1,236 research outputs found

    Sudden Critical Current Drops Induced in S/F Structures

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    In the search for new physical properties of S/F structures, we have found that the superconductor critical current can be controlled by the domain state of the neighboring ferromagnet. The superconductor is a thin wire of thickness d_{s} ~ 2 xi_{S}. Nb/Co and Nb/Py (Permalloy Ni_{80}Fe_{20}) bilayer structures were grown with a significant magnetic anisotropy. Critical current measurements of Nb/Co structures with ferromagnet thickness d_{F} > 30nm show sudden drops in two very defined steps when the measurements are made along the hard axes direction (i.e. current track parallel to hard anisotropy axes direction). These drops disappear when they are made along the easy axis direction or when the ferromagnet thickness is below 30nm. The drops are accompanied by vortex flux flow. In addition magnetorestistance measurements close to Tc show a sharp increase near saturation fields of the ferromagnet. Similar results are reproduced in Nb/Py bilayer structure with the ferromagnet thickness d_{F} ~ 50nm along the easy anisotropy axes. These results are explained as being due to spontaneous vortex formation and flow induced by Bloch domain walls of the ferromagnet underneath. We argue these Bloch domain walls produce a 2D vortex-antivortex lattice structure.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Análisis del tamaño de partículas en areniscas de las Catedrales de Salamanca. Independencia entre granulometría y deterioro

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    11 sandstone samples from the cathedrals of Salamanca were analysed granulometrically. The study was to establish whether there is a direct connection between the particle size of such stone and the surface deterioration of some of the ashlars in the facades. This was carried out with the help of diffraction spectrometry by laser beams. The results show that there is no connection between the nature of the stone texture and their degree of surface deterioration.Se analizan granulométricamente 11 muestras de arenisca de las Catedrales de Salamanca. El objetivo del estudio es establecer si existe relación directa entre el tamaño de las partículas de tales piedras y el deterioro superficial de alguno de los sillares de las fachadas. Esto se lleva a cabo con la ayuda de la espectrometría de difracción por rayos láser. Los resultados muestran que no hay conexión entre la finura textural de las piedras estudiadas y el grado de deterioro superficial que éstas presentan

    Semi-inclusive charged-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation

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    Neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering is studied in the plane wave impulse approximation for three nuclear models: the relativistic Fermi gas (RFG), the independent-particle shell model (IPSM) and the natural orbitals (NO) model with Lorentzian dependence of the excitation energy. A complete study of the kinematics of the semi-inclusive process and the associated cross sections are presented and discussed for 40 Ar and 12 C. Inclusive cross sections are also obtained by integrating the semi-inclusive expressions over the outgoing hadron. Results are consistent with previous studies restricted to the inclusive channel. In particular, a comparison with the analytical results for the RFG model is performed. Explicit expressions for the hadronic tensor and the 10 semi-inclusive nuclear responses are given. Theoretical predictions are compared with semi-inclusive experimental data from T2K experiment.Comment: 55 pages, 22 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Allostasis and organizational excellence

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    Organizational excellence is critical towards the development of organizations and, considering organizations’ role in the modern world, for societies’ economic and social development. The ability of organizations to adapt and adjust to the contingencies of the change and recover the stability of organizational systems through organizations’ own dynamic process is known as allostasis. This research focuses on the relationship between allostasis and organizational excellence. Based on a sample of 205 firms from Portugal and Spain, and resorting to fuzzy-set QCA (fsQCA), this research reveals that there are different combinations (equifinality) of conditions inherent to allostasis (adaptive capacity, feedback capacity, stigmergy capacity and integration intensity) leading to sustainable high outcomes (employee satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational performance, jointly selected as proxies for organizational excellence). The analysis also shows that organizations that match those combinations simultaneously achieve high employee satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational performance (multifinality), which is aligned with the premises of organizational excellence. Finally, the results reveal that in the different contexts (countries) analyzed, the combinations leading to high outcomes differ, thus supporting the idea that the ability to adapt and adjust that characterizes allostasis is critical towards organizational excellence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spectral optical monitoring of the double peaked emission line AGN Arp 102B: II. Variability of the broad line properties

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    We investigate a long-term (26 years, from 1987 to 2013) variability in the broad spectral line properties of the radio galaxy Arp 102B, an active galaxy with broad double-peaked emission lines. We use observations presented in Paper I (Shapovalova et al. 2013) in the period from 1987 to 2011, and a new set of observations performed in 2012--2013. To explore the BLR geometry, and clarify some contradictions about the nature of the BLR in Arp 102B we explore variations in the Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line parameters during the monitored period. We fit the broad lines with three broad Gaussian functions finding the positions and intensities of the blue and red peaks in Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta. Additionally we fit averaged line profiles with the disc model. We find that the broad line profiles are double-peaked and have not been changed significantly in shapes, beside an additional small peak that, from time to time can be seen in the blue part of the Hα\alpha line. The positions of the blue and red peaks { have not changed significantly during the monitored period. The Hβ\beta line is broader than Hα\alpha line in the monitored period. The disc model is able to reproduce the Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha broad line profiles, however, observed variability in the line parameters are not in a good agreement with the emission disc hypothesis. It seems that the BLR of Arp 102B has a disc-like geometry, but the role of an outflow can also play an important role in observed variation of the broad line properties.Comment: 17 pages, Accepted for publication in A&
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