6 research outputs found

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Selamat pada Pengemudi Pengangkut Bahan Kimia Berbahaya PT Aneka Gas Industri, Sidoarjo

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    PT. Aneka Gas Industry was one of business, that was engaged in production and distribution sector of industryal gases includedoxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), Argon (Ar), Acetylene (C2H2), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), which were distributed by usingroadtank, and pick-up trucks. The transportingprocess could affect spills, leaks, and fatal conditionssuch as fire and explosion. Therefore, the safety behavior of the driverswas very important thingto prevent accidents. This research aimed to study about factors related to the safetybehavior of the drivers who tranportthose hazardous chemicals. This research was a descriptive observation, with cross-sectional design. The subjects were 17 roadtank driversandpick-up truck drivers. The research variables were predisposing factors (age, education level, work experience, knowledge, and attitudes), enabling factors (availability of facilities), and reinforcing factors (policy and companysanction, supportsfromfriends, leaders and supervisors).The results showed that the safetybehaviors of the driversat PT. Aneka Gas Industry Sidoarjo, who belong to behave safe, were9 people (52.9%). The correlation strength between each variable were analyzed using contingency coefficient test (C). The results showed that there was a sufficient relationship between the working period (C = 0.441), knowledge (C = 0.507), and supportsfrom workers (C = 0.441)towards the safety behavior. There was a low correlation between age (C = 0.392), education level (C = 0.271), and attitudes (C = 0,229) towards the safety behavior. There was a very low correlation in each availability of facilities (C = 0.91), company policies and sanctions (C = 0.179), as well as support fromleadersand supervisors(C = 0.70) towards the safety behavior.It was suggested to the company to provide such as training and socialization about safetybehaviors in working, giving complete facilities and supervising thedrivers based on current schedule,andalso giving astrict sanctionto thedrivers who break the rules. Keywords: safetybehavior, predisposing factors, enabling factors, reinforcing factor

    Factors Associated with Respiratory Complaints on Spinning Labor in PT. Lotus Indah Textile

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    The main contaminant of cotton dust is generated during the spinning process in PT. Lotus Indah Textile, Surabaya so that the workforce has the risk of occupational diseases, especially respiratory diseases. To prevent or reduce the incidence of cotton dust in the workplace, it is necessary prevention and control efforts.The purpose of this study was to analyze factors associated with respiratory complaints in the spinning labor in PT. Lotus Indah Textile, Surabaya.This study uses observational methods are analyzed analytically. Objectives of this study consisted of 54 people working on the mixing process of spinning cotton dust. Variables of the study include. Independent variables of individual characteristics include age, gender, employment, smoking habit, the habit of wearing PPE, including respiratory complaints dependent variable, and control measures against cotton dust. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires to respondents using the questionnaire format, and direct observation to the job site. From the survey results revealed that 38.2% male sex. As much as 96.3% had high school education or equivalent level. A total of 54.5% have a service life> 10 years. All male respondents smoked. The measured total dust levels were 1.73 mg / m³. A total of 55.6% sometimes wear PPE / mask while working. Some 29.1% had cough, 26.8% had nasal congestion, throat pain 21.7%, 20.7% had shortness of breath, and 1.7% had tightness and cough. Control efforts undertaken include mechanical or engineering control with dust collector, with the administrative control of training, maintenance, housekeeping, sanitary facilities health and safety, job rotation and controlling the use of PPE (masks).It is recommended to do the procurement of personal protective equipment. Cleanup should be cleaned by wetting. Education and training should be done about the dangers of cotton dust on a continuous worker. And needs to be done by monitoring the workplace environment and the maintenance company.Key words: respiratory complaints, cotton dust, and control effort

    Hubungan Posisi Kerja dengan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Unit Pengelasan PT. X Bekasi

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    This study was conducted to analyze the relation between body position with musculoskeletal complaints in welding unit of PT. X Bekasi. Welding is an important part of a steel fabrication company. Workers in the welding influenced by the position of work, the posture of their body of work and performance at work. Jobs that forced the labor to not an ergonomic posture when working cause workers had faster experience fatigue and indirectly provide additional workload. Health effects that arised as a result of an unergonomic worked postures are musculoskeletal disorders .This research is an observational research with cross sectional approach design. 32 workers were chosen as sample by using simple random sampling technique. Data were obtained by measuring, observing used Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), and filling out questionnaire Nordic Body Map (NBM). Spearman rho correlation test was used to analyse the relation between variables. As many as 68.6% workers had a weak risk of having musculoskeletal disorder (REBA score of 4-7) and 62.5% workers had a weak level of musculoskeletal complaint. Based on the results of this study concluded that body position were significantly related to musculoskeletal complaints. There was a weak significant relationship between body position and musculoskeletal complaints (pvalue= 0.005). It is suggested to companies that provide training on ergonomic working position when welding perform

    Risk Assessment of Workers Gondola Project Development Package III Ngurah Rai International Airport-Bali, Kso Adhi-wika

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    NgurahRaiInternationalAirportDevelopmentProjectofKSO Adhi-WikainBaliisoneofdevelopmentinconstruction sector.Inthisproject,therearemanytypesofhighriskworkingactivities,especiallyonthethirdpackage.Oneofthem is working used two point suspended power scaffold. The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk management of two pointsuspendedpowerscaffoldworkeronthethirdpackageofPPBIBKSO Adhi-Wika.Thisstudywasconductedwith crosssectionalapproachandobservationalanalyticledesigncausedthisstudyperformedtheactualfactinthefieldofKSO Adhi-Wikanumbericallyusingsemiquantitativetableandnarrative.Observationalandinterviewmethodsusedtocollect primarydata.Subjectinthisstudywasatwopointsuspendedpowerscaffoldworker.Variablesinthisstudywerehazard identification,riskassessment,riskcontroleffectiveness,andresidualrisk.Theresultofthisstudyshowed53potential hazards with 30 lower risks, 6 moderate risks, and 23 high risks. Risk control effectiveness was resulted by risk control procedureimplementationassessment thatbasedoninspectionsoutputofoperator,equipment,andenvironmentsince assemblies until operational of two point suspended power scaffold which ranged from 0% until 80%. Risk management analysisresultedresidual risksconsist of 25lower risks,11moderate risks,and5high risks.Thesuggestion can be given ofthisstudyisEHSofKSOAdhi-Wikashoulddevelopmorespesificregulationofworkingwithtwopointsuspendedpower scaffold and evaluate their implementation of risk control to minimize residual risk of this activities because it contains high risk of falling from the height. Keywords: hazard identification,residual risk, risk management, and two point suspended power scaffol

    Accident and Health Problems of Traditional Diver and the Factors That Affect the District Seram, Maluku

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    Accident and occupational diseases in traditional divers of Seram Regency, Maluku increase every year. Steps to socialize the prevention, also the know-how of diving technique must be taken by government institutions as well as non-governmental organizations. The purpose of this research is to learn the accidents and health disturbances experienced by divers and the correlation with diving activities of traditional divers in West Seram County of Maluku Province. This is an observational study carried out from July until December 2010 using cross sectional method. The population is traditional divers in Piru District, West Seram Regency of Maluku Province. Samples are taken from a selected population as many as 38 respondents. Variables observed are respondents characteristics, experienced accidents, health disturbances and diving activities. Data is collected through observation and direct interviews using questionnaires and interview guidelines. The collected data is analyzed descriptively in frequency table, graphic and cross tabulation forms. The research result showed that respondents age was 16-55 years old, work tenure was 2 months to 20 years, 81.6% was married, education ranged from no schooling to high school graduates. Experienced accidents consisted of scratched by corals, bitten by fish and corals, poisonous sea animals, compressor pipe was trapped, and drowned. Health disturbances experienced by divers were bleeding, headache, pain in joints and backbone, blurred vision, deaf, excessive fatigue, itchiness, tremor, unconscious/faint, difficulty in urinating, and vertigo. Respondents dived from 5-120 minutes, dived in 5-25 meters underwater, diving activity was done everyday (76.3%) and 68.4% used compressor. Factors of diving gear, work tenure, length and depth of diving, and diving frequency had a tendency to affect divers accident; while factors of diving gear, work tenure, length and depth of diving, and diving frequency had a tendency to affect divers health disturbances. To protect divers, it is suggested to implement the SAFE (slowly ascend for every dive) principle for every diver, to do safety stop while ascending, and enough interval before next diving.Keywords: accident, health disturbances, traditional diver