6,288 research outputs found

    Perineal Aggressive Angiomyxoma: A Rare Presentation

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    Aggressive angiomyxoma(AA) is defined as benign neoplasm but has infiltrative potential into skeletal muscle and fat. Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare neoplasm with about 150 reported cases so far. It is most often found in women in reproductive age with a peak incidence in the fourth decade of life. Aggressive angiomyxoma is most often found in or in proximity to the lower pelvis, more specifically perineum, vulva, vagina or inguinal regions. Most AA are big, often more than 10 cm in largest diameter. Radical surgery with wide margins is the treatment of choice. The prognosis is very good here. Because of its rarity and unique presentation we are reporting a case of a huge perineal AA in a 42 years female which presented as a tumour coming out of the breach in skin. She underwent surgery, wide local excision and after 7 months follow-up is free of tumor

    Effect of Acid Leaching on Recovery of Graphite from Calcareous Deposits

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    In this paper an attempt has been made for optimisation of acid leaching of calcite from graphite ore of Tamilnadu. The ore containing 39% acid soluble and 61 % insolubles. The best leaching parameters obtained at particle size below 150 microns are reaction time 20 minutes,temperature 40°C, solid liquid ratio 1:4 and stoichiometric ratio of acid 0.69. Flotation test results on partial leached and on unleached sample indicate that the graphite grade and recoveries are improved from a calcite leached sample. The flotation product obtained from a leached sample contains 73% fixed carbon with 83% recovery

    Effect of Doping on Formation of Solid State Battery in Lithium Vanadate

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    Review on QA Performance Improvement using Multimedia Techniques

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    CQA (Community question Answering) which is the record of millions of question and answer which is created. CQA user to provide a rich resources of information which is missing at Web Search Engine and to automate and enhanced the process of locating the high-quality answer question at a CQA.CQA archived the question that are matched by the CQA system with respect to QA which significantly minimizes the user time and efforts involved in searching for answer to Question. CQA forum usually provide only the textual answer which are not enough for many question. In this paper, we propose a scheme that will be able to enrich textual answer in CQA with appropriate using of media data. In this project our scheme consists of 3 components such as the Answer Medium Selection, The Query Generation for Multimedia, The Multimedia data Selection and Presentation. In this our approach is to automatically determine which type of the media information can be added to enrich the textual answer. In this by processing for large datasets QApair and adding them to a pool, in this our approach as a user’s can find multimedia question answer (MMQA) by matching their questions with those in the pool. Different from a lot of multimedia QA research efforts that attempt to directly answer the question with Image and Video data. In this our approach is built based on Community Contributed Textual Answer and can deal with more complex questions. In this we have also conducted extensive experiment on a multi-source QA datasets there the result Demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15081

    Solvent Effect on Fluorescence Quenching of 7, 8 Benzo‑4‑azido Methyl Coumarin by Aniline

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    Fluorescence quenching of biologically active studies of 7, 8 benzo-4-azidomethyl coumarin (7BAMC) by aniline in four different organic solvents namely benzene, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran and acetonitrile has been carried out at room temperature with a view to understand the quenching mechanisms. The Stern–Volmer (S-V) plot has been found to be non-linear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex formation and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various quenching rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, with the use of Finite Sink approximation model, it was possible to check these bimolecular reactions as diffusion-limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R’ and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R’ and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual coefficient D determined using the Edward’s empirical relation and Stokes – Einstein relation

    Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System for Smart Cities

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    A Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication system for smart cities is proposed here. The V2V communication system is an advance wireless technology to reduce the number of fatal roadway accidents by providing early warning messages. For development of smart cities V2V and V2R are important to reduce road accidents on highways. It gives ease of access by providing different facilities such as ATM transaction, accidents safety messages to the transport or central unit. Based on a careful analysis of application requirements, an effective protocol can be used, which comprising congestion control policies, service differentiation mechanisms and methods for emergency warning dissemination. The proposed protocol achieves low latency in delivering emergency warnings and use of efficient bandwidth in stressful road scenarios. This system uses WSN for communication between two vehicle modules

    Remote Video Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi 3 and GPRS Module

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    Now a day’s security has prime importance in different areas such as home security, monitoring of remote areas etc. with advancement in embedded system and wireless technology, it is possible to build a remote area monitoring system with low cost. This paper represents a system implemented by using Raspberry Pi 3 and GPRS module. Transmitter section is implemented at remote area where images are captured by using USB camera interfaced with Raspberry pi. Images are compressed by software programming using libjpeg library and uploaded to HTTP server via SIM900A/800 GSM/GPRS module. Internet connection is established using PPP stack of SIM900A/800 GSM/GPRS module. Receiver section is monitoring center where images are downloaded using 3g or Wi-Fi wireless connection. Received images are decompressed and streamed on web browser using MJPG streamer

    Proof Verification and Attribute Based Re-Encryption of Shared Data over Public Cloud

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    Cloud storage is the best and proficient approach to handle our information remotely. In any case, since information proprietors and clients are more often than not outside the trusted area of cloud specialist co-ops the information security and get to control is the critical component at the season of delicate information put away in the cloud. Additionally, now days there are distinctive systems are accessible for information sharing and saving security of information proprietor and client. Key Escrow is the one of the significant issue now a day. We can’t keep full trust over the key power focus since they might be abuse their benefits. This is unsatisfactory for data sharing circumstances. In this paper we concentrated the current procedure for sharing the information from information proprietor to information client. The methodology propose an enhanced two-party key issuing convention that can ensure that neither key power nor cloud specialist co-op can bargain the entire mystery key of a client exclusively. The method also present the idea of quality with weight, being given to upgrade the statement of characteristic, which cannot just extend the expression from paired to discretionary state, additionally help the intricacy of get to approach. In this manner, both capacity cost and encryption many-sided quality for a cipher text are eased. Attribute based encryption is an open key based encryption that empowers get to control over encoded information utilizing access strategies and credited qualities. In this paper we propose proof verification module which verify proof of shared file and is received by data consumer when file shared by data owner and also a method which applies re-encryption (ABE) of a shared file here the attributes of data consumers are used to generate key

    Acute abdomen in pregnancy: a case series on clinical presentation and diagnostic dilemma

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    Acute abdomen in pregnancy remains one of the most challenging situation in regard with the diagnosis and management. Pregnancy is a unique state in which the female body undergoes both anatomical and physiological changes which can pose a challenge in diagnosis. This may result in delay in management and increase in maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. This study was to identify the spectrum of causes, the clinical presentation and diagnostic dilemma of acute abdomen in pregnancy. It was an observational study was done over a period of 3 years which included all the pregnant women who presented with acute abdomen. In this study, eighteen pregnant women presented with acute abdomen. Among the study group, 5.5%, 50% and 44.5% presented in first, second and third trimester respectively. The diagnosis included acute appendicitis in 11.1%, acute cholecystitis in 16.6%, acute pancreatitis in 16.6%, malrotation in 11.1%, uterine rupture 11.1%, rudimentary horn rupture in 22.4% and ovarian cyst torsion in 11.1%. The clinical presentation included pain abdomen (16.6%), pain abdomen and vomiting (44.4%), pain abdomen in shock (39%) and abdominal tenderness (33.3%). The diagnosis was confirmed with ultrasonography in 55.6%, 11.1% women required higher imaging like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 33.3% women were diagnosed on table. Majority of them had good outcome, but there was one maternal mortality (6%). Diagnosis and treatment of acute abdomen in pregnancy should be individualized. Good clinical acumen is essential for ordering early diagnostic test in acute abdomen in pregnancy. Appropriate intervention should be undertaken at the earliest to reduce the maternal and fetal complications.

    Socio-Economic-Political-Cultural Aspects in Malaria Control Programme Implementation in Southern India

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    Objective. A Socio-economic-political-cultural (SEPC) study was undertaken under the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) initiative to understand the process of programme implementation and how far in the changing malaria context, the broader environment has been understood and programme components have undergone changes. Material and Methods. Two studies were carried out; first in four villages under the primary health unit (PHU) Banavaralu in Tiptur Taluka in September 2002 and the second one in April 2003 in four villages in Chitradurga district, namely, Kappagere, Kellodu in Hosadurga Taluka, and Vani Vilas Puram and Kathrikenhally in Hiriyur Taluka. Focus group discussion and key interviews were adopted to collect the qualitative data. Results. Gender discrimination and lack of empowerment of women came out strongly in social analysis. In the rural elected bodies called Panchayats, the concept of health committees was not known. Health committees as one of the important statutory committees under every Panchayat were nonexistent in reality in these villages. Financial difficulties at Grama Panchayat level and also meager budget allocation for health have led to indifferent attitude of Panchayat members towards health. It was observed that there were generally no specific cultural practices in relation to malaria cure. Cultural and traditional practices in malaria-related issues were not predominant in the community except for some sporadic instances. Conclusion and Recommendation. SEPC study is an important indicator in malaria control programme. It is ultimately the community that takes the major decision directly or indirectly and the health authority must guide them in right direction