111 research outputs found

    Proximate analysis and mineral characterization of Barringtonia species

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    The study about material contained in Barringtonia seeds were conducted at the first time using the standard procedure of AOAC. For present work, two species of Barringtonia were selected viz., B. acutangula and B. racemosa . The proximate composition and mineral constituents of Barringtonia seeds were evaluated. The B. acutangula seeds contained ash 4.24%, crude protein 9.23%, crude lipids 0.68%, crude fibre13.54% and carbohydrates 66.17%. While in seeds of B. racemosa, ash 4.02%, crude protein 12.09%, crude lipids 0.75%, crude fibre15.18% and carbohydrates: 64.67% were observed. Both the species have a high energy value on dry basis. Comparing the mineral content with recommended dietary allowances (RDA), the results indicated that seeds of B. acutangula fruits could be a good supplement for some nutrients such as calcium, fibre and carbohydrates, whereas the B. racemosa seeds could be a good supplement for some nutrients such as fibre, potassium, zinc and carbohydrates. The seeds of Barringtonia could be promoted as a carbohydrate supplement. Hence, this piece of work acclaims the potential of Barringtonia species indicating its proximate and mineral composition


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    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is tropical fruit with high nutritional value. The aim of present work was to isolate the starch from black variety of mango and evaluate the physicochemical as well as functional properties. Starch is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries for various applications. These industries depend on crops that are also the traditional sources of food resulting high demands with consequence economic implications. The results showed that the moisture content (14.93%) was higher while ash content (0.12%) was low. Amylose content was 35.06%. It was observed that the onset gelatinization temperature of the starch ranged from 50°C whereas, the conclusion gelatinization temperature was from 91-92.5°C. The starch show adequate properties and could be alternative source for the production of industrial products that may require starch.Â

    DNA fragmentation index and its correlation with other sperm parameters in 4833 infertile males

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    Background: Semen analysis forms the basic investigation for male factor of infertility. According to WHO Manual sperm values of normalcy are decreasing. Recent studies have highlighted newer parameters of sperm playing their role in the outcome of pregnancy. The aim was to study the DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and to know its correlation with other sperm parameters.Methods: A total of 4833 cases underwent routine semen analysis along with the DFI. The statistical analysis was done using SPSS using t test and ANOVA test.Results: It was observed that 52% infertile males presented late for treatment. All parameters showed a decline with advancing age. There was definite correlation between sperm count and sperm motility as well as morphology. The DFI showed significant negative correlation with sperm count. Pearson correlation showed positive correlation between DFI and sperm motility and morphology.Conclusions: The study highlights the need for increasing awareness about male factor of infertility. A thorough semen analysis along with DFI can help the clinician to explain the couple in a better way about the choice of ART and success of treatment

    Bilateral reversed palmaris longus muscle with trifid insertion, a rare variation

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    Normally the palmaris longus muscle originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus from common flexor origin. In the middle of the forearm, the muscle belly forms a tendon which is inserted into the flexor retinaculum and the palmar aponeurosis. In our study after dissection of both forearms of a 45-year-old male cadaver we found a reversed palmaris longus muscle. This means that the palmaris longus muscle was tendinous in its proximal part and muscular in its distal part. The fleshy belly of muscle was passing over flexor retinaculum, was ensheathed by separate fascia. The muscle belly was spreading on both the sides of each palm for insertion which was trifid, that is centrally into palmar aponeurosis, laterally continuous with the fascia covering the thenar muscles and medially with Abductor digit minimi. It was having tendinous interconnection with the muscle mass of both the sides. Bilateral reversed palmaris longus muscle mentioned in the literature, was a surgical finding in a patient who suffered from edema and pain in the wrist. The overuse of the reversed palmaris longus muscle can lead to the muscle’s local hypertrophy. As per the literature a reversed palmaris longus muscle may cause a compartment syndrome with pain and edema in the wrist area, the carpal tunnel syndrome and Guyon’s syndrome. The variation is also useful to the hand surgeon, as the palmaris longus muscle is an anatomical landmark for operations in this area

    Effect of land configuration and fertilizer dosage on growth and yield of African marigold under vertic ustochrept soil regimes

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    Adopting proper land management systems and nutrient levels could improve growth, yield and quality by rendering better soil physical structure and mineral nutrition under heavy rainfall areas. An experiment was conducted to identify appropriate land configuration and fertilizer dose for African marigold var. Punjab Gainda-1, in split plot design with three land configuration methods viz., flat bed, raised bed and ridge & furrow system as main plots, and three fertilizer doses (RDF/ha) viz., 100%, 80% and 60% as subplots with recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) being 10 t FYM + 150:100:100 kg/ha NPK. Results showed that adopting raised bed method of land configuration with the application of 8 t FYM + 120:80:80 kg/ha NPK exhibited enhanced vegetative growth and flower yield (16.26 t/ha) with greater benefit cost ratio (2.88) and, hence, found economically best for commercial production of African marigold

    Art and craft of episiotomy

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    Background: Episiotomy is the most common obstetric surgical procedure performed in labor room. Mediolateral and Midline episiotomies are the most common types. Post-delivery suture angle is the most important determinant factor which predicts the risk of anal sphincter injuries. Mediolateral episiotomy has a significantly lower risk of OASIS rate when compared to midline episiotomies. Aim of the study was to know whether mediolateral episiotomies are actually mediolateral and does the angle of episiotomy influences the risk of anal sphincter injuries, maternal/fetal complications in the perinatal period.Methods: An observational study was conducted on 250 postpartum patients admitted to our hospital. Details of episiotomy in relation to incision angle, length, depth and post suturing angle were noted within two days of delivery.Results: Among the subjects included there were 40.8 % incisions were RMLE, average length was 3.32cms, average suture angle is 28.69 degree. OASIS was seen in 19.5% cases more so with midline episiotomies.Conclusions: Episiotomy is an essential, must to know skill. Compulsory ssupervised clinical teaching and use of skill lab training can prevent potential detrimental consequences

    Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) - A Drug Review

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    Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) commonly known as Honne Mara in Kannada, Bijasal in Hindi, Indian kino or Malabar kino in English, belongs to the family Fabaceae and it is widely distributed among several regions of India. It is one of the important medicinal plant of Indian traditional system of medicines and it has been used in India for several medicinal purposes. The Indian Kino is a medium to large; deciduous tree having chemical constituents like pterostilbene, (-)-epicatechin, pterosupin, marsupsin, etc. Asana have the pharmacological activity like antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, etc

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    Integrating multilocus genome-wide association studies in chickpea landraces to discern the genetics of drought tolerance

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    In chickpea breeding, drought is a major concern and a complex trait controlled by several genes. To develop drought-tolerant varieties, it is essential to use the available germplasm and genomic resources. Over the years, the landraces have proven to be a good source for the dissection of genes for different yield and yield-related traits. The present investigation for marker–trait associations (MTAs) and candidate gene identification was conducted by studying 125 chickpea landraces collected from the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region, along with 4 varieties suitable for irrigated and rainfed environments. This study analyzed 13 physio-morphological traits in 2 consecutive years at two isolated locations (IARI, New Delhi, and Dharwad). A strong correlation coefficient was observed between the trait seed yield (SY) and biological yield (BY) under both conditions. The Drought Susceptibility Index (DSI) ranged from 0.02 to 1.84 and 0.10 to 2.04 at the IARI, New Delhi and Dharwad locations, respectively. The genotypic data of 6,367 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed across the genome were used for genetic diversity study, population structure, and genome-wide association study (GWAS). The average polymorphic information content (PIC) value observed was 0.25, and the average linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay distance was 152,269 bp across the genome. A total of four subgroups were observed within the population for genotypic data. Fixed and random model Circulating Probability Unification (FarmCPU) was used for the GWAS analysis, which considered both fixed- and random-effect models. A total of 52 significant SNPs were reported in both irrigated and rainfed conditions at low locations; 7 SNPs were associated with more than one trait, which may have pleiotropic effects. Significant SNPs were annotated in the pulse database. The identified genomic region found in or near MTA under rainfed conditions encodes for guard cell hydrogen peroxide-resistant1 (GHR1), late embryogenesis-abundant, E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase, walls are thin1 (WAT1), and beta-galactosidase that are known to be associated with drought tolerance

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    Not AvailableNot AvailableIndian Council of Agricultural Researc
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