33 research outputs found

    The mitochondrial protease OMA1 acts as a metabolic safeguard upon nuclear DNA damage

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    The metabolic plasticity of mitochondria ensures cell development, differentiation, and survival. The peptidase OMA1 regulates mitochondrial morphology via OPA1 and stress signaling via DELE1 and orchestrates tumorigenesis and cell survival in a cell- and tissue-specific manner. Here, we use unbiased systems-based approaches to show that OMA1-dependent cell survival depends on metabolic cues. A metabolism-focused CRISPR screen combined with an integrated analysis of human gene expression data found that OMA1 protects against DNA damage. Nucleotide deficiencies induced by chemotherapeutic agents promote p53-dependent apoptosis of cells lacking OMA1. The protective effect of OMA1 does not depend on OMA1 activation or OMA1-mediated OPA1 and DELE1 processing. OMA1-deficient cells show reduced glycolysis and accumulate oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) proteins upon DNA damage. OXPHOS inhibition restores glycolysis and confers resistance against DNA damage. Thus, OMA1 dictates the balance between cell death and survival through the control of glucose metabolism, shedding light on its role in cancerogenesis

    L’abri sous-roche du Rozel (France, Manche) : un habitat de la phase rĂ©cente du PalĂ©olithique moyen dans son contexte gĂ©omorphologique

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    SituĂ© sur la cĂŽte ouest du Cotentin (Manche), le site du Rozel a livrĂ© un complexe de deux niveaux d’occupations anthropiques. L’abri sous-roche conservait les vestiges d’un habitat comportant des structures de combustion, du mobilier lithique et fait exceptionnel dans le Cotentin des restes osseux. L’ensemble s’inscrit dans une formation dunaire sus-jacente Ă  une plage ancienne.Initialement attribuĂ© Ă  un PĂ©rigordien ancien, le site a fait l’objet d’une “ relecture ” visant Ă  prĂ©ciser son attribution chronostratigraphique et chronoculturelle.Le Rozel est actuellement le seul gisement de Basse-Normandie a avoir livrĂ© une industrie lithique Ă  composante mixte. Les matiĂšres premiĂšres utilisĂ©es sont le quartz filonien prĂ©levĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur mĂȘme de l’abri, et les galets de silex prĂ©levĂ©s dans les cordons littoraux actifs Ă  l’époque. Les gĂ©nĂ©rations successives de grands cordons littoraux formĂ©s au fur et Ă  mesure de la rĂ©gression weichsĂ©lienne ont Ă©tĂ© enfouies trĂšs rapidement par le massif dunaire, ne permettant plus l’exploitation de leur contenu, riche en nodules propices Ă  la taille. Le dĂ©bitage apparaĂźt orientĂ©, dans les deux niveaux, vers la production d’éclats prĂ©dĂ©terminĂ©s (principalement Levallois) et d’enlĂšvements allongĂ©s. Un schĂ©ma opĂ©ratoire laminaire de type palĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence dans le niveau supĂ©rieur, liĂ© Ă  l’occupation principale de l’abri. Le site intĂšgre l’ensemble des gisements Ă  industrie laminaire de gestion volumĂ©trique du dĂ©but du Dernier Glaciaire. La faune reprĂ©sentĂ©e tĂ©moigne de conditions environnementales plutĂŽt tempĂ©rĂ©es oĂč l’aurochs, les cervidĂ©s et dans une moindre mesure les chevaux dominent. L’originalitĂ© du site rĂ©side dans la prĂ©sence d’un fragment mandibulaire de morse, associĂ© Ă  l’occupation, tĂ©moignant de conditions subarctiques temporaires. L’analyse des vestiges de faune atteste de travaux de boucherie (dĂ©coupe, fracturation des os longs) et traduit diffĂ©rents modes d’acquisition, ou des traitements particuliers en fonction des espĂšces.La convergence des observations effectuĂ©es dans les diffĂ©rentes disciplines indique que les occupations du site du Rozel se rapportent Ă  la phase rĂ©cente du PalĂ©olithique moyen du dĂ©but du dernier glaciaire weichsĂ©lien et non au PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur initial.Located on the Western coast, the Rozel provided an archaeological complex characterized by two occupation levels. The shelter has preserved traces of a habitat with combustion structures, lithic tools, and faunal remains, an exception on the Cotentin peninsula. The settlement is located in littoral dune upon a complex raised beach.Initially attributed to an Early Perigordian occupation, this site has been reinvestigated from a stratigraphic and cultural point of view. The Rozel shelter is the only occupation in the region presenting a mixed lithic industry. The raw materials used for tools are vein quartz found inside the shelter, and flint cobbles from the active gravel ridges. The successive gravels ridges raised step by step during the weichselian regression were rapidly buried by drift dune sands limiting exploitation of there high content of suitable flint knapping nodules.. In the two occupation layers “debitage” seems to be oriented to the production of predeterminated flakes (manly Levallois technique) and elongated flakes. An operating procedure ‘laminaire de type palĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur’, has been revealed in the upper floor, in relation with the main occupation of the site. Le Rozel is an integral part of the series if sites presenting volumetric blade industries from the beginning of the Weichselian. The preserved fauna attests of mostly temperate environments dominated by wild ox, deer and some horses. The particular interest of this site is the occurrence of a fragment of walrus bone in association with the occupation attesting of temporary subarctic climatic conditions. Analysis of the faunal remains attests to various slaughtering and butchering techniques indicating different methods used according to species. All these multidisciplinary approaches assign all of Le Rozel shelter occupations to the beginning of the Weichselian, not to the Early Upper Palaeolithic

    Investigation of asymmetric vortex pair interactions

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    Investigation of asymmetric vortex pair interactions

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    Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims (semester?), IPRO 332: Longitudinal Oscillator IPRO 332 Abstract F06

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    IPRO 332 begins an investigation of the use of mechanical shaker beds in a life-support capacity for beings with cardiac arrest. It will develop and continue research that was begun at the Miami Heart Research Institute, and will work in conjunction with researchers at IIT and the University of ChicagoDeliverables for IPRO 332: Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims for the Fall 2006 semeste

    Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims (semester?), IPRO 332: Longitudinal Oscillator IPRO 332 Poster F06

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    IPRO 332 begins an investigation of the use of mechanical shaker beds in a life-support capacity for beings with cardiac arrest. It will develop and continue research that was begun at the Miami Heart Research Institute, and will work in conjunction with researchers at IIT and the University of ChicagoDeliverables for IPRO 332: Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims for the Fall 2006 semeste

    Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims (semester?), IPRO 332: Longitudinal Oscillator IPRO 332 Final Report F06

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    IPRO 332 begins an investigation of the use of mechanical shaker beds in a life-support capacity for beings with cardiac arrest. It will develop and continue research that was begun at the Miami Heart Research Institute, and will work in conjunction with researchers at IIT and the University of ChicagoDeliverables for IPRO 332: Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims for the Fall 2006 semeste