36 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic flows of non-Fermi liquids: magnetotransport and bilayer drag

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    We consider a hydrodynamic description of transport for generic two dimensional electron systems that lack Galilean invariance and do not fall into the category of Fermi liquids. We study magnetoresistance and show that it is governed only by the electronic viscosity provided that the wavelength of the underlying disorder potential is large compared to the microscopic equilibration length. We also derive the Coulomb drag transresistance for double-layer non-Fermi liquid systems in the hydrodynamic regime. As an example, we consider frictional drag between two quantum Hall states with half-filled lowest Landau levels, each described by a Fermi surface of composite fermions coupled to a U(1)U(1) gauge field. We contrast our results to prior calculations of drag of Chern-Simons composite particles and place our findings in the context of available experimental data.Comment: 4 pages + references + supplementary information, 1 figur

    Two-dimensional spin liquids with Z2 topological order in an array of quantum wires

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    Insulating Z[subscript 2] spin liquids are a phase of matter with bulk anyonic quasiparticle excitations and ground-state degeneracies on manifolds with nontrivial topology. We construct a time-reversal symmetric Z[subscript 2] spin liquid in two spatial dimensions using an array of quantum wires. We identify the anyons as kinks in the appropriate Luttinger-liquid description, compute their mutual statistics, and construct local operators that transport these quasiparticles. We also present a construction of a fractionalized Fermi liquid (FL*) by coupling the spin sector of the Z[subscript 2] spin liquid to a Fermi liquid via a Kondo-like coupling.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant GBMF-4303)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMR-13001648

    Quantum butterfly effect in weakly interacting diffusive metals

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    We study scrambling, an avatar of chaos, in a weakly interacting metal in the presence of random potential disorder. It is well known that charge and heat spread via diffusion in such an interacting disordered metal. In contrast, we show within perturbation theory that chaos spreads in a ballistic fashion. The squared anticommutator of the electron field operators inherits a light-cone like growth, arising from an interplay of a growth (Lyapunov) exponent that scales as the inelastic electron scattering rate and a diffusive piece due to the presence of disorder. In two spatial dimensions, the Lyapunov exponent is universally related at weak coupling to the sheet resistivity. We are able to define an effective temperature-dependent butterfly velocity, a speed limit for the propagation of quantum information, that is much slower than microscopic velocities such as the Fermi velocity and that is qualitatively similar to that of a quantum critical system with a dynamical critical exponent z>1z > 1.Comment: 15 pages in two-column format, 7 figure

    Magnetotransport in a model of a disordered strange metal

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    Despite much theoretical effort, there is no complete theory of the 'strange' metal state of the high temperature superconductors, and its linear-in-temperature, TT, resistivity. Recent experiments showing an unexpected linear-in-field, BB, magnetoresistivity have deepened the puzzle. We propose a simple model of itinerant electrons, interacting via random couplings with electrons localized on a lattice of quantum 'dots' or 'islands'. This model is solvable in a large-NN limit, and can reproduce observed behavior. The key feature of our model is that the electrons in each quantum dot are described by a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model describing electrons without quasiparticle excitations. For a particular choice of the interaction between the itinerant and localized electrons, this model realizes a controlled description of a diffusive marginal-Fermi liquid (MFL) without momentum conservation, which has a linear-in-TT resistivity and a TlnTT \ln T specific heat as T0T\rightarrow 0. By tuning the strength of this interaction relative to the bandwidth of the itinerant electrons, we can additionally obtain a finite-TT crossover to a fully incoherent regime that also has a linear-in-TT resistivity. We show that the MFL regime has conductivities which scale as a function of B/TB/T; however, its magnetoresistance saturates at large BB. We then consider a macroscopically disordered sample with domains of MFLs with varying densities of electrons. Using an effective-medium approximation, we obtain a macroscopic electrical resistance that scales linearly in the magnetic field BB applied perpendicular to the plane of the sample, at large BB. The resistance also scales linearly in TT at small BB, and as Tf(B/T)T f(B/T) at intermediate BB. We consider implications for recent experiments reporting linear transverse magnetoresistance in the strange metal phases of the pnictides and cuprates.Comment: 21 pages + Appendices + References, 4 figure