820 research outputs found

    Abnormal haemoglobins in Cape Town

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    Social technology and human health

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    human development, technology

    Remembering and forgetting the last war: discursive memory of the Sino-Vietnamese war in China and Vietnam

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    The year 2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979. Making use of published and unpublished Chinese, Vietnamese, and English sources, this article traces the tensions between official and popular memories of the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979 in China and Vietnam, respectively. We argue that these tensions existed because the development of the official Chinese and Vietnamese memories of the war largely mirrored each other. Between 1991 and roughly 2006, when bilateral relations between the countries improved, both Beijing and Hanoi claimed victory for their side while simultaneously downplaying the bloodshed, tragedy, and loss experienced during the war. However, they have reacted to the rise of popular memories since the early 2000s in very different ways. While Beijing walks a thin line between accommodating appeals for greater recognition of the sacrifices made by ordinary soldiers without provoking social discontent with the political system, Hanoi has been more successful in mobilising Vietnamese popular memory of the war to strike a measured nationalistic response to China. How China and Vietnam remember and downplay the Sino-Vietnamese War points to the bigger picture of the sensitivity of bilateral relations to historical memory in Asia. In particular, historical memory shapes how a country perceives external threats and opportunities, while historical memory is created, suppressed, and re-created as international relations evolve

    Progress report on the PATH Through Life Study

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    We finished interviewing people in their 20s in March this year, by which time we had interviewed 2404 people. Analysis of the 20-plus data is well under way. Our research team is currently preparing articles for scientific journals. In August this year we added an updated report to our web site. This updated report presented information on a number of areas not mentioned in the first report. If you do not have access to the internet and would like a copy of the updated report, call Trish on 62798408

    Liver-function tests in primary cancer of the liver in the Bantu

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    Sarcoma botryoides of the cervix

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    A thecoma of ovary causing precocious puberty in a baby aged 6 months

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