24 research outputs found

    Idee niepodległości i suwerenności Polski w działalności informacyjno-propagandowej NSZZ „Solidarność” w Bydgoszczy w latach 1980-1989

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    We can talk about the evolution of ideas proclaimed by the broadly understood Solidarity Movement, from socio-social ideas, including emancipation, through democratic and civic ideas to independence and the sovereignty of the nation and the state. The power of articulation of these ideas clearly increased after the declaration of Martial law on 13 December 1981, and ever closer to its realization after the Round Table Talks on 1989

    Duszpasterstwo garnizonowe w Bydgoszczy (1945–1991)

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    Th e history of the garrison parish in Bydgoszcz in the times of the Polish People’s Republic varies depending on the social-political situation in the state and the policy of the Polish United Workers’ Party. It started from the showy use of military chaplaincy to legitimize the new authority,through marginalization and dummied up chaplaincy, and ended with an involuntary contact with the independence-democratic opposition and the transitions concurrent with the political breakthrough of 1989.Dzieje parafi i garnizonu Bydgoszcz w okresie Polski Ludowej są zróżnicowane w zależności od sytuacji społeczno-politycznej w państwie oraz polityki prowadzonej przez PZPR. Zaczęły się one od pozoranckiego wykorzystywania duszpasterstwa wojskowego do legitymizacji nowej władzy, poprzez marginalizację i atrapizację duszpasterstwa, a skończyły mimowolnym stykiem z opozycją niepodległościowo-demokratyczną i przeobrażeniami zgodnymi z przełomem politycznym 1989 roku

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    Demokracja związkowa lat 1980-1981 w pamięci i ocenie członków NSZZ „Solidarność” Regionu Bydgoskiego

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    The author used the word “outbreak,” since the origins of the “Solidarity” are remembered in this way by its members, who were surprised by it. In the majority of cases they were not prepared to operate in democratic trade union structures. They also had no models to follow, thus guided by intuition and good will they were self-taught in the “Solidarity school of democracy.” They learned mainly by trial and error. The study on communicative, personal memory of students of this “school” encompassed 110 active members of NSZZ “Solidarity” of the Bydgoszcz Region from 1980-1981. Empirical data was collected primarily in three ways: survey (questionnaire), interviews and analysis of documents. The author used a parametric method - catalogued questionnaire-based interview. The study confirmed the rift between the idealistic vision of democracy and its practical implementation. The difference between idea and practice was influenced by lack of experience, human weaknesses and intensive diversion activity of the Security Service

    „Kuria biskupia” w Bydgoszczy i Żołędowie

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    During the period of the Polish People’s Republic, “religious underground” or at least “religious margins” were active in the country. The communist authorities, who were kept captive by the constitutional right of “freedom of conscience,” were not able to directly repress participants of this phenomenon. They were not able to eliminate it, since these participants included people who were particularly stimulated religiously, nearly fanatics, abiding by no legal, social or moral rules. Many of them treated religious activity as a “way of life” and a source of income. Homosexuals and bisexuals accounted for a significant percentage of them. A clear personality of the religious underground in the Polish People’s Republic was the Rev. Ignacy Wysoczański (1901-1975), who in 1948-1951 established “Bishop’s curia” in Żołędowo and Bydgoszcz. His personality was shaped at the religious-cultural borderland of the Second Republic of Poland. He was a Greek Catholic Boyko, who due to mental aberration was active in the “free” Old Catholic Church, in which no intellectual and moral requirements were imposed upon the clergy

    NSZZ „Solidarność” lat 1980–1990 jako czynnik integrujący region kujawsko-pomorski

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     Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity” did not accept the disintegration of the state by dividing into 49 small provinces and districts liquidation – both in the program and operations sought to community actions. Similarly happened in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region, where “Solidarity” unionists in the public and conspiracy activities sought to create a macro-region of their trade union within the limits of the liquidated in 1975 Bydgoszcz-region. By 1989 cooperation between regions: Bydgoszcz, Toruń and Włocławek was very good. The experience of “Solidarity” can now be used in the process of integration of theKujawsko-Pomorskie region, as an idea of regional solidarity – a sense of mutual dependence and mutual responsibility for the prosperity and development of the entire region.NSZZ „Solidarność” nie akceptował dezintegracji państwa poprzez rozbicie w 1975 r. struktur administracyjnych na 49 małych województw i likwidację powiatów. Zarówno w swoim programie, jak i w bieżącej działalności dążył do działań wspólnotowych. Podobnie było w regionie kujawsko-pomorskim, gdzie związkowcy zarówno w okresie jawnej działalności, jak i w konspiracji dążyli do utworzenia związkowego makroregionu w granicach zlikwidowanego w 1975 r. województwa bydgoskiego. Do 1989 r. współpraca między regionami związkowymi Bydgoszczy, Torunia i Włocławka była bardzo dobra. Doświadczenie „Solidarności” można obecnie wykorzystać w procesie integracji województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego jako ideę solidarności regionalnej, czyli poczucie wzajemnej zależności i wzajemnej odpowiedzialności za pomyślność i rozwój całego regionu

    Osobowe źródła informacji Służby Bezpieczeństwa w bydgoskiej przestrzeni kulturalnej lat siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych XX wieku

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    Personal information sources did not play a major role in the Bydgoszcz cultural space of the 1970s and 1980s. They concerned primarily people entangled in relations with the Security Service. Some of them had quickly severed all ties with the service. Some tried to limit such relations by providing irrelevant information

    Przemiany świadomości inteligencji w okresie rozpadu Polski Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej (1975-1989) na przykładzie Dzienników Józefa Banaszaka

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    An analysis of the attitudes of intelligentsia during the transition period, con[1]ducted based on studying, among others, Diaries by J. Banaszak of the last two decades of the Polish People’s Republic allows to draw the following conclusions: 1. The attitudes - to a large extent - depended on family- and community-based upbringing; there was also an aspect of regional diversification. 2. Artistic intelligentsia and scientists were strongly dependent on the authorities, which were the only employers and sponsors, leading to development of the attitudes of conformism and opportunism. 3. Alternative systems, which had emerged starting from 1968, supported primarily by the Roman Catholic Church institution, did not have a sufficient offer, which would be able to satisfy professional and creative ambitions of intelligence. 4. The access of the majority of intellectuals to the groups of democratic and freedom fighting groups, including publishing houses, was very limited. 5. There was a significant discrepancy between the critical relation to the social- -political reality and the actual behavior. 6 . There were escape reactions into privacy and culture, in addition to eager involvement in professional work. 7. The main reason of the transition in 1989 was not the attitude of the nation, but economic crisis, which started in the second half of the 1970s; not resolved, it aggravated across the Eastern Bloc, forcing political system changes

    Glossa do artykułu o kulturze Niemców w międzywojennej Bydgoszczy

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    Struktura i procesy zmian w obrębie społeczeństwa Bydgoszczy w latach 1918-1920

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    The article tries to reconstruct the processes inside the Bydgoszcz society in the period before the city’s incorporation into the Republic of Poland on 22 January 1920. Contrary to popular opinion, it was not the ethnic structure or the national movement and internal political actions what decided about the change of the city’s belonging, but global political processes. The society of Bydgoszcz city, both in the Polish, German and Jewish segments, adapted to these decisions, on the basis of legalism and realism. The typical pax urbana was preserved