4 research outputs found

    Self-Assembly of CdSe Nanoplatelets into Giant Micrometer-Scale Needles Emitting Polarized Light

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    We report on the self-assembly of colloidal CdSe nanoplatelets into micrometers long anisotropic needle-like superparticles (SPs), which are formed in solution upon addition of an antisolvent to a stable colloidal dispersion. Optical fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering provide detailed structural characterization and show that each particle is composed of 10<sup>6</sup> nanoplatelets organized in highly aligned columns. Within the SPs, the nanoplatelets are stacked on each other to maximize the contact surface between the ligands. When deposited on a substrate, the planes of the platelets are oriented perpendicularly to its surface and the SPs exhibit polarized emission properties

    Theoretical model for the Frank elastic moduli in the intercalated SmA<sub>b</sub> phase of bent-shaped dimers

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    In our previous works we have shown that the elastic properties of the intercalated SmAb phase formed by bent-shaped dimers are governed by the nematic-like behaviour of the secondary director m that is associated with the projection of the molecular axes of the monomers on the plane of the smectic layer. From the experiment, the corresponding three Frank-like moduli K11m, K22m and K33m related to the secondary director demonstrate the usual behaviour of the Frank moduli of the nematics formed by rod-like molecules: monotonously increase with decreasing temperature. This is contrary to the temperature dependence of the elastic moduli for the primary director of N and NTB phases formed by bent-shaped dimers (for which the bend elastic constant decreases with temperature to zero). However, the values of the Frank-like moduli for SmAb were found to be smaller than their nematic-phase equivalents, and demonstrate a strong and unusual anisotropy, with K11m : K22m : K33m ratio being approximately 30 : 1 : 10. Here we present a theoretical model based on the assumption of the nematic-like order within the smectic layers that provides a qualitative explanation of the experimental results.</p

    Hybrid Nanocomposites with Tunable Alignment of the Magnetic Nanorod Filler

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    For many important applications, the performance of polymer–anisotropic particle nanocomposite materials strongly depends on the orientation of the nanoparticles. Using the very peculiar magnetic properties of goethite (α-FeOOH) nanorods, we produced goethite–poly­(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) nanocomposites in which the alignment direction and the level of orientation of the nanorods could easily be tuned by simply adjusting the intensity of a magnetic field applied during polymerization. Because the particle volume fraction was kept low (1–5.5 vol %), we used the orientational order induced by the field in the isotropic phase rather than the spontaneous orientational order of the nematic phase. At the strongest field values (up to 1.5 T), the particles exhibit almost perfect antinematic alignment, as measured by optical birefringence and small-angle X-ray scattering. The results of these two techniques are in remarkably good agreement, validating the use of birefringence measurements for quantifying the degree of orientational order. We also demonstrate that the ordering induced by the field in the isotropic suspension is preserved in the final material after field removal. This work illustrates the interest, for such problems, of considering the field-induced alignment of anisotropic nanoparticles in the isotropic phase, an approach that is effective at low filler content, that avoids the need of controlling the nematic texture, and that allows tuning of the orientation level of the particles at will simply by adjusting the field intensity

    Liquid Crystalline Polymer–Co Nanorod Hybrids: Structural Analysis and Response to a Magnetic Field

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    This work deals with the structural analysis of side-chain liquid crystalline polysiloxanes, doped with magnetic cobalt nanorods, and their orientational properties under a magnetic field. These new materials exhibit the original combination of orientational behavior and ferromagnetic properties at room temperature. Here we show that, within the liquid crystal polymer matrix, the cobalt nanorods self-assemble in bundles made of nanorod rows packed in a 2-dimensional hexagonal lattice. This structure accounts for the magnetic properties of the composites. The magnetic and orientational properties are discussed with respect to the nature of the polymer matrix