19 research outputs found

    Barplot comparing plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations across trimesters among pregnant women.

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    <p>Median (+ Interquartile range/2) was plotted * p-value < 0.00017, p-value was calculated by Mann-Whitney U Test between trimesters.</p

    Maternal Pre-pregnancy BMI and Child ADHD Symptoms and Executive Function.

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    <p>Children born to mothers who were obese preconceptionally showed a) higher ADHD symptoms than children born to normal weight or overweight mothers and b) impaired executive function compared to children born to normal weight or overweight mothers. *p<0.05; **p<0.01.</p

    Mediation Analysis for Effects of Maternal Pre-pregnancy BMI on Child ADHD Symptoms via Child Executive Function.

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    <p>The association between pre-pregnancy BMI and severity of child ADHD symptoms was significantly reduced when the measure of performance efficiency in the executive function task was included in the model; Sobel Test: t = 2.39 (±0.002, SEM), p = 0.02.</p

    Significant SNP genotype effects on birth weight beyond risk factors.

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    1<p>Model A: Birth weight = Gestation Age + Child Sex + SNP.</p>2<p>Model B: Birth weight = Gestation Age + Child Sex + Pre-pregnancy BMI + Parity + Smoking + SNP.</p>3<p>% Genetic Variance from combined genotypes.</p>*<p>Prob≤0.10.</p>**<p>Prob≤0.05.</p>***<p>Prob≤0.01.</p