46 research outputs found

    The effects of isatin (indole-2, 3-dione) on pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide-induced hyperthermia in rats

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that centrally administered natriuretic peptides and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP-38) have hyperthermic properties. Isatin (indole-2, 3-dione) is an endogenous indole that has previously been found to inhibit hyperthermic effects of natriuretic peptides. In this study the aim was to investigate the effects of isatin on thermoregulatory actions of PACAP-38, in rats. RESULTS: One μg intracerebroventricular (icv.) injection of PACAP-38 had hyperthermic effect in male, Wistar rats, with an onset of the effect at 2 h and a decline by the 6(th) h after administration. Intraperitoneal (ip.) injection of different doses of isatin (25-50 mg/kg) significantly decreased the hyperthermic effect of 1 μg PACAP-38 (icv.), whereas 12.5 mg/kg isatin (ip.) had no inhibiting effect. Isatin alone did not modify the body temperature of the animals. CONCLUSION: The mechanisms that participate in the mediation of the PACAP-38-induced hyperthermia may be modified by isatin. The capability of isatin to antagonize the hyperthermia induced by all members of the natriuretic peptide family and by PACAP-38 makes it unlikely to be acting directly on receptors for natriuretic peptides or on those for PACAP in these hyperthermic processes

    Investiranje u visoko obrazovanje: Republika Srbija u međunarodnom okruženju

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    Higher quality of higher education services, improved working conditions and economic situation are predominantly determined by the total amount of investments in higher education, in particular by state funds. On the other hand, the investment model for higher education, economic power and budgetary capacity of the state, determine the amount of public funds invested in higher education. The subject matter of this paper is the level of public investments in higher education in the Republic of Serbia, i.e. AP Vojvodina, as a European region, in comparison to selected European countries, which is analysed according to the quantitative indicator i.e. budgetary appropriations per student. The goal of this study is to determine changes in ranking of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. AP Vojvodina, through implementation of the new investment model for higher education, in comparison to selected European countries. Study results show significant decrease of public investments in higher education, in the Republic of Serbia, in comparison to selected European countries. The results also imply that implementation of the new investment model for higher education increases the volume of investments, as well as development of entrepreneurship in higher education.Veći kvalitet visokoobrazovnih usluga, bolji uslovi rada i materijalni položaj u presudnoj meri su determinisani ukupnim obimom investiranja u visoko obrazovanje, a posebno javnih sredstava od strane države. S druge strane, model investiranja u visoko obrazovanje, ekonomska snaga i budžetski kapacitet države opredeljuju iznos javnih sredstava koja se investiraju u visoko obrazovanje. Predmet istraživanja rada je visina javnog investiranja u visoko obrazovanje u Republici Srbiji, odnosno u AP Vojvodini, kao evropskoj regiji, u poređenju sa odabranim zemljama Evrope koja se analizira na osnovu kvantitativnog pokazatelja, iznosa investiranih budžetskih sredstava po studentu. Cilj istraživanja je da se primenom novog modela investiranja u visoko obrazovanje utvrde promene ranga Republike Srbije, odnosno AP Vojvodine, u odnosu na odabrane evropske zemlje. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se u Republici Srbiji, iz javnih izvora, investira značajno manje sredstava u visoko obrazovanje u odnosu na odabrane evropske zemlje i da primena novog modela investiranja povećava obim investiranja, ali i razvoj preduzetništva u visokom obrazovanju

    Randman dorađenog semena lucerke u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo 1997-2000

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    Natural alfalfa seed from contracted 1997-2000 production in the Vojvodina province was processed at the Forage Crops Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The seed was processed on a Kamas Westrup, while the dodder was removed using a trifoline magnet. Twelve samples were taken from the seed producers in each of the four study years. Each sample was divided into three parts (one for the producer, one for laboratory analysis and one for the processor (The greatest purity was achieved in 2000 (53% on average), followed by 1998 (48%). The year 1997 had a considerably lower purity (42,8%), while 1999 had the lowest (only 34,8%). The smallest amount of processed seed was obtained in 1999 (28,8 t). In the year 2000, which was fairly favorable seed production-wise and had the largest utilization percentage *53,7% of pure seed), a total of 77,5 t was processed. In 1997, five alfalfa cultivars were used seed production, while in 1998, 1999 and 2000 there were three each.U radu su iznete proizvedene i dorađene količine semena lucerke (1997-2000) godine i uticaj čistoće naturalnog semena lucerke na randman dorade u zavisnosti od sorti i godine proizvodnje. Randman dorađenog semena lucerke zavisi od prisustva raznih-primesa u naturalnom semenu. Najniži randman semena u četiri godine (%) bio je u 1999 god. 34,8 %. Najbolja čistoća semena i iskorišćenje (%) dobijena je doradom semena u 2000. godini od 53,7%. U toku navedene četiri godine ispitivanja vršene su laboratorijske analize na uzorcima: čistoća, učešće nečistoće, prisustvo inertnih materija i korova izraženo je u procentima (%). Najniža čistoća dorađenog semena (%) u odnosu na naturalno seme pojedinih uzoraka (uzorak 4) je iz 1999. god. od 14,7%, a najviša čistoća (uzorak 12) iz 2000. god. je 90,0 %). Učešće nečistoće u semenu kretalo se od 10,0% (u 2000. g.) do 85,3 % (u 1999. g) Prisustvo inertnih materija 9,0 % (u 2000) do 63,0 % (1997) god., a učešće korova u naturalnom semenu 1,0% (u 2000) do 28% (u 1999) god. Čistoća dorađenog semena, u odnosu na naturalno seme lucerke (%) uslovljena je od zakorovljenosti useva, uspeha primenjene desikacije, podešenosti kombajna pri radu u žetvi i dr

    Sezonske promene sadržaja proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti, mineralnih materija u suvoj materiji crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is the second most important perennial forage legume, after alfalfa. It is a significant source of proteins, which are essential in the diet of domestic animals, especially ruminants. The objective of this study was to determine the most important characteristics of dry matter quality (crude proteins, structural carbohydrates, fats and minerals) in three varieties of red clover (K-17, Kolubara and Una). The characteristics were monitored, per individual cuts, during one production cycle of red clover, i.e., in the period 2004- 2006. Highest contents of crude protein in all three test years were obtained in the second cut. Significantly increased contents of crude proteins (18.32%) and potassium (K-2.53%) were found in the red clover cultivar Una developed in Novi Sad. Significantly increased values of both cellulose fiber fractions (NDF, ADF) were registered in the second year of growing. The highest content of minerals was determined at the beginning of the growing season in the first and second year (8.68% and 8.52%, respectively). Here it should be mentioned that the contents of basic biogenous elements, phosphorus and potassium, were within the expected optimum range.Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.) je druga po značaju višegodišnja krmna leguminoza. Slično lucerki značajan je izvor proteina, neophodnih u ishrani domaćih životinja, a naročito preživara. Cilj rada je bio da se tokom jednog proizvodnog ciklusa crvene deteline, u periodu 2004-2006. godine po otkosima utvrde najvažniji parametri kvaliteta suve materije: sadržaj sirovih proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti i mineralnih materija kod tri domaće sorte crvene deteline: K-17, Kolubara i Una. Najveći sadržaj sirovih proteina u sve tri godine ispitivanja je utvrđen u drugom otkosu. Značajno veći sadržaj sirovih proteina (18,32 %) i kalijuma (K-2,53 %) je utvrđen kod NS-sorte crvene deteline Une. Statistički značajno veće vrednosti obe frakcije celuloznih vlakana (NDF, ADF) su utvrđene u drugoj godini života crvene deteline. Najveći sadržaj mineralnih materija je utvrđen početkom vegetacije prve (8,68 %) i druge godine proizvodnog ciklusa (8,52 %) crvene deteline, pri čemu treba istaći da se sadržaj osnovnih biogenih elementa: fosfora i kalijuma nalazio u očekivanim optimalnim granicama

    Međuzavisnost komponenti prinosa lucerke

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    Ten alfalfa varieties were tested at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field in the period 1991-1994. The following characteristics were analyzed: yield of dry matter, yield of green forage, stem length and diameter, lamina length and width, regeneration rate, number of intemodes, proportion of leaves and the content of crude proteins. Stem length, yield of green forage, regeneration rate and the proportion of leaves exhibited direct positive effects on dry matter yield. Number of internodes, lamina length and the content of crude proteins exhibited negative direct effects. Yield of green forage, stein length and regeneration rate exhibited also indirect positive effects, via other characteristics. They may be used as selection criteria in alfalfa breeding for increased yield of dry matter. In addition to the significant positive direct effect, the portion of leaves had negative indirect effects, via green forage yield, stem length, growth rate and the content of crude proteins. It is therefore not applicable in alfalfa breeding for increased yield of dry matter.U periodu od 1991-1994. godine ispitivano je 10 sorti lucerke na Rimskim Šančevima. Analizirana su svojstva: prinos suve materije, zelene krme, dužina i prečnik stabljike, dužina i širina liske, brzina regeneracije, broj internodija, udeo lista i sadržaj sirovih proteina. Pozitivne direktne efekte na prinos suve materije lucerke ispoljavaju: dužina stabljike, prinos zelene krme, brzina regeneracije i udeo lista u prinosu. Negativne direktne efekte na prinos suve materije lucerke ispoljavaju: broj internodija, dužina liske i sadržaj sirovih proteina. Prinos zelene krme, dužina stabljike i brzina regeneracije ispoljavaju i pozitivne indirektne efekte preko drugih osobina, pa se mogu koristiti kao kriterijum u selekciji lucerke na veći prinos suve materije. Pored značajnog pozitivnog direktnog efekta, udeo lista ispoljava i negativne indirektne efekte preko prinosa zelene krme, dužine stabljike, brzine odrastanja i sadržaja sirovih proteina i ne bi se mogao koristiti za selekciju lucerke na veći prinos suve materije

    Varijabilnost komponenti prinosa domaćih sorti lucerke u mlađim fazama razvića

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    Yield components of six alfalfa cultivars were analyzed for genetic variability in the early stages of plant development during years two through four of plant life (1999-2001). The following traits were studied during the first five stages of development: plant height, leaf contribution, dry matter content of stem and leaves, and internode number and length. Genetic and phenotypic variance was estimated as well as the coefficient of variation and broad sense heritability. Genetic and phenotypic variability of yield components in alfalfa cultivars is significant in the earlier developmental stages, which enables selection before pollination and fertilization (Tab. 1). The cultivars NS Banat ZMS II and NS Mediana ZMS V had significantly taller plants, a higher dry matter content and higher internode number. However, higher leaf contribution to yield was found in Slavija, Novosadjanka H-11 and NS Bačka ZMS I (Tab. 2).Proučavano je 6 sorti lucerke, kreacije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo od druge do četvrte godine života biljaka (1999-2001). Varijabilnost je ocenjena u prvih pet fenoloških faza razvića. Analizirane su: visina biljaka, udeo lišća, sadržaj suve materije u stablu, lišću i ukupno, broj internodija i dužina internodija. Izračunata je genetička i fenotipska varijansa koeficijent varijacije i heritabilnost. Dobijene su značajne razlike u morfološkim osobinama između domaćih sorti lucerke u mladim fazama razvića. Varijabilnost morfoloških osobina lucerke, mogla bi se koristiti kao kriterijum za ocenu genotipova u oplemenjivanju, u mlađim fazama razvića, odnosno pre generativne faze

    Prinos krmnog sirka (sorghum vulgare pers) u zavisnosti od predzalivne vlažnosti zemljišta i načina setve

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    Yield of irrigated forage sorghum has been analyzed in order to determine the threshold of optimum soil moisture and the effect of irrigation in dependence of sowing method. The highest yield of forage (95.74 t/ha) was achieved with the preirrigation moisture of 70-75% of field water capacity (FWC). Therefore, this value is the threshold of optimum soil moisture for forage sorghum. The average yield for rainfed sorghum was 65.79 t/ha, and thus the irrigation effect was 45%. The sowing in rows 25 cm apart brought the yield of 88.48 t/ha. This yield was significantly higher than that obtained in the row distance of 50 cm, which was 78.59 t/ha. The highest absolute yield of forage of 102.59 t/ha was obtained with the preirrigation moisture of 70-75% FWC and the distance of 25 cm between the rows. In addition to yield of forage, we analyzed the number of plants per unit area number of internodes and stem height shortly before cutting, portions of stems and leaves in yield of forage and the contents of dry matter in stems and leaves.Analiziran je prinos zelene krme sirka u uslovima navodnjavanja u cilju utvrđivanja donje granice optimalne vlažnosti zemljišta i efekta navodnjavanja pri različitom načinu setve. Najveći prinos zelene krme (95,74 t/ha) ostvaren je pri predzalivnoj vlagi 70-75% od PVK, stoga ova vrednost predstavlja donju granicu optimalne vlažnosti zemljišta za krmni sirak. Prosečan prinos u uslovima bez navodnjavanja iznosio je 65,79 t/ha, a efekat navodnjavanja bio je 45%. Setvom krmnog sirka na međuredno rastojanje od 25 cm ostvaren je prinos od 88,48 t/ha, značajno više u odnosu na setvu na 50 cm, gde je prinos iznosio 78,59 t/ha. Apsolutno najveći prinos zelene krme od 102,59 t/ha ostvaren je navodnjavanjem pri 70-75% PVK i setvom na 25 cm međurednog rastojanja

    Prinos zrna stočnog graška u postrnoj setvi u uslovima navodnjavanja

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    A trial with spring forage pea (Pisum sativum L) sown in irrigated double cropping was carried out at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad during 2002 and 2003. The cultivars Jezero and Javor were studied. Sowing was done on June 26 in the first year and June 24 in the second. The irrigation regime included seven irrigations with a total of 220 mm in 2002 and six irrigations with 130 mm in total in 2003. In both years, harvesting was done in late August. Javor had the higher plant height mean values (42 cm), pod number (5) and plant mass (5.93 g), while Jezero had the higher grain number per plant (14) grain yield per plant (2.31 g) and 1000-grain mass (171 g). Jezero had the higher average grain yield per unit area (1.272 t ha-1) relative to Javor (0.962 t ha-1).Ogled sa posrtnom setvom jarog stočnog graška (Pisum sativum L) u navodnjavanju izveden je na oglednom polju Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima tokom 2002. i 2003. godine. Ispitivane su sorte Jezero i Javor. Prve godine setva je obavljena 26, a druge godine 24. juna. Režim navodnjavanja u 2002. godini je obuhvatio sedam zalivanja sa ukupnom normom od 220 mm, a tokom 2003. godine šest zalivanja sa ukupnom normom od 130 mm. Žetva u obe godine je obavljena krajem avgusta. Sorta Javor se odlikovala većim prosečnim vrednostima visine biljke (42 cm), broja mahuna (5) i mase biljke (5,93 g), dok je sorta Jezero imala veći broj zrna po biljci (14), prinos zrna po biljci (2,31 g) i veću masu hiljadu zrna (171 g). Jezero je postigao veći prosečni prinos zrna po jedinici površine (1,272 t ha-1) u odnosu na Javor (0,962 t ha-1)