74 research outputs found

    Steroid Hormones in Food Producing Animals:

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    The current EU rules on bovine electronic identification systems: state of the art and its further development

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    Abstract. Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 establishes a system for the identification of bovine animals and regulates the mandatory and voluntary labelling of beef and beef products. While bovine ear tags must bear an identifying code, the current European Union (EU) rules do not regulate electronic tags for bovine animal

    Promjene intraokularnog tlaka i sistemskog krvnog tlaka u pasa za vrijeme vježbe umjerenog intenziteta na pokretnoj traci - kratki prikaz

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    Physical exercise in humans induces changes in intraocular pressure, relating to the type and intensity of the workload. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the variations in intraocular pressure and arterial blood pressure in dogs that underwent physical exercise on a treadmill. Thirty dogs were submitted to physical exercise consisting of walking (15 minutes), trotting (20 minutes), and walking (10 minutes). The intraocular pressure, blood pressure and pulse rate were recorded for each dog before starting the treadmill exercise, immediately after it ended, and after 20 minutes of passive recovery. Two-way repeated analysis of variance measurement showed the significant effect of treadmill exercise (P≤0.01) on intraocular pressure, pulse rate and diastolic blood pressure. No significant changes were observed to systolic blood pressure. Intraocular pressure and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly during the passive recovery, and were strongly related. The pulse rate was significantly lower during the passive recovery. Although the mechanism determining the reduction in intraocular pressure during exercise remains not fully understood, our results suggest that it is strongly related to variations in arterial blood pressure.physical exercise; eye; ocular variable; arterial blood pressure; dogTjelesna vježba u ljudi uzrokuje promjene u intraokularnom tlaku, ovisno o vrsti i intenzitetu opterećenja. cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti varijacije intraokularnog tlaka i arterijski krvni tlak u pasa podvrgnutih tjelesnoj aktivnosti na pokretnoj traci. Trideset pasa izloženo je tjelesnoj aktivnosti koja se sastojala od hodanja (15 minuta), trčanja u formi kasa (20 minuta) i hodanja (10 minuta). Za svakog su psa zabilježeni intraokularni tlak, krvni tlak i srčani puls prije početka aktivnosti, odmah nakon završetka aktivnosti i 20 minuta nakon oporavka. Dvosmjerna analiza varijance za ponovljena mjerenja pokazala je znakovit učinak vježbe na pokretnoj traci (P ≤ 0,01) na intraokularni tlak, srčani puls i dijastolički krvni tlak. Nije bilo znakovitih promjena u sistoličkom krvnom tlaku. Intraokularni tlak i dijastolički krvni tlak znakovito su se smanjili za vrijeme oporavka i bili u znatnoj korelaciji. Srčani puls bio je znakovito niži za vrijeme oporavka. Iako mehanizam koji utječe na smanjenje intraokularnog tlaka nije sasvim jasan, rezultati pokazuju da je on u čvrstoj vezi s promjenama arterijskog krvnog tlaka

    Skvamocelularni karcinom oka u goveda: prikaz slučajeva u okolici grada Caltagirone u Italiji.

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    Twelve cases of ocular squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are reported in the bovine red-pied breed (Simmental), kept in a farm in south Sicily. Lesions showed different clinical aspects (caulifl ower-shape masses and/or papilloma-like growths), protruding through the palpebral fissure, and placed at the level of the nictitating membrane or the sclera-conjunctival junction, or by a cutaneous swelling with a central crateriform area and ulcerations on the periorbital region, involving also the eyelids. Histopathological examination revealed a dermic neoplastic growth characterized by the proliferation of invasive squamous cells arranged with a pseudocord appearance. The possible relationships were analysed between the high prevalence of the condition and the poorly pigmented skin of this breed, the farming system employed and the exposure of the animals to ultraviolet radiation. Finally, issues related to animal welfare are also considered.Prikazano je 12 slučajeva skvamocelularnog karcinoma u goveda simentalske pasmine držanih na jednoj farmi na jugu Sicilije. Oštećenja su se klinički očitovala u obliku cvjetače i/ili rasta nalik na papilom, izbočujući se kroz naprslinu na vjeđi sa smještajem u području treće vjeđe ili na spoju bjeloočnice i spojnice, ili oteklinom kože sa središnjim uvrnućem i ulceracijama u periorbitalnom području zahvaćajući i vjeđe. Patohistološkom pretragom ustanovljena je kožna novotvorina koja se očitovala proliferacijom invazivnih skvamoznih užolikih stanica. Analizirani su mogući odnosi između visoke prevalencije karcinoma te slabe pigmentiranosti kože simentalske pasmine, načina držanja i izloženosti goveda ultraljubičastom zračenju. Razmatrani su i neki čimbenici dobrobiti životinja

    Clinical significance of roms, oxy, shp and hmgb‐1 in canine leishmaniosis

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    This study aimed to investigate the role of oxidative stress parameters (ROMs, OXY, SHp), the Oxidative Stress index (OSi), and High Mobility Group Box-1 protein (HMGB-1) in canine leishmaniosis (CanL). For this study, thirty dogs, naturally infected with Leishmania spp. (Leishmania Group, LEISH) and ten healthy adult dogs (control group, CTR) were included. The diagnosis of CanL was performed by a cytological examination of lymph nodes, real time polymerase chain reaction on biological tissues (lymph nodes and whole blood), and an immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) for the detection of anti-Leishmania antibodies associated with clinical signs such as dermatitis, lymphadenopathy, onychogryphosis, weight loss, cachexia, lameness, conjunctivitis, epistaxis, and hepatosplenomegaly. The HMGB-1 and oxidative stress parameters of the LEISH Group were compared with the values recorded in the CTR group (Mann Whitney Test, p < 0.05). Spearman rank correlation was applied to evaluate the correlation between the HMGB-1, oxidative stress biomarkers, hematological and biochemical parameters in the LEISH Group. Results showed statistically significant higher values of SHp in the LEISH Group. Specific correlation between the ROMs and the number of red blood cells, and between HGMB-1 and SHp were recorded. These preliminary data may suggest the potential role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of CanL. Further studies are undoubtedly required to evaluate the direct correlation between inflammation parameters with the different stages of CanL. Similarly, further research should investigate the role of ROMs in the onset of anemia

    Buying a Dog with Pulmonary Stenosis: some medico-legal considerations

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    Pulmonic stenosis (PS) is a malformation of pulmonary valve, involving the right ventricular outflow tract or the pulmonary artery. German shepherd, Bulldog, Labrador retriever, Collie and Boxer are breeds predisposed. Clinical signs are aspecific and include stunting, exercise intolerance, dyspnoea, syncope and ascites. Often PS may determine audible cardiac murmur and when audible is a high frequency, crescendo-decrescendo murmur during systole, loudest over the left side of the thorax, near the sternal cardiac border. The veterinarian should be able to assess PS such as heart defects because they may be object of legal disputes. In this study, the Authors report some cases of PS in dogs to clarify whether or not it may be considered a redhibitory defect

    Retrograde Positive Contrast Urethrocystography of the Fish Urogenital System

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    The radiological differences between the urinary tract of  Dicentrarchus labrax, Sparus aurata, Tinca tinca, and Cyprinus carpio are shown. In fresh water teleosts the urinary bladder is sigmoid and a short urethra leads to the urinary pore. Genital and anal pores are present. In Sparus aurata the urinary bladder has a globoid shape. In Dicentrarchus labrax the urinary bladder is smaller and elongate. In both marine teleosts a single urogenital pore is visible. Positive contrast was used to survey the urogenital system and evaluate shape and size of the bladder, urethra, ureter, and gonadal ducts. Results demonstrate the morphological variability of the urinary bladder and the craniodorsal entry of the ureters into the bladder. It is envisaged that this work will provide baseline information for further imaging studies for investigating the urogenital morphology and can be applied to identify disorders in fishes. Furthermore, the main interest of this study is that it demonstrates the morphological variability of the lower urinary system that exists between different species of fishes

    Učinci 0,1 %-tne formulacije timolol-maleat gela na intraokularni tlak i puls u pasa

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    The objectives of new topical formulations for the treatment of glaucoma are to reduce the intraocular pressure (IOP) and minimize the occurrence of side effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of topical application of timolol maleate gel formulation 0.1% applied once daily, on the intraocular pressure and pulse rate (PR) in ten healthy dogs. A clinical blinded trial was performed over two different periods; each period was divided into a pretreatment phase (D0) and four days of treatment (D1-4), with a wash out period of 10 days. Treatments consisted of administration of one drop of timolol 0.1% gel formulation once a day and artificial tears. The IOP and PR values were recorded in all animals five times daily (7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 5:00 PM, and 9:00 PM). Adverse events (conjunctival hyperemia, discomfort, breathing, and allergic reaction) were documented. Compared with the placebo treatment, the topical treatment with timolol gel formulation resulted in a significant decrease in IOP and PR. Already 24 hours after administration, TMG induced a significant reduction in IOP. In the group treated with TMG the mean decrease in IOP was 3.4 mm Hg (P<0.01), the mean decrease in PR was 10.8 (P<0.01). Topical administration of timolol maleate gel 0.1% formula was effective in lowering IOP in healthy dogs. The gel formulation improves bioavailability, but it seems there was no reduction in adverse cardiopulmonary effects.335-343, 2018. SAŽETAK Cilj novih lokalnih formulacija za liječenje glaukoma jest smanjiti intraokularni tlak (IOP) i nuspojave. Ovim su se istraživanjem željeli utvrditi učinci lokalne primjene 0,1 %-tne formulacije timolol-maleat gela (TMG), jedanput dnevno, na intraokularni tlak i puls (PR) u deset zdravih pasa. Jednostruko slijepo kliničko istraživanje obavljeno je u dva različita razdoblja. Svako je razdoblje podijeljeno u fazu predobrade (D0) i četiri dana obrade (D1-4) s ispiranjem od 10 dana. Obrade su se sastojale od kapanja jedne kapi 0,1 %-tne formulacije timolol-gela jedanput dnevno i umjetnih suza. Vrijednosti IOP-a i PR-a utvrđene su kod svih životinja pet puta dnevno (7.00 h, 10.00 h, 13.00 h, 17.00 h i 21.00 h). Zabilježene su nuspojave (konjunktivalna hiperemija, nelagoda, disanje i alergijska reakcija). U usporedbi s placebo-obradom, topikalna terapija s formulacijom timolol-gela rezultirala je značajnim smanjenjem IOP-a i PR-a. Samo 24 sata nakon primjene TMG je izazvao značajno smanjenje IOP-a. U skupini koja je liječena TMG-om srednja vrijednost sniženja IOP-a bila je 3,4 mmHg (P<0,01), a prosječno sniženje PR-a iznosilo je 10,8 (P<0,01). Zaključno, topikalna primjena 0,1 %-tne formulacije timolol-maleat gela bila je učinkovita u snižavanju IOP-a u zdravih pasa. Formulacija gela poboljšava biološku korisnost, ali čini se da ne smanjuje kardiopulmonalne štetne učinke

    Cats’ and dogs’ welfare: text mining and topics modeling analysis of the scientific literature

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    Animal welfare is a field with increasing significance and has been raising huge concerns of the public and the political stage. Cats and dogs possess an important role in human life, but their welfare is not always secured from a legal aspect. This review aimed to describe the evolution and geographical distribution of “cats and dogs” and “puppies and kittens” welfare literature over the last 40 years, distinguish the main research topics studied and highlight gaps in knowledge. A search using Scopus® was performed with different search strings and predetermined filters as time range, language, and subject area. A total of 2,725 scientific literature records were retrieved but only the ones that referred to cats and dogs’ welfare aspects were retained. The final 1,775 records were processed through descriptive statistics, and text mining and topic analysis procedures were performed on their titles and abstracts. The results showed that the number of studies has been increasing, especially in Europe and North America. “Shelter” was the most frequent word, followed by “behavior,” “owner” and “adopt.” The nine topics that emerged from the analysis were breeding, stress and housing conditions, welfare and pain assessment, public health, shelter management and euthanasia, behavioral problems, health issues and management, human-animal interaction, and owners’ and veterinarians’ perceptions. While stress and housing conditions, public health, and owners’ and veterinarians’ perceptions were the most studied topics, human-animal interaction was the least studied. This review confirmed the increasing research and interest in cats’ and dogs’ welfare and showed gaps in knowledge where further studies are needed