4 research outputs found

    Human health risk due to trace element contamination in groundwater from the Anjani and Jhiri river catchment area in northern Maharashtra, India

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    Abstract: Present study was carried out the assessment of ground water chemistry with reference to drinking purpose. We have selected the area of Anjani and Jhiri river catchment of Jalgaon district, northern Maharashtra, India. We have 10 Ground water samples were collected from different location of two urban areas (Daharangaon and Erandol) and some samples from rural water supply wells during the pre monsoon 2011 and post monsoon 2011. From collected groundwater samples analyzed trace elements by using standard techniques. The ground water pollution which is observed some sites of the study area is mainly due waste disposal and agricultural activities and fossil fuel burning by vehicles. The present investigation based on occurrence of trace elements like Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Pb and Cd in the groundwater samples with concentration range varies from 0 to 0.096 ppm , 0.066 to 0.427 ppm , 0 to 0.012 , 0.026 to 0.361 ppm , 0 to 0.160 ppm, 0.968 to 1.516 ppm and 0 to 1.064 ppm respectively. The analysis of ground water chemistry and obtained results compared with BIS drinking water standards. The concentration of lead, cadmium and Nickel exceeds than the maximum permissible limit as per BIS drinking water standards

    Altimetric and hypsometric analysis for soil and water conservation: A case study of Anjani and Jhiri river basin, Northern Maharashtra, India

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    The present paper contains longitudinal profile, hypsometric analysis of river basin and geomorphological studies for future planning of soil and water conservation in Anjani and Jhiri river basin, Jalgaon district, Maharashtra, India (20°45’ to 21°08’N Latitude and 75°09’ to 75°27’E Longitude). The main aim of the present study is to recommend a suitable site for soil and water conservation in Anjani and Jhiri river basin, Northern Maharashtra, India. The study area is geologically covered by Deccan trap basalts of the Cretaceous to the lower Eocene age, and some part is covered by thick alluvium of the Quaternary age. Drainage map of the study area reveals two drainage patterns including dendritic and sub dendritic patterns, indicating that the uniform lithology of the basaltic landforms has uniform resistance to erosion. This condition has caused the Anjani and Jhiri River get little recharge from the rainwater and the surface drainage flows during only monsoon season and latter becomes dry. Therefore, water conservation is a prime need for minimize water scarcity problems in the study area. In the present study, landscape information, such as longitudinal profile and hypsometric integral, has been analysed. The longitudinal profile reveals the presence of nick points at three locations in Anjani river and two locations in Jhiri river. The nick points indicate that the rapids are formed due to different erosion, relief and presence of lineament (Joint).The hypsometric integral values for the Anjani and Jhiri river are 0.52 and 0.51, respectively. The present research illustrates that both basins fall under equilibrium stage and are in a mature phase of development. ResumenEl presente artículo contiene el perfil longitudinal, el análisis altimétrico de las cuencas ribereñas y los estudios geomorfológicos para la planeación a futuro de la conservación de suelos y aguas de los ríos Anjani y Jhiri, en el distrito Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India (20° 45' a 21° 08' N de latitud y 75° 09' a 75° 27' E de longitud). El objetivo principal de este estudio es la identificación de un lugar apropiado para la conservación de agua y de suelos en las cuencas de los Anjani y Jhiri, al norte de Maharashtra. El área de estudio está geológicamente cubierta por basalto de las Traps del Decán, en la era del Cretáceo al bajo Eoceno, y por aluvión espeso de la era Cuaternaria. El mapa hidrográfico de la zona de estudio muestra dos modelos de drenaje, el dendrítico y el subdendítrico, lo que indica que la litología uniforme de los accidentes geográficos basálticos tiene una resistencia uniforme a la erosión. Esta condición ha causado que los ríos Anjani y Jhiri tengan una pequeña recarga proveniente de las aguas lluvias y de los drenajes superficiales durante la única estación monsónica del año y que luego se secan. Es por esto que la conservación del agua es una necesidad primaria para minimizar los problemas de escasez en el área de estudio. En el presente trabajo se analizó la información del paisaje, como el perfil longitudinal y la altimetría integral. El perfil longitudinal revela la presencia de cambios de gradiente en tres puntos del río Anjani y en dos puntos del Jhiri. Los cambios de gradiente indican que los rápidos se formaron debido a la erosión diferente, al relieve y presencia de lineamiento (convergencias). Los valores de altimetría integral para los ríos Anjani y Jhiri son de 0.52 y 0.51, respectivamente. La presente investigación muestra que ambas cuencas se encuentran en un escenario de equilibrio y en una fase madura de desarrollo

    Altimetric and hypsometric analysis for soil and water conservation: A case study of Anjani and Jhiri river basin, Northern Maharashtra, India

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    The present paper contains longitudinal profile, hypsometric analysis of river basin and geomorphological studies for future planning of soil and water conservation in Anjani and Jhiri river basin, Jalgaon district, Maharashtra, India (20°45’ to 21°08’N Latitude and 75°09’ to 75°27’E Longitude). The main aim of the present study is to recommend a suitable site for soil and water conservation in Anjani and Jhiri river basin, Northern Maharashtra, India. The study area is geologically covered by Deccan trap basalts of the Cretaceous to the lower Eocene age, and some part is covered by thick alluvium of the Quaternary age. Drainage map of the study area reveals two drainage patterns including dendritic and sub dendritic patterns, indicating that the uniform lithology of the basaltic landforms has uniform resistance to erosion. This condition has caused the Anjani and Jhiri River get little recharge from the rainwater and the surface drainage flows during only monsoon season and latter becomes dry. Therefore, water conservation is a prime need for minimize water scarcity problems in the study area. In the present study, landscape information, such as longitudinal profile and hypsometric integral, has been analysed. The longitudinal profile reveals the presence of nick points at three locations in Anjani river and two locations in Jhiri river. The nick points indicate that the rapids are formed due to different erosion, relief and presence of lineament (Joint).The hypsometric integral values for the Anjani and Jhiri river are 0.52 and 0.51, respectively. The present research illustrates that both basins fall under equilibrium stage and are in a mature phase of development. ResumenEl presente artículo contiene el perfil longitudinal, el análisis altimétrico de las cuencas ribereñas y los estudios geomorfológicos para la planeación a futuro de la conservación de suelos y aguas de los ríos Anjani y Jhiri, en el distrito Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India (20° 45' a 21° 08' N de latitud y 75° 09' a 75° 27' E de longitud). El objetivo principal de este estudio es la identificación de un lugar apropiado para la conservación de agua y de suelos en las cuencas de los Anjani y Jhiri, al norte de Maharashtra. El área de estudio está geológicamente cubierta por basalto de las Traps del Decán, en la era del Cretáceo al bajo Eoceno, y por aluvión espeso de la era Cuaternaria. El mapa hidrográfico de la zona de estudio muestra dos modelos de drenaje, el dendrítico y el subdendítrico, lo que indica que la litología uniforme de los accidentes geográficos basálticos tiene una resistencia uniforme a la erosión. Esta condición ha causado que los ríos Anjani y Jhiri tengan una pequeña recarga proveniente de las aguas lluvias y de los drenajes superficiales durante la única estación monsónica del año y que luego se secan. Es por esto que la conservación del agua es una necesidad primaria para minimizar los problemas de escasez en el área de estudio. En el presente trabajo se analizó la información del paisaje, como el perfil longitudinal y la altimetría integral. El perfil longitudinal revela la presencia de cambios de gradiente en tres puntos del río Anjani y en dos puntos del Jhiri. Los cambios de gradiente indican que los rápidos se formaron debido a la erosión diferente, al relieve y presencia de lineamiento (convergencias). Los valores de altimetría integral para los ríos Anjani y Jhiri son de 0.52 y 0.51, respectivamente. La presente investigación muestra que ambas cuencas se encuentran en un escenario de equilibrio y en una fase madura de desarrollo

    Comparative study of Wenner and Schlumberger electrical resistivity method for groundwater investigation: a case study from Dhule district (M.S.), India

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    Abstract The area chosen for the present study is Dhule district, which belongs to the drought prone area of Maharashtra State, India. Dhule district suffers from water problem, and therefore, there is no extra water available to supply for the agricultural and industrial growth. To understand the lithological characters in terms of its hydro-geological conditions, it is necessary to understand the geology of the area. It is now established fact that the geophysical method gives a better information of subsurface geology. Geophysical electrical surveys with four electrodes configuration, i.e., Wenner and Schlumberger method, were carried out at the same selected sites to observe the similarity and compared both the applications in terms of its use and handling in the field. A total 54 VES soundings were carried out spread over the Dhule district and representing different lithological units. The VES curves are drawn using inverse slope method for Wenner configuration, IPI2 win Software, and curve matching techniques were used for Schlumberger configuration. Regionwise lithologs are prepared based on the obtained resistivity and thickness for Wenner method. Regionwise curves were prepared based on resistivity layers for Schlumberger method. Comparing the two methods, it is observed that Wenner and Schlumberger methods have merits or demerits. Considering merits and demerits from the field point of view, it is suggested that Wenner inverse slope method is more handy for calculation and interpretation, but requires lateral length which is a constrain. Similarly, Schlumberger method is easy in application but unwieldy for their interpretation. The work amply proves the applicability of geophysical techniques in the water resource evaluation procedure. This technique is found to be suitable for the areas with similar geological setup elsewhere