1,079 research outputs found

    Pseudophakic cystoid macular edema after uneventful small incision cataract surgery

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    Background: To study the clinical profile of patient undergone small incision cataract surgery. To measure the incidence of CME after manual SICS and phacoemulsification method of cataract extraction.Methods: It`s a hospital based prospective study carried in ophthalmology dept. patients with normal clinical profile with no history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or any ocular trauma or infection/inflammation are randomly selected for cataract surgery either phacoemulsification or manual SICS and were regularly followed till sixth week after cataract surgery. During follow up complete examination including visual acuity, anterior segment examination fundoscopy and FFA done.Results: Out of 115 patients, 59 were operated by phacoemulsification and 56 were operated by manual SICS. 59were operated by phaco, 9 patients lost in follow up. Out of these, 2 patients developed CME. One was operated by phaco and the other by SICS (P value = 1.000) BCVA 6/9 or more after second follow up was seen in 42.45% of phaco patients and 40.56% of SICS patients which is statistically insignificant (P value = 0.343607).Conclusions: With advent of modern cataract surgery, rapid visual rehabilitation and unaided best corrected visual acuity is achieved with negligible early and late postoperative complications and thereby cystoid macular edema

    Study of haematological, biochemical profile and clinical presentation in dengue positive patients: 82 cases

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    Background: Dengue Fever (DF) is a self-limiting disease caused by arbovirus and transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). It is one of the 17 neglected tropical diseases by WHO. Diagnosis of dengue depends mainly on the detection of IgM and IgG antibody, and NS1 antigen.Methods: The study was carried out in Department of Pathology, affiliated with a government hospital. It includes 82 dengue patients, admitted from August 2015 to August 2016. Haematological, biochemical profile, clinical signs and symptoms were recorded. The Tourniquet test was performed in all the patients on admission. Grading of dengue: DF/DHFI/DHFII/DHFIII/DHFIV. Grade III and IV were collectively called as Dengue Shock Syndrome.Results: Total 82 Dengue positive cases were studied, 52 (63%) were males and 30 (37%) were females. 24 (29%) patients were recorded in September 22 (27%) in October 19 (23%) in August. 12 (14.60%) had positive tourniquet test. Thrombocytopenia was present in 86.5 % patients. Majority cases were of classical dengue fever 51 (62.20%), 14 (17.07%) were of DHF I, 12 (14.63%) were of DHF II, 3 (3.66%) were of DHF III and 2 (2.44%) were of DHF IV.Conclusions: It is very important to correlate clinical examination with haematological and biochemical profile in dengue patients. Hematocrit value, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, raised liver enzymes is very important to monitor dengue cases in their initial stages and thus facilitate early treatment. This would minimize morbidity and mortality arising out of serious complications of dengue fever

    The analysis of material removal rate of WEDM miniature gears

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    Gear fabrication in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) plays an important role in manufacturing industries. This paper describes the analysis and optimization of process parameters for the fabrication of spur gear on brass spur gear on brass workpiece (10cmx15cmx6mm) material by wire EDM process. The experiments were performed by using the design of experiment (DoE) approach and the material removal rate (MRR) was analyzed by response surface methodology technique. The effect of input parameters i.e. pulse on time, pulse off time and feed rate on MRR has been investigated. The surface geometry of the gears has been analysed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). This study found that 0.4 μs for pulse on time, 60 μs for pulse-off time and 6 mm/min for feed rate provides improved material removal rate. The analysis of variance shows that pulse on time and feed rate are the significant parameters for the wire EDM process. The SEM image exhibits the capability of WEDM to machined miniature gear with a uniform distribution of regular-shaped craters and defect-free flank surface

    An overview of women with post-partum haemorrhage in a tertiary care centre at capital of Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: Death due to pregnancy remains an important cause of premature mortality of women worldwide. Post-Partum hemorrhage (PPH) is still most common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Attention needs to be paid to the prevention of PPH with organization of continuous in-service training for all the health workers to emphasize early identification of the patient’s at risk, anticipation and corresponding readiness to manage PPH cum active management of third stage of labour. Our institute is a tertiary care centre receiving moribund patients with late referral affecting the outcome adversely. This area needs to be explored methodically. The main objective is to Study the pattern of referred & in-house PPH cases, To re-emphasize the importance of antenatal supervision & anticipating, identifying and managing the complications at the earliest as well as prophylactic management of PPH, enhancing the awareness in this regard. Also to find out if there are situations where early referral to the tertiary care centre could have changed the outcomeMethods: The study was conducted at Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal, India.  Retrospective data of all the cases of postpartum haemorrhage from November 2010 – October 2015, whether referred or in-house in the study period was recorded. (n= 37; 2.66%).  Patients’ antenatal delivery & PPH details, management received & maternal outcome were recorded. The data was compiled & analyzed statistically in view of the aims & objectives.Results: 84 % were unbooked, 65% delivered at tertiary centre. 70% had atonic PPH, 46% PPH due to coagulopathy. 65% had severe anemia, ARF in 27%, ARDS in 19%.  65% recovered completely, 16% recovered from PPH & had some persistent morbidity, mortality 19%.Conclusions: The importance of antenatal supervised care under expert’s guidance cannot be overemphasized. Identifying the complications at the earliest can prevent many complications. Timely referral of the obstetric patients to a tertiary centre can save many lives

    Clinical profile of ocular trauma in a tertiary care hospital of Southern Rajasthan

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    Background: Ocular trauma is a major cause of preventable visual impairment and blindness leading to permanent loss of vision and deterioration of quality of life. 90% of the injuries are preventable. Aim of the current study was to study the clinical profile of patients with ocular trauma at a tertiary care hospital in Southern Rajasthan. Current study was a cross- sectional, observational study was conducted at Geetanjali medical college and hospital, Udaipur.Methods: After taking a well-informed consent a generalized detailed history of 108 cases (123 injured eyes) was obtained. Assessment of best corrected visual acuity, near vision, intraocular pressure, slit-lamp evaluation and dilated fundus examination was carried out. Then injury was classified as per BETTS classification. Patients with corneal foreign bodies and chemical injuries were recorded separately. Imaging modalities like ultrasound B-scan, CT-scan and MRI were employed wherever required. Results: Number of males (98) was much higher than females (9) in our study. Male: female ratio was found to be 10.8:1. The most commonly affected age group was 21-30 years, this highlights the alarmingly high incidence of ocular injuries in economically active young males. Farming is the primary occupation across India, hence it deserves a special mention. 22% of injury cases in our study were farm- work related injuries. Farmers need to be educated and provided eye protective equipment during high-risk activities. Laws regarding agricultural code of practice should be implemented and followed.Conclusions: In our study, not a single case out of 108 had used eye protection at the time of injury. Every effort should be made to create awareness regarding use of safety measures during driving and engaging in high-risk occupations. This will help prevent sight-threatening complications of ocular trauma and the deleterious impact on quality of life

    Millets as Nutre Cereals

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    Among the growing population (136.64 crs as per2019) many people experience scarcity of food and all. In the 2020 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 94th out of the 107 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2020 GHI scores. With a score of 27.2, India has a level of hunger that is serious (www.un.org/). The United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts that the on-going COVID-19 pandemic will increase this number as developing countries are double-hit by disease and hunger (www.fao.org/2019-ncov/q-and-a/) Disruptions in global supply chains, economic consequences (i.e., loss of jobs and incomes), the ban on the export of agricultural commodities, and price increases are the major reasons for this crisis. Although much attention is being given to the development of vaccines, therapeutic molecules, and preventive measures to combat COVID-19, the invisible threat to the lives and livelihoods of marginal populations through hunger and malnutrition remains largely unaddressed. The focus of the 2019 Global hunger index on ‘The Challenge of Hunger and Climate Change’ underlines the impacts of changing climates on agriculture that include crop failures owing to problems such as seasonal fluctuations, increased insect and pest attacks, and broad-spectrum infection by potential pathogens (www.globalhungerindex.org/).Supplying food grains is an immediate measure to aid the affected population, whereas devising long-term plans to prevent such challenges is the need of the hour. That said, the possibility of a second and third wave of COVID-19 in the near future should not be ignored. In such a case, the UN World Food Programme predicts (UN-WFP; https://insight.wfp.org/) that death due to lack of food would outnumber deaths caused by disease infection. The importance of crop diversity and of mainstreaming underutilized crops that could serve as functional foods has been pointed out before; however, identifying the best candidates of underutilized crops and deploying crop improvement strategies to release better varieties is still in a nascent stage. Mayes et al. Other plant species, including tubers, legumes, and leafy vegetables, also fall within the criteria of underutilized species; however, emphasis is given to small millets because they are capable of reducing the overdependence on major cereals. Three major cereals, namely rice, wheat, and maize, cater for up to 60% of the global food requirements, and this is one of the plausible causes of food and nutritional inadequacies in the hunger hotspots where these crops are largely imported for consumption. Millets, although cultivated marginally in those regions, have the potential to address these inadequacies if their area of cultivation is increased and crop improvement strategies are devised and deployed. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i9.01

    Review Paper on Privacy Preservation Techniques in Cloud

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    In this information world, large amounts of data are collected and analyzed every day. Cloud computing is the most known model for supporting large and complex data. Organizations are moving toward cloud computing for getting benefit of its cost reduction and elasticity features but cloud computing has potential risk and vulnerabilities. One of major problem in moving to cloud computing is its security and privacy concerns.Encryption is standalone problem for the security of data stored on the cloud. So we proposed method which combines the concept of encryption along with data deduplication methodology to enhance the privacy of data over cloud. Data deduplication is a specialized data compression technique for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data in storage. In turns this technique saves the cost and time associated with redundant accessing and processing of data overhead involve as compared to normal operations.