5 research outputs found

    Utjecaj prinosa mlijeka na funkcionalnu aktivnost neutrofila u krava križanki Karan Fries (Holstein Friesian X Tharparkar) tijekom peripartusnog razdoblja.

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    To study the immunological activities of neutrophils, blood samples were collected from 6 high yielding (HY) and 6 low yielding (LY) Karan Fries (KF) cows on -15,-7, -5, -3, -2, -1 days prepartum, at calving and on 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 15 days postpartum. Plasma cortisol levels, phagocytic activity (PA), enzyme (Elastase, Collagenase and Cathepsin G) levels and expression of TLR-2, TLR-4 and IL-8 were also studied. Both HY KF and LY KF cows were found to have increased blood Total leukocyte counts (TLC) and neutrophil percent at calving, but HY KF cows had significantly (P<0.05) higher levels than LY KF cows. The number of band neutrophils were also significantly (P<0.05) higher in HY cows. Significant (P<0.05) immunosuppression in relation to PA was found for HY as compared to LY KF cows throughout the peripartum period, with the lowest immunosuppression at calving in both groups of cows. Cortisol levels were significantly (P<0.01) higher during calving and negatively correlated with neutrophilic functions. The difference between the two groups also remained significant (P<0.05) as higher level of cortisol were found in HY KF cows. Elastase, collagenase and cathepsin were significantly (P<0.05) decreased during parturition. Elastase was reduced approximately 2.5 times on the day of calving in LY KF cows, but no such major reduction was observed for HY KF cows. Collagenase and cathepsin levels were significantly (P<0.05) higher in LY cows. Expression of the TLR-2 gene was significantly (P<0.05) lower in HY cows during the whole peripartum period than in LY cows. Expression of the TLR-4 gene was significantly (P<0.05) lower on days 15 pre- and post-calving in HY cows. IL-8 differed significantly (P<0.05) only during the prepartum days. Lower neutrophilic function in cross bred cows with high production potential, provides lower disease resistance and makes the cows more susceptible to peripartum infection.S ciljem istraživanja imunološke aktivnosti neutrofila, od šest visokoproizvodnih (VP) i šest niskoproizvodnih (NP) Karan Fries (KF) krava prikupljeni su uzorci krvi -15, -7, -5, -3, -2, -1 dana prije partusa, zatim tijekom partusa, te 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 i 15 dana nakon partusa. Analizirana je razina kortizola u plazmi, aktivnost fagocita (AF), razine enzima (elastaze, kolagenaze, katepsina G) te ekspresija TLR-2, TLR-4 i IL-8. Kod obje skupine krava, VP KF i NP KF, utvrđeno je povećanje ukupnog broja leukocita (UBL) i postotka neutrofila pri teljenju, ali razine su kod VP KF krava bile signifikantno više (P<0,05) nego kod NP KF krava. Broj nesegmentiranih neutrofila bio je također signifikantno (P<0,05) viši kod VP krava. Signifikantna (P<0,05) imunosupresija u odnosu na AF utvrđena je kod VP u usporedbi sa NP KF kravama tijekom peripartusnog razdoblja, s najnižom razinom imunosupresije pri teljenju obje skupine krava. Razine kortizola bile su signifikantno (P<0,01) više tijekom teljenja i negativno povezane s funkcijom neutrofila. Razlike između skupina također su ostale signifikantne (P<0,05) i u slučaju više razine kortizola utvrđene kod VP KF krava. Elastaza, kolagenaza i katepsin signifikantno su (P<0,05) opadali tijekom teljenja. Elastaza je smanjena za približno 2,5 puta na dan teljenja NP KF krava dok kod VP KF krava takvo jako smanjenje nije opaženo. Razine kolagenaze i katepsina bile su signifikantno (P<0,05) više kod NP krava. U odnosu na NP krave, ekspresije TLR-2 gena kod VP krava bile su signifikantno (P<0,05) niže tijekom cijelog peripartusnog razdoblja. Ekspresija TLR-4 gena bila je signifikantno (P<0,05) niža 15. dan prije i poslije teljenja VP krava. IL-8 je bio signifikantno različit (P<0,05) samo tijekom prepartusnog razdoblja. Snižena funkcija neutrofila kod krava križanki s visokim proizvodnim potencijalom doprinosi njihovoj manjoj otpornosti na bolesti i čini ihosjetljivijima na infekcije tijekom peripartusnog razdoblja

    Učinci konjske rotkvice (Moringa oleifera) kao dodatka prehrani na antioksidacijski status junica križanki različitih pasmina

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    The experiment was conducted to evaluate the anti-oxidant effect of Moringa oleifera meal-supplementation in the total mixed ration, replacing the compounded concentrate mixture for crossbred heifer calves. A total of twenty-one crossbred heifer calves were selected and grouped into three treatments based on body weight and age. The leaves (84%) and soft twigs (16%) of Moringa oleifera were mixed to prepare the Moringa oleifera meal. Compounded concentrate mixture, ground nut straw, hybrid napier grass, mineral mixture and common salt were used at 50, 23, 25, 1 and 1%, respectively to formulate the control total mixed ration (T1). The compounded concentrate mixture was replaced with the Moringa oleifera meal at 5.0 and 7.5 % to formulate total mixed rations T2 and T3. The whole blood was collected from each calves in the morning before feeding and watering at the beginning (0 day), middle (at 60 day) and end (at 126 day) of the experiment. The total leukocyte counts, total erythrocyte counts, haematocrit and platelet count of crossbred heifer calves differed non-significantly (P>0.05) between the treatment groups, and were within normal physiological range. The serum albumin, glucose, creatinine, urea, alkaline phosphatase, alanine amino transaminase, calcium and phosphorus differed non-significantly between the treatment groups. However, feeding with Moringa oleifera resulted in higher (P0.05) higher after feeding with the 5.0 and 7.5% Moringa oleifera meals. Feeding with 5.0 and 7.5% Moringa oleifera meal in the total mixed ration, replacing the high protein compounded concentrate mixture, to growing crossbred heifer calves had no adverse effect on haematological and biochemical constituents, and resulted in a non-significant (P>0.05) higher antioxidant capacity in the crossbred heifer calves.Ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se procijenio antioksidacijski učinak konjske rotkvice (Moringa oleifera) kao zamjene za mješavinu koncentrata u hranidbi junica križanki različitih pasmina. Na temelju tjelesne mase i dobi, junice (n=21) su razvrstane u tri pokusne skupine. Lišće (84%) i mekše grančice (16%) konjske rotkvice izmiješane su kako bi se pripremio obrok za istraživane životinje. U formulaciji mješavine (T1) upotrijebljena je mješavina koncentrata u količini od 50%, mljeveni orašasti plodovi 23%, Hybrid Napier 25%, mineralna mješavina 1 % i obična sol 1 %. Pripreljena smjesa koncentrata zamijenjena je obrokom s konjskom rotkvicom u omjeru 5,0% i 7,5% za skupine T2 i T3. Od svake je junice uzet uzorak pune krvi ujutro prije hranjenja i pojenja na početku (0. dan), sredinom (60. dan) i na kraju pokusa (126. dan). Nije bilo statistički znakovite razlike (P>0,05) u ukupnom broju leukocita i eritrocita, hematokritu te broju trombocita među pokusnim skupinama i vrijednosti su bile unutar fiziološkog raspona. Ni u vrijednostima serumskog albumina, glukoze, kreatinina, ureje, alkalne fosfataze, alanin-aminotransaminaze, kalcija i fosfora nije bilo statistički znakovite razlike među pokusnim skupinama. Dodatak prehrani konjske rotkvice međutim rezultirao je porastom proteina u serumu (P0,05) pri hranjenju obrocima s dodatkom konjske rotkvice. Prehrana s 5,0 i 7,5% dodatka konjske rotkvice koja je zamijenila visokoproteinsku koncntriranu mješavinu u obrocima junica nije utjecala na njihove hematološke i biokemnijske pokazatelja kao ni na njihov antioksidacijski kapacitet čije neznatno povećanje nije bilo statistički znakovito (P>0,05)

    Significance of fermented rice beverage on management of antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD) on Wistar rats

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    Antibiotic associated diarrhoea (AAD) is caused mostly by disruption of the physiological gut microflora. One potential strategy to prevent this is the concurrent use of probiotic bacteria or yeast. Tribal populations of West Garo Hill region of Meghalaya use locally available unique microflora to prepare fermented food products whichserve as a potential source of novel probiotic organisms and bioactive compounds.  In this context, here, we have evaluated the potentiality of laboratory made functional fermented rice beverage in mitigating AAD on animal models viz. Wistar rats. The animal models were administered with fermented rice beverage (test group A1), combination of indigenous Lactobacillus isolates (test group A2), a yeast isolate (test group A3), loperamide (test group STD), normal control (test group NC) and disease control (test group DC). Furthermore, various diarrhea assessment parameters were checked from each group followed by analysis of fecal microbiome, haematological parameters, histopathology of colon, liver and cecal short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) determination. NC and A1 was least affected by AAD induction with a faecal consistency score of 1 on the final day of the study. After day 10, a significant reduction (P &lt;0.05) in the faecal water content was observed in A1, A2 and STD till day 15. Compared to the NC, a slight decrease in body weight was found in the rest of five test groups at day 5, 10 and 15. Except NC, the remaining five test groups showed a significant decrease of lactobacilli and yeast counts in faecal microbiota at 5th day. An increase in the enterococci and coliform counts indicated severe diarrheal condition but A1 reported with significant increase (P &lt;0.05) in the population of Lactobacillus at day 15. An increase in red blood corpuscles, haemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was observed. During the histopathology analysis of colon and liver, normal layers of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serous with absence of any abnormal changes or lesions was seen in A1. The cecal concentrations of lactate, acetate and propionate were significantly higher in A1 as compared to the other test groups. Therefore, fermented rice beverage possesses potential to be used in inhibition of antibiotic associated diarrhea with further clinical investigations

    Indigenous Lactobacillus strains improve growth performance and high density cholesterol levels in broilers

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    Antibiotics have been used extensively in poultry chicken to promote growth rate, increase feed conversion efficiency, and prevent intestinal infections, resulting in an imbalance of the beneficial intestinal flora. The use of lactic acid bacteria as feed additives to substitute antibiotic associated growth stimulators as well as their impact on meat quality, could possibly be the major approach. In this context, here, we studied two Lactobacillus cultures viz., L. plantarum KGL3A and L. fermentum KGL4 as an alternative to growth promoters. Broilers were grouped into four different treatments: T1 (control: basal diet + antibiotic growth promoter and immunomodulatory factor), T2 [basal diet without having antibiotic growth promoter and immunomodulatory factor + L. plantarum KGL3A (108 CFU/mL)], T3 [basal diet without having antibiotic growth promoter and immunomodulatory factor + L. fermentum KGL4 (108 CFU/mL)] and T4 (basal diet without having antibiotic growth promoter and immunomodulatory factor + combination of T3 and T4 bacterial strains). During the entire study, higher bodyweight was observed among the Lactobacillus fed broilers groups (T4: 2433g, T3: 2371 g, T2: 2355 g) as compared to the control group (T1: 2339 g). Lipid profile analysis further confirmed the significant decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) content of T4 (19%) and T3 (16%) groups than the control group while more than 10% increase in high-density lipoprotein HDL content was observed in T4 and T3 groups than the control group. Further, the decrease in coliform and enterococci counts and an increase in Lactobacillus counts in treatment groups compared to the control group were found. The results indicate that the potential use of Lactobacillus cultures (KGL3A and KGL4) as dietary feed supplements as alternative to the antibiotics as growth promoters in poultry feeds

    Significance of fermented rice beverage on management of antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD) on Wistar rats

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    759-770Antibiotic associated diarrhoea (AAD) is caused mostly by disruption of the physiological gut microflora. One potential strategy to prevent this is the concurrent use of probiotic bacteria or yeast. Tribal populations of West Garo Hill region of Meghalaya use locally available unique microflora to prepare fermented food products whichserve as a potential source of novel probiotic organisms and bioactive compounds. In this context, here, we have evaluated the potentiality of laboratory made functional fermented rice beverage in mitigating AAD on animal models viz. Wistar rats. The animal models were administered with fermented rice beverage (test group A1), combination of indigenous Lactobacillus isolates (test group A2), a yeast isolate (test group A3), loperamide (test group STD), normal control (test group NC) and disease control (test group DC). Furthermore, various diarrhea assessment parameters were checked from each group followed by analysis of fecal microbiome, haematological parameters, histopathology of colon, liver and cecal short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) determination. NC and A1 was least affected by AAD induction with a faecal consistency score of 1 on the final day of the study. After day 10, a significant reduction (P <0.05) in the faecal water content was observed in A1, A2 and STD till day 15. Compared to the NC, a slight decrease in body weight was found in the rest of five test groups at day 5, 10 and 15. Except NC, the remaining five test groups showed a significant decrease of lactobacilli and yeast counts in faecal microbiota at 5th day. An increase in the enterococci and coliform counts indicated severe diarrheal condition but A1 reported with significant increase (P <0.05) in the population of Lactobacillus at day 15. An increase in red blood corpuscles, haemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was observed. During the histopathology analysis of colon and liver, normal layers of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serous with absence of any abnormal changes or lesions was seen in A1. The cecal concentrations of lactate, acetate and propionate were significantly higher in A1 as compared to the other test groups. Therefore, fermented rice beverage possesses potential to be used in inhibition of antibiotic associated diarrhea with further clinical investigations