16 research outputs found

    Wpływ typu karmy na długookresową kinetykę konsumpcji u kotów domowych (Felis catus) utrzymywanych w kolonii

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    Impact of food type on long term consumption kinetics in group-housed domestic cats (Felis catus). The aim of the current research was to assess the impact of the type of dry food on the long term acceptance in cats, expressed as consumption curves. A group of 14 adult neutered domestic cats were subsequently offered three types of products: economy, medium and premium. The consumption of food has been carefully monitored each day of the experiment, which enabled the drawing of the precise consumption curve. The average daily consumption showed differences between feeding periods (98.33%, 61.17% and 55.04% for premium, medium and economy diet type, respectively). In all groups the monotony effect has been observed, but the relative stability of the consumption has been observed only in cats fed with the premium type of food. The attractiveness of the economy type of food was distinctively low, resulting in a regularly waved consumption curve. It can be concluded, that the prolonged offering of a particular type of complete dry pet food within the limits of metabolizable energy requirements may potentially lead to adverse consequences for cats. The food consumption level that supplies the minimal daily energy amount can likely result in imbalanced macronutrient intake.Wpływ typu karmy na długookresową kinetykę konsumpcji u kotów (Felis catus) utrzymywanych w kolonii. Celem doświadczenia było określenie wpływu typu podawanej suchej karmy pełnoporcjowej na długookresowe wskaźniki akceptacji określane dla utrzymywanych grupowo kotów. Grupa 14 dorosłych, kastrowanych kotów otrzymywała kolejno karmę typu medium, economy i premium w okresach trwających 31 dni. Spożycie było ściśle kontrolowane każdego dnia trwania eksperymentu, co pozwoliło na wykreślenie dokładnych krzywych. Zaobserwowano istotne różnice wartości średniego współczynnika konsumpcji pomiędzy poszczególnymi okresami żywienia(98.33%, 61.17% i 55.04% odpowiednio dla karmy typu premium, medium i economy). We wszystkich okresach zaobserwowano efekt "monotonii" jednak relatywnie stabilne wskaźniki akceptacji zanotowano jedynie w okresie podawania karmy typu premium. Atrakcyjność karmy typu economy była wyraźnie niższa w porównaniu do pozostałych. Zaobserwowano znaczące fluktuacje przebiegu krzywej konsumpcji tego produktu. Można stwierdzić, że długotrwałe podawanie kotom jednego typu karmy, w ilości zapewniającej pokrycie dziennego zapotrzebowania na energię metaboliczną potencjalnie może mieć niepożądane konsekwencje. Regularne pobieranie taniej karmy pełnoporcjowej w ilości zapewniającej pokrycie jedynie minimalnego zapotrzebowania energetycznego może spowodować zaburzenie właściwego bilansu podaży podstawowych składników odżywczych

    Effect of short-term rapid ventricular pacing followed by pacing interruption on arterial blood pressure in healthy pigs and pigs with tachycardiomyopathy

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    Ventricular tachycardia may lead to haemodynamic deterioration and, in the case of long term persistence, is associated with the development of tachycardiomyopathy. The effect of ventricular tachycardia on haemodynamics in individuals with tachycardiomyopathy, but being in sinus rhythm has not been studied. Rapid ventricular pacing is a model of ventricular tachycardia. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of rapid ventricular pacing on blood pressure in healthy animals and those with tachycardiomyopathy. A total of 66 animals were studied: 32 in the control group and 34 in the study group. The results of two groups of examinations were compared: the first performed in healthy animals (133 examinations) and the second performed in animals paced for at least one month (77 examinations). Blood pressure measurements were taken during chronic pacing - 20 min after onset of general anaesthesia, in baseline conditions (20 min after pacing cessation or 20 min after onset of general anaesthesia in healthy animals) and immediately after short-term rapid pacing. In baseline conditions significantly higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure was found in healthy animals than in those with tachycardiomyopathy. During an event of rapid ventricular pacing, a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure was found in both groups of animals. In the group of chronically paced animals the blood pressure was lower just after restarting ventricular pacing than during chronic pacing. Cardiovascular adaptation to ventricular tachycardia develops with the length of its duration. Relapse of ventricular tachycardia leads to a blood pressure decrease more pronounced than during chronic ventricular pacing

    Alterations of aorta intima and media transcriptome in swine fed high-fat diet over 1-year follow-up period and of the switch to normal diet

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    Background and aim: We previously showed that 12-month high-fat diet (HFD) in pigs led to fattening and increased artery intima-media-thickness, which were partly reversed after 3-month return to control diet (CD). The aim of this study was to decipher underlying mechanism of action by using transcriptomic analyses of intima and media of aorta.Methods and results: Thirty-two pigs were divided into three groups: CD for 12 months; HFD for 12 months; switch diet group (regression diet; RD): HFD for 9 months followed by CD for 3 months. After 12 months, RNA was isolated from aorta intima and media for nutrigenomic analyses. HFD significantly affected gene expression in intima, while RD gene expression profile was distinct from the CD group. This suggests that switch to CD is not sufficient to correct gene expression alterations induced by HFD but counteracted expression of a group of genes. HFD also affected gene expression in media and as for intima, the expression profile of media of pigs on RD differed from that of these on CD.Conclusions: This study revealed nutrigenomic modifications induced by long-term HFD consumption on arterial intima and media. The return to CD was not sufficient to counteract the genomic effect of HFD

    Prosaposin maintains lipid homeostasis in dopamine neurons and counteracts experimental parkinsonism in rodents

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    Abstract Prosaposin (PSAP) modulates glycosphingolipid metabolism and variants have been linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD). Here, we find altered PSAP levels in the plasma, CSF and post-mortem brain of PD patients. Altered plasma and CSF PSAP levels correlate with PD-related motor impairments. Dopaminergic PSAP-deficient (cPSAPDAT) mice display hypolocomotion and depression/anxiety-like symptoms with mildly impaired dopaminergic neurotransmission, while serotonergic PSAP-deficient (cPSAPSERT) mice behave normally. Spatial lipidomics revealed an accumulation of highly unsaturated and shortened lipids and reduction of sphingolipids throughout the brains of cPSAPDAT mice. The overexpression of α-synuclein via AAV lead to more severe dopaminergic degeneration and higher p-Ser129 α-synuclein levels in cPSAPDAT mice compared to WT mice. Overexpression of PSAP via AAV and encapsulated cell biodelivery protected against 6-OHDA and α-synuclein toxicity in wild-type rodents. Thus, these findings suggest PSAP may maintain dopaminergic lipid homeostasis, which is dysregulated in PD, and counteract experimental parkinsonism

    Transcriptomic Alterations of the Aortic Intima and Media in Long-term High-fat Diet Fed Pigs and Its Reversal

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    Topical Area: Nutrient-Gene InteractionsObjectives : We have previously shown that 12 months (mo.) high-fat diet (HFD) in pigs led to pathophysiological alterations, incl. fattening and increased femoral artery intima-media-thickness, which were partly reversed after 3 mo. return to control diet (Zabek et al., PLoS One 2017). The aim of this study was to decipher underlying mechanism of action of these dietary interventions on the arteries by nutrigenomics analyses of intima and media of aorta.Methods : 32 female pigs were divided into 3 groups: Control diet (CD) for 12 mo.; HFD for 12 mo.; 3) Reversal diet group (RD): HFD for 9 mo. followed by CD for 3 mo. After 12 mo. animals were killed and abdominal aorta collected. RNA was isolated from aorta intima and media for whole genome microarray analyses followed by bioinformatics analyses.Results :HFD compared to CD group significantly affected gene expression profile in intima with genes belonging to the chemotaxis, inflammation or endothelial permeability. RD induced gene expression profile was distinct from the CD group. This suggests that 3 mo. of reversal to CD is not sufficient to correct gene expression changes induced by HFD. Comparison of RD profile with that of HFD group revealed a group of genes with opposite expression, e.g. genes regulating inflammation, toll-like cell signaling pathway or cytoskeleton organization involved in the regulation of cell permeability. This suggests that return to the RD only partly restored gene expression alterations due to the HFD. Significant changes in expression of genes in media following HFD were also observed, such as genes involved in cytoskeleton organization and migration MAPK signaling. As for intima, the expression profile of media of pigs on RD was different on that of these on CD diet. Compared to HFD, a group of genes involved in PI3K or MAPK pathways presented opposite expression suggesting that RD can partly correct the changes in genomic effect induced by HFD.Conclusions : This study revealed genomic modifications induced by long-term HFD consumption on arterial intima and media. The return to normal diet for 3 mo. was not sufficient to counteract the genomic effect of long-term HFD consumption.Funding Sources : WROVASC Integrated Cardiovascular Centre, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund