29 research outputs found

    Non-Linear SNR Degradation of Mixed 10G/100G Transmission Over Dispersion-Managed Networks

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    Enabling the mixed 10G IMDD with 100G coherent channels transmission over legacy dispersion-managed links on metro network chunks will come in handy for the operators to increase network flexibility while saving on CAPEX and operate progressive upgrades with no impact on existing traffic. We developed a semi-analytical model for 10G-to-100G XPM noise allowing QoT estimation on mixed 10G/100G systems

    Real-time Detection of Anthropic Events by 10G Channels in Metro Network Segments

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    We present an experimental proof-of-concept on detecting SOP variations including information on mechanical stresses on the network footprint by tapping out a small amount of power from 10G channels. Data can be gathered and classified locally, in each node, delivering alerts through streaming telemetr

    Experimental Validation of QoT Computation in Mixed 10G/100G Networks

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    We validate experimentally a quality-of-transmission estimator of the non-linear impairment on coherent 100G channels propagating with 10G channels on dispersion-managed links for network planning and path computation. Presented estimations are conservative, spectrally and spatially disaggregated

    Spatially Disaggregated Modelling of Self-Channel NLI in Mixed Fibers Optical Transmission

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    We simulate and observe the buildup of coherency in self-channel interference. We propose a spatially disaggregated model for non-uniform links with uncompensated and compensated spans. We show that the correlation coefficient can be described by a unique curve

    Network Planning Strategies for Next-Generation Flexible Optical Networks [Invited]

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    Using well-established results on nonlinear propagation modeling in coherent optical links, two different approaches for network planning are addressed and compared in terms of performance maximization and robustness to dynamic changes in the network, one based on maximization of the margin in the optical signal-to-noise ratio, the other on minimization of the pre-forward-errorcorrection bit error rate (BER). We show that, in pure coherent optical networks, the planning strategy that best supports the dynamic evolution of the network is the design aimed at BER minimization. A closed-form formula for the maximum reach (in terms of number of spans and loss budget) of each interface is analytically derived, which is a useful tool for the evaluation of the overall network cost for a desired traffic capacity

    Assessment of areas exposed to damage by dangerous goods transportation - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process method for land covers weighing

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    The DESTINATION project, operating since 2010, proposed as its primary objective the implementation of a new information system called GIIS (Global Integrated Information System). The GIIS provides a platform for the sharing and analysis of data concerning dangerous goods transportation within the territories of the project: Canton Ticino, Piedmont Region, Lombardy Region, Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley and Autonomous Province of Bolzano Alto Adige. The GIIS is based on a risk analysis model related to the transport of dangerous goods, which is able to consider both human and environmental targets that are potentially exposed. The article describes the approach used to assess possible environmental targets in a consistent way with the goals of the project. By applying the AHP methodology, a weighting coefficient for non-human targets is defined, in order to homogenize the units of measurement of the potential damages of the exposed environmental targets, as well as to allow the algebraic sum of the risks