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    Percepciones de las docentes sobre conductas disruptivas en educaci贸n inicial

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    La presente monograf铆a titulada Percepciones de las docentes sobre las conductas disruptivas en Educaci贸n Inicial, aborda un tema con escasa informaci贸n en el nivel inicial. Por esta raz贸n, es importante conocer el significado, las causas y los tipos de conductas disruptivas, para evitar confusiones ante actitudes pasajeras que pueden presentar los ni帽os y que alteran el proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje. A partir de ello, el objetivo de la investigaci贸n es comprender las percepciones que tienen las docentes sobre las conductas disruptivas en Educaci贸n Inicial. El enfoque es cualitativo con alcance exploratorio-descriptivo. Para la fundamentaci贸n te贸rica, se realiz贸 una indagaci贸n bibliogr谩fica en diferentes fuentes; y para la recolecci贸n de la informaci贸n se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas. Previo consentimiento informado, se convers贸 con seis educadoras del nivel maternal, Inicial I y II de diferentes centros educativos de la ciudad de Cuenca, con la finalidad de conocer sus percepciones sobre este tema. Despu茅s de culminar con la transcripci贸n de la informaci贸n, se procedi贸 a realizar el an谩lisis de la misma. Se concluye que las docentes necesitan una constante capacitaci贸n para resolver de manera oportuna, las conductas que surgen de forma inesperada durante el proceso de ense帽anza y aprendizaje. Otra conclusi贸n que se recalca, es la importancia del trabajo conjunto de las educadoras con el DECE (Departamento de Consejer铆a Estudiantil) y la familia, para lograr disminuir estas conductas dentro del aula.This monograph, entitled Teachers' perceptions of disruptive behaviors in early childhood education, addresses a topic on which there is little information at the early childhood level. For this reason, it is important to know the meaning, causes and types of disruptive behaviors, in order to avoid confusion in the face of temporary attitudes that children may present and that alter the teaching-learning process. Based on this, the objective of the research is to understand the perceptions that teachers have about disruptive behaviors in early childhood education. The approach is qualitative with an exploratory-descriptive scope. For the theoretical foundation, a bibliographic research was carried out in different sources; and semi-structured interviews were used to collect the information. After informed consent, we talked with six educators from the nursery, kindergarten I and II levels of different educational centers in Cuenca city, to know their perceptions on this topic. After completing the transcription of the information, we proceeded to analyze what we found. It is concluded that teachers need constant training to resolve in a timely manner, the behaviors that emerge unexpectedly during the teaching and learning process. Another conclusion that is emphasized is the importance of the joint work of the educators with the SCD (Student Counseling Department) and the family, for the purpose of reduce these behaviors in the classroom.Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educaci贸n InicialCuenc