18 research outputs found
Desempenho de híbridos triplos de milho obtidos de top crosses em três locais do Estado de São Paulo
Seleção para tolerância ao alumínio em milho com base em parâmetros genéticos e análise multivariada
Combining Ability, Genetic Divergence Among Maize Lines And Correlation With Heterosis [capacidade Combinatória, Divergência Genética Entre Linhagens De Milho E Correlação Com Heterose]
The objectives of this research were to evaluate single cross hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) obtained from partial diallel crosses among contrasting inbred lines, to estimate the combining ability of the lines and to verify whether the genetic diversity among those lines assessed by moleculars markers is correlated with single cross hybrid heterosis Thirty-six single-crosses resulting from partial diallel and the 12 parental lines were evaluated in Campinas, State of São Paulo, in randomized block design, with tree replicates and two commercial checks. The following traits were evaluated: plant and ear height, ear weight and grain weight. Individual variance analysis of hybrids were performed, and the averages were compared by Tukey test (P<0.05). General combining ability of the lines was obtained according to Geraldi e Miranda Filho. Correlations among matrices were estimated through Mantel statistics, considering heterosis, yield and specific combining ability with genetic divergence assessed by AFLP and SSR. The hybrid PM624 × P398 exhibited outstanding yield capacity and the lines VER266 and L105 showed positive GCA for grain yield. Estimate heterosis ranged from -559 to 6.320 kg ha-1. No significant correlation was observed between heterosis, specific combination ability or grain yield with genetic distance assessed by AFLP and SSR. Therefore, no prediction of hybrids performance could be made on the basis of the genetic divergence of the parent lines.673639648BARBOSA, A.M.M., GERALDI, I.O., BENCHIMOL, L.L., GARCIA, A.A.F., SOUZA, C.L., SOUZA, A.P., Relationship of intra- and interpopulation tropical maize single cross hybrid performance and genetic distances computed from AFLP and SSR markers (2003) Euphytica, 130, pp. 87-99. , Netherlands, vBENCHIMOL, L.L.SOUZA JÚNIOR C.L.GARCIA, A.A.FKONO, P.M.S.MANGOLIN, C.A.BARBOSA, A.M.M.COELHO, A.S.G.SOUZA, A.P. Genetic diversity in tropical maize inbred lines: heterotic group assignment and hybrid performance determined by RFLP markers. 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