecyl chains, and/or 3,4-ethylenedioxy groups are appended to thiophene rings of PQT12. Doped with NOBF4, PQTS12 (with sulfur in side chains) shows a conductivity of 350 S cm<sup>–1</sup>, the highest reported nonionic conductivity among films made from dopant–polymer solutions. Doped with tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ), PDTDE12 (with 3,4-ethylenedioxy groups on thiophene rings) shows a conductivity of 140 S cm<sup>–1</sup>. The converse combinations of polymer and dopant and formulations using a polymer with both the sulfur and ethylenedioxy modifications showed lower conductivities. The conductivities are stable in air without extrinsic ion contributions associated with PEDOT:PSS that cannot support sustained current or thermoelectric voltage. Efficient charge transfer, tighter π–π stacking, and strong intermolecular coupling are responsible for the conductivity. Values of nontransient Seebeck coefficient and conductivity agree with empirical modeling for materials with these levels of pure hole conductivity; the power factor compares favorably with prior p-type polymers made by the alternative process of immersion of polymer films into dopant solutions. Models and conductivities point to significant mobility increases induced by dopants on the order of 1–5 cm<sup>2</sup> V<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>, supported by field-effect transistor studies of slightly doped samples. The thermal conductivities were in the range of 0.2–0.5 W m<sup>–1</sup> K<sup>–1</sup>, typical for conductive polymers. The results point to further enhancements that could be obtained by increasing doped polymer mobilities

    Molecular Tuning of the Vibrational Thermal Transport Mechanisms in Fullerene Derivative Solutions

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    Control over the thermal conductance from excited molecules into an external environment is essential for the development of customized photothermal therapies and chemical processes. This control could be achieved through molecule tuning of the chemical moieties in fullerene derivatives. For example, the thermal transport properties in the fullerene derivatives indene-C<sub>60</sub> monoadduct (ICMA), indene-C<sub>60</sub> bisadduct (ICBA), [6,6]-phenyl C<sub>61</sub> butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), [6,6]-phenyl C<sub>61</sub> butyric acid butyl ester (PCBB), and [6,6]-phenyl C<sub>61</sub> butyric acid octyl ester (PCBO) could be tuned by choosing a functional group such that its intrinsic vibrational density of states bridge that of the parent molecule and a liquid. However, this effect has never been experimentally realized for molecular interfaces in liquid suspensions. Using the pump–probe technique time domain thermotransmittance, we measure the vibrational relaxation times of photoexcited fullerene derivatives in solutions and calculate an effective thermal boundary conductance from the opto-thermally excited molecule into the liquid. We relate the thermal boundary conductance to the vibrational modes of the functional groups using density of states calculations from molecular dynamics. Our findings indicate that the attachment of an ester group to a C<sub>60</sub> molecule, such as in PCBM, PCBB, and PCBO, provides low-frequency modes which facilitate thermal coupling with the liquid. This offers a channel for heat flow in addition to direct coupling between the buckyball and the liquid. In contrast, the attachment of indene rings to C<sub>60</sub> does not supply the same low-frequency modes and, thus, does not generate the same enhancement in thermal boundary conductance. Understanding how chemical functionalization of C<sub>60</sub> affects the vibrational thermal transport in molecule/liquid systems allows the thermal boundary conductance to be manipulated and adapted for medical and chemical applications

    Thermal Conductance across Phosphonic Acid Molecules and Interfaces: Ballistic versus Diffusive Vibrational Transport in Molecular Monolayers

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    The influence of planar organic linkers on thermal boundary conductance across hybrid interfaces has focused on the organic/inorganic interaction energy rather than on vibrational mechanisms in the molecule. As a result, research into interfacial transport at planar organic monolayer junctions has treated molecular systems as thermally ballistic. We show that thermal conductance in phosphonic acid (PA) molecules is ballistic, and the thermal boundary conductance across metal/PA/sapphire interfaces is driven by the same phononic processes as those across metal/sapphire interfaces without PAs, with one exception. We find a more than 40% reduction in conductance across henicosa­fluoro­dodecyl­phosphonic acid (F21PA) interfaces, independent of metal contact, despite similarities in structure, composition, and terminal group to the variety of other PAs studied. Our results suggest diffusive scattering of thermal vibrations in F21PA, demonstrating a clear path toward modification of interfacial thermal transport based on knowledge of ballistic and diffusive scattering in single monolayer molecular interfacial films

    Modifying Surface Energy of Graphene via Plasma-Based Chemical Functionalization to Tune Thermal and Electrical Transport at Metal Interfaces

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    The high mobility exhibited by both supported and suspended graphene, as well as its large in-plane thermal conductivity, has generated much excitement across a variety of applications. As exciting as these properties are, one of the principal issues inhibiting the development of graphene technologies pertains to difficulties in engineering high-quality metal contacts on graphene. As device dimensions decrease, the thermal and electrical resistance at the metal/graphene interface plays a dominant role in degrading overall performance. Here we demonstrate the use of a low energy, electron-beam plasma to functionalize graphene with oxygen, fluorine, and nitrogen groups, as a method to tune the thermal and electrical transport properties across gold-single layer graphene (Au/SLG) interfaces. We find that while oxygen and nitrogen groups improve the thermal boundary conductance (<i>h</i><sub>K</sub>) at the interface, their presence impairs electrical transport leading to increased contact resistance (ρ<sub>C</sub>). Conversely, functionalization with fluorine has no impact on <i>h</i><sub>K</sub>, yet ρ<sub>C</sub> decreases with increasing coverage densities. These findings indicate exciting possibilities using plasma-based chemical functionalization to tailor the thermal and electrical transport properties of metal/2D material contacts

    Room-Temperature Voltage Tunable Phonon Thermal Conductivity via Reconfigurable Interfaces in Ferroelectric Thin Films

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    Dynamic control of thermal transport in solid-state systems is a transformative capability with the promise to propel technologies including phononic logic, thermal management, and energy harvesting. A solid-state solution to rapidly manipulate phonons has escaped the scientific community. We demonstrate active and reversible tuning of thermal conductivity by manipulating the nanoscale ferroelastic domain structure of a Pb­(Zr<sub>0.3</sub>Ti<sub>0.7</sub>)­O<sub>3</sub> film with applied electric fields. With subsecond response times, the room-temperature thermal conductivity was modulated by 11%

    Interlayer Coupling Controlled Ordering and Phases in Polar Vortex Superlattices

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    The recent discovery of polar topological structures has opened the door for exciting physics and emergent properties. There is, however, little methodology to engineer stability and ordering in these systems, properties of interest for engineering emergent functionalities. Notably, when the surface area is extended to arbitrary thicknesses, the topological polar texture becomes unstable. Here we show that this instability of the phase is due to electrical coupling between successive layers. We demonstrate that this electrical coupling is indicative of an effective screening length in the dielectric, similar to the conductor–ferroelectric interface. Controlling the electrostatics of the superlattice interfaces, the system can be tuned between a pure topological vortex state and a mixed classical-topological phase. This coupling also enables engineering coherency among the vortices, not only tuning the bulk phase diagram but also enabling the emergence of a 3D lattice of polar textures