2,386 research outputs found

    Water Borne Diseases in the RMI During the Years 2004-2015

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    Water borne diseases in the Marshall Islands contribute to one of the heavy burdens on the government’s medical expenses for hospitals in the country. These diseases are preventable. Expenses are therefore unnecessary as these can be eliminated or reduced dramatically if proper education and awareness is done regarding water and sanitation issues. These are common issues that government in developing and poor countries take for granted. Little is provided and supported in terms of finance, infrastructure and political commitment. Gastroenteritis is listed as the highest recorded cases among all other water borne related diseases such as typhoid, amebiasis, giardiasis and diarrhea. The Majuro hospital recorded almost two thousand (1770) cases in 2004 and gradually decline to lower rates about 200 cases recorded in 2012. The trend increases again in 2013 and drop to about 200 cases in 2015. This study will try to address and promote a proactive and probably the most effective learning tool to teach about water, sanitation and hygiene. These issues are not at all reflected in any school or awareness campaign systems especially with regards to sanitation and hygiene issues. If this tool is incorporated into the schools and community health education systems, the impacts will be better health for children and people in communities and little expense on medical bills. This is called the “F-Diagram.” The F-Diagram is a very simple tool to use and educate people. “F” represents key words like feces, flies, field and fluids. It is a visual and easy diagram to follow the arrows from the source of contamination (the pathogen) to the next person

    Crossroads: A Novella

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    Crossroads is the herstory of Tahaj Marie, a woman-child who comes of age in Brooklyn, New York. The single daughter of a single mother, she rejects the pressures put forth by her strict, cold mother and defies her with a sexual relationship at 16 that leaves her pregnant and alone. Spending years raising her son Amir, and rekindling an unsuccessful relationship with his father leads her to the crossroads of her life. Despite the road blocks, she rebuilds herself to strive towards the woman she seeks to become. As a single mother who is Black, female, and disadvantaged, Tahaj Marie is the Sister Outsider, who finds her voice

    Expression and Secretion of CXCL-8 and CXCL-10 From Mycobacterium Bovis BCG-Infected Human Epithelial Cells: Role of IL-4

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    CXC chemokine release can be modulated by Th2-derived cytokines. Interleukin(IL)-4 is one of the cytokines that are the hallmark of the Th-2 response, and plays an important role in human tuberculosis. In the current study, we investigated the effect of IL-4 on chemokine production by human epithelial cells infected with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus calmette-guérin (BCG). Gene expression of CXCL-8 and CXCL-10 was determined by the reverse transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction method. The levels of immunoreactive CXCL-8 and CXCL-10 were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that, although M. bovis BCG induced gene expression of CXCL-8 and CXCL-10 in M. bovis BCG-infected human epithelial cells, CXCL-8 mRNA level was significantly reduced by IL-4, whereas no significant effect of IL-4 was observed on CXCL10 mRNA level. In addition, IL-4 decreased CXCL-8 (in a graded and significant manner) but not CXCL-10 secretion. These results were further confirmed, since a significant reversion was obtained with a neutralizing antibody to human IL-4, whereas an isotype-matched control antibody had no significant effect on CXCL-8 secretion. Furthermore, we found a similar effect of IL-4 on M. bovis BCG-induced CXCL-8 and CXCL-10 secretion by using other human epithelial A549 cell line. Collectively, these data demonstrate that M. bovis BCG-infected human epithelial cells can have an active role in a local inflammatory immune response via the secretion of CXC chemokines which can be selectively regulated by Th2-derived cytokines

    Integrating Self-Service Kiosks into Healthcare Delivery Organizations

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    Self-service kiosks in healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) have the potential to provide operational efficiencies and customer service benefits. Yet to date there has been little research on how organizations can effectively integrate these self-service technologies into the point-of-service to achieve these potential benefits. This research-in-progress study addresses this research gap by studying a multi-phase pilot project being conducted within an integrated U.S. healthcare system. The same kiosk hardware and software is being deployed within several outpatient clinics at four medical centers, and adoption by several interdependent user groups is needed to achieve administrative and clinical benefits. Qualitative research methods are used to analyze interview data collected from key stakeholders. Pre- and post- implementation findings are presented as well as a preliminary model that details influential variables specific to the HDO context

    A Relevância dos fundos de investimento em ações no mercado de capitais brasileiro 1994 – 2009

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Os Fundos de Investimento são instrumentos financeiros que desempenham um importante papel na captação e alocação de recursos do mercado financeiro. Segmentados em categorias, os Fundos de Investimento permitem ao investidor usufruir das vantagens da gestão profissional dos recursos, o que tem estimulado o aumento do número de fundos e de patrimônio administrado. No Brasil, isto vem ocorrendo especialmente após a estabilização monetária e abertura econômica. O presente trabalho buscou identificar a relevância da categoria Fundos de Ações para os Fundos de Investimento, e para o mercado de capitais brasileiro, especialmente após a implantação do Plano Real. Para tanto, apresentou-se embasamento teórico a respeito dos Fundos de Investimento, o que permitiu a delimitação do objeto de estudo: os Fundos de Ações. Apresentou-se uma perspectiva histórica do surgimento e evolução dos fundos no país para a compreensão de seu relacionamento com o mercado de capitais e suas condições no período anterior ao espaço temporal analisado. Para qualificar a participação dos fundos de ações, a indústria de fundos do país foi caracterizada, apresentando os dados de seu crescimento nos últimos ano. Verificou-se que a categoria Fundo de Ações aumentou sua participação no valor de mercado da Bovespa indicando a popularização dos fundos de investimento, além do aumento da participação dos Fundos de Investimento no volume negociado em detrimento da participação direta das instituições financeiras. Por fim, este trabalho permitiu concluir que no decorrer dos anos após a implantação do Plano Real, o cenário econômico foi bastante favorável à expansão da indústria de Fundos de Investimento e, por conseguinte, dos Fundos de Ações

    Diagonalización de endomorfismos. Aplicaciones de la diagonalización de matrices

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    En este trabajo trataremos el proceso de diagonalización de endomorfismos y las aplicaciones que tiene en la resolución de problemas de álgebra lineal. Dicho trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto de colaboración entre la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España) y la de Pinar del Río (Cuba), relativo a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en carreras de ingeniería. El proceso de diagonalización de la matriz A consiste en encontrar la matriz diagonal D (que contiene a los autovalores) y la matriz de cambio de base P no singular (que contiene a los autovectores) y que cumplen la igualdad siguiente: A = PDP1 Siendo la matriz A diagonalizable, veremos cómo utilizar la diagonalización de matrices en modelos donde se tenga que calcular potencias, raíces y exponencial de una matriz mediante el asistente matemático DERIVE


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    Pelatihan pengolahan sampah plastik menjadi produk yang memiliki nilai tambah dalam rangka memberdayakan masyarakat di RT 001, Joglo, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta tentang masalah sampah plastik, jenis plastik yang umumnya ditemui, serta keterampilan praktis dalam mengolah sampah plastik menjadi produk yang bermanfaat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ini berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman peserta tentang dampak negatif sampah plastik terhadap lingkungan dan mendorong keterampilan mereka dalam mengelola sampah plastik. Selain itu, kolaborasi dengan mitra pelaksana, yaitu Kopi Dab, menjadi faktor penting dalam mencapai tujuan bersama dalam mengatasi permasalahan sampah plastik. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlunya melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dalam upaya pengelolaan sampah plastik dan memperkuat kerja sama dengan mitra pelaksana yang memiliki visi yang sama dalam isu lingkungan