14 research outputs found

    Predicting Pair Correlation Functions of Glasses using Machine Learning

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    Glasses offer a broad range of tunable thermophysical properties that are linked to their compositions. However, it is challenging to establish a universal composition-property relation of glasses due to their enormous composition and chemical space. Here, we address this problem and develop a metamodel of composition-atomistic structure relation of a class of glassy material via a machine learning (ML) approach. Within this ML framework, an unsupervised deep learning technique, viz. convolutional neural network (CNN) autoencoder, and a regression algorithm, viz. random forest (RF), are integrated into a fully automated pipeline to predict the spatial distribution of atoms in a glass. The RF regression model predicts the pair correlation function of a glass in a latent space. Subsequently, the decoder of the CNN converts the latent space representation to the actual pair correlation function of the given glass. The atomistic structures of silicate (SiO2) and sodium borosilicate (NBS) based glasses with varying compositions and dopants are collected from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to establish and validate this ML pipeline. The model is found to predict the atom pair correlation function for many unknown glasses very accurately. This method is very generic and can accelerate the design, discovery, and fundamental understanding of composition-atomistic structure relations of glasses and other materials

    Accelerated Design of Block Copolymers: An Unbiased Exploration Strategy via Fusion of Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Machine Learning

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    Star block copolymers (s-BCPs) have potential applications as novel surfactants or amphiphiles for emulsification, compatbilization, chemical transformations and separations. s-BCPs are star-shaped macromolecules comprised of linear chains of different chemical blocks (e.g., solvophilic and solvophobic blocks) that are covalently joined at one junction point. Various parameters of these macromolecules can be tuned to obtain desired surface properties, including the number of arms, composition of the arms, and the degree-of-polymerization of the blocks (or the length of the arm). This makes identification of the optimal s-BCP design highly non-trivial as the total number of plausible s-BCPs architectures is experimentally or computationally intractable. In this work, we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations coupled with reinforcement learning based Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) to identify s-BCPs designs that minimize the interfacial tension between polar and non-polar solvents. We first validate the MCTS approach for design of small- and medium-sized s-BCPs, and then use it to efficiently identify sequences of copolymer blocks for large-sized s-BCPs. The structural origins of interfacial tension in these systems are also identified using the configurations obtained from MD simulations. Chemical insights on the arrangement of copolymer blocks that promote lower interfacial tension were mined using machine learning (ML) techniques. Overall, this work provides an efficient approach to solve design problems via fusion of simulations and ML and provide important groundwork for future experimental investigation of s-BCPs sequences for various applications

    Neural-Network-Biased Genetic Algorithms for Materials Design: Evolutionary Algorithms That Learn

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    Machine learning has the potential to dramatically accelerate high-throughput approaches to materials design, as demonstrated by successes in biomolecular design and hard materials design. However, in the search for new soft materials exhibiting properties and performance beyond those previously achieved, machine learning approaches are frequently limited by two shortcomings. First, because they are intrinsically interpolative, they are better suited to the optimization of properties within the known range of accessible behavior than to the discovery of new materials with extremal behavior. Second, they require large pre-existing data sets, which are frequently unavailable and prohibitively expensive to produce. Here we describe a new strategy, the neural-network-biased genetic algorithm (NBGA), for combining genetic algorithms, machine learning, and high-throughput computation or experiment to discover materials with extremal properties in the absence of pre-existing data. Within this strategy, predictions from a progressively constructed artificial neural network are employed to bias the evolution of a genetic algorithm, with fitness evaluations performed via direct simulation or experiment. In effect, this strategy gives the evolutionary algorithm the ability to “learn” and draw inferences from its experience to accelerate the evolutionary process. We test this algorithm against several standard optimization problems and polymer design problems and demonstrate that it matches and typically exceeds the efficiency and reproducibility of standard approaches including a direct-evaluation genetic algorithm and a neural-network-evaluated genetic algorithm. The success of this algorithm in a range of test problems indicates that the NBGA provides a robust strategy for employing informatics-accelerated high-throughput methods to accelerate materials design in the absence of pre-existing data