3 research outputs found

    The Tudor-domain protein TDRD7, mutated in congenital cataract, controls the heat shock protein HSPB1 (HSP27) and lens fiber cell morphology

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    Mutations of the RNA granule component TDRD7 (OMIM: 611258) cause pediatric cataract. We applied an integrated approach to uncover the molecular pathology of cataract in Tdrd7−/− mice. Early postnatal Tdrd7−/− animals precipitously develop cataract suggesting a global-level breakdown/misregulation of key cellular processes. High-throughput RNA sequencing integrated with iSyTE-bioinformatics analysis identified the molecular chaperone and cytoskeletal modulator, HSPB1, among high-priority downregulated candidates in Tdrd7−/− lens. A protein fluorescence two-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE)-coupled mass spectrometry screen also identified HSPB1 downregulation, offering independent support for its importance to Tdrd7−/− cataractogenesis. Lens fiber cells normally undergo nuclear degradation for transparency, posing a challenge: how is their cell morphology, also critical for transparency, controlled post-nuclear degradation? HSPB1 functions in cytoskeletal maintenance, and its reduction in Tdrd7−/− lens precedes cataract, suggesting cytoskeletal defects may contribute to Tdrd7−/− cataract. In agreement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed abnormal fiber cell morphology in Tdrd7−/− lenses. Further, abnormal phalloidin and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) staining of Tdrd7−/− fiber cells, particularly those exhibiting nuclear degradation, reveals distinct regulatory mechanisms control F-actin cytoskeletal and/or membrane maintenance in post-organelle degradation maturation stage fiber cells. Indeed, RNA immunoprecipitation identified Hspb1 mRNA in wild-type lens lysate TDRD7-pulldowns, and single-molecule RNA imaging showed co-localization of TDRD7 protein with cytoplasmic Hspb1 mRNA in differentiating fiber cells, suggesting that TDRD7–ribonucleoprotein complexes may be involved in optimal buildup of key factors. Finally, Hspb1 knockdown in Xenopus causes eye/lens defects. Together, these data uncover TDRD7’s novel upstream role in elevation of stress-responsive chaperones for cytoskeletal maintenance in post-nuclear degradation lens fiber cells, perturbation of which causes early-onset cataracts

    The anterior Hox gene ceh-13 and elt-1/GATA activate the posterior Hox genes nob-1 and php-3 to specify posterior lineages in the C. elegans embryo.

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    Hox transcription factors play a conserved role in specifying positional identity during animal development, with posterior Hox genes typically repressing the expression of more anterior Hox genes. Here, we dissect the regulation of the posterior Hox genes nob-1 and php-3 in the nematode C. elegans. We show that nob-1 and php-3 are co-expressed in gastrulation-stage embryos in cells that previously expressed the anterior Hox gene ceh-13. This expression is controlled by several partially redundant transcriptional enhancers. These enhancers act in a ceh-13-dependant manner, providing a striking example of an anterior Hox gene positively regulating a posterior Hox gene. Several other regulators also act positively through nob-1/php-3 enhancers, including elt-1/GATA, ceh-20/ceh-40/Pbx, unc-62/Meis, pop-1/TCF, ceh-36/Otx, and unc-30/Pitx. We identified defects in both cell position and cell division patterns in ceh-13 and nob-1;php-3 mutants, suggesting that these factors regulate lineage identity in addition to positional identity. Together, our results highlight the complexity and flexibility of Hox gene regulation and function and the ability of developmental transcription factors to regulate different targets in different stages of development

    Aged Nrf2-Null Mice Develop All Major Types of Age-Related Cataracts

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    PurposeAge-related cataracts affect the majority of older adults and are a leading cause of blindness worldwide. Treatments that delay cataract onset or severity have the potential to delay cataract surgery, but require relevant animal models that recapitulate the major types of cataracts for their development. Unfortunately, few such models are available. Here, we report the lens phenotypes of aged mice lacking the critical antioxidant transcription factor Nfe2l2 (designated as Nrf2 -/-).MethodsThree independent cohorts of Nrf2 -/- and wild-type C57BL/6J mice were evaluated for cataracts using combinations of slit lamp imaging, photography of freshly dissected lenses, and histology. Mice were fed high glycemic diets, low glycemic diets, regular chow ad libitum, or regular chow with 30% caloric restriction.ResultsNrf2 -/- mice developed significant opacities between 11 and 15 months and developed advanced cortical, posterior subcapsular, anterior subcapsular, and nuclear cataracts. Cataracts occurred similarly in male mice fed high or low glycemic diets, and were also observed in 21-month male and female Nrf2 -/- mice fed ad libitum or 30% caloric restriction. Histological observation of 18-month cataractous lenses revealed significant disruption to fiber cell architecture and the retention of nuclei throughout the cortical region of the lens. However, fiber cell denucleation and initiation of lens differentiation was normal at birth, with the first abnormalities observed at 3 months.ConclusionsNrf2 -/- mice offer a tool to understand how defective antioxidant signaling causes multiple forms of cataract and may be useful for screening drugs to prevent or delay cataractogenesis in susceptible adults