8 research outputs found

    Why are these unexpected animals protected in Australia? [interview]

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    Radio National Drive interview with Claire Brennan about protected status of Australian native animals and the killing of crocodiles in Australia

    Big hopes for Indigenous recognition

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    A referendum on recognising Indigenous people in the constitution \u27cannot and must not fail\u27 according to the chair of a parliamentary inquiry into the issue. Liberal MP Ken Wyatt says a referendum should be held when it has the best chance of success, and he has tabled a long awaited report into the referendum process. Ken Wyatt Indigenous Liberal MP, WA; Chair, joint parliamentary committee on Indigenous Constitutional Recognition Credits Producer Di Martin - RN Drive Political Produce

    Report reveals high costs of youth homelessness

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    A new study has found that youth homelessness is costing the health and justice systems more than $600 million a year. The study was done over four years and followed more than four hundred young homeless people during that time. One of the report authors, Associate Professor David MacKenzie, from Swinburne University, spoke to RN Drive about the study

    Professor Patrick McGorry urges politicians and voters to act on mental health

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    Why, in this marathon election campaign, are we not hearing more about an issue that takes thousands of lives and costs the economy billions of dollars each year? The issue is mental health, and the question is being asked by many Australians, including Professor Patrick McGorry

    ‘Working Together?’: The Salvation Army and the Job Network

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    This article explores the changing relationship between government and The Salvation Army, as manifested in the development and implementation of employment policy in Australia between 1998 and 2007. This exploration focuses on the introduction of market discourse throughout the contracting process, in particular how this discourse seeks to reconstruct service users as 'consumers', and the Salvation Army's response to this. By studying the ways in which this religiously and socially motivated non-profit organization sought to mediate neo-liberal discourses of competition and consumerism, we seek to shed light on the processes and pressures affecting faith-based and other non-profit organizations that increasingly find themselves acting as agents of government policy under the principles of New Public Management (NPM)