44 research outputs found

    Samarqand’s Congregational Mosque of Bibi Khanum as a Representation of Timurid Legitimacy and Rulership

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    The Bibi Khanum Congregational Mosque is the largest Timurid monument in Samarqand. Commissioned by Timur himself after his military campaign in India in 1399, the architecture of the mosque can be interpreted as a visual representation of Timur’s ambitions to surpass the architectural achievements of the preceding Islamic dynasties. Striving for political legitimacy beyond the legacy of Chinggis Khan, Timur imitated and even exceeded the monumental scale of the architectural ensembles in the Ilkhanid capitals of Tabriz and Sultaniyya. In an attempt to ensure the continuity of the Timurid dynasty, Timur’s successors adopted Yuan iconography and visual vocabulary so as to forge an ancestral and artistic genealogy that directly related the Timurids with the Mongols via the aesthetic legacy of the Ilkhanids and the Yuan. Their cultural production thus secured the continuity of the Timurid royal patrons as just successors of Chinggis Khan.

    Шестая международная конференция RANLP-2007 (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing)

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    Extracting Patient-Related Description from Medical Records in Bulgarian

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    This paper deals with the extraction of medical information from hospital patient records. It proposes a cascade approach for the extraction of multi-layer knowledge statements because the subject is too complex. We sketch the Information Extraction view to text analysis, where patient-related facts are recognised using predefined regular expressions and templates. A laboratory prototype for patient status ex- traction is presented together with the first evaluation results

    BCL11B is a general transcriptional repressor of the HIV-1 long terminal repeat in T lymphocytes through recruitment of the NuRD complex

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    AbstractIn this study we provide evidence that the transcription factor BCL11B represses expression from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) in T lymphocytes through direct association with the HIV-1 LTR. We also demonstrate that the NuRD corepressor complex mediates BCL11B transcriptional repression of the HIV-1 LTR. In addition, BCL11B and the NuRD complex repressed TAT-mediated transactivation of the HIV-1 LTR in T lymphocytes, pointing to a potential role in initiation of silencing. In support of all the above results, we demonstrate that BCL11B affects HIV-1 replication and virus production, most likely by blocking LTR transcriptional activity. BCL11B showed specific repression for the HIV-1 LTR sequences isolated from seven different HIV-1 subtypes, demonstrating that it is a general transcriptional repressor for all LTRs

    Palmitic Acid Analogs Exhibit Nanomolar Binding Affinity for the HIV-1 CD4 Receptor and Nanomolar Inhibition of gp120-to-CD4 Fusion

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    Background: We recently reported that palmitic acid (PA) is a novel and efficient CD4 fusion inhibitor to HIV-1 entry and infection. In the present report, based on in silico modeling of the novel CD4 pocket that binds PA, we describe discovery of highly potent PA analogs with increased CD4 receptor binding affinities (Kd) and gp120-to-CD4 inhibition constants (Ki). The PA analogs were selected to satisfy Lipinski’s rule of drug-likeness, increased solubility, and to avoid potential cytotoxicity. Principal Findings: PA analog 2-bromopalmitate (2-BP) was most efficacious with Kd,74 nM and Ki,122 nM, ascorbyl palmitate (6-AP) exhibited slightly higher Kd,140 nM and Ki,354 nM, and sucrose palmitate (SP) was least efficacious binding to CD4 with Kd,364 nM and inhibiting gp120-to-CD4 binding with Ki,1486 nM. Importantly, PA and its analogs specifically bound to the CD4 receptor with the one to one stoichiometry. Significance: Considering observed differences between K i and K d values indicates clear and rational direction for improving inhibition efficacy to HIV-1 entry and infection. Taken together this report introduces a novel class of natural small molecules fusion inhibitors with nanomolar efficacy of CD4 receptor binding and inhibition of HIV-1 entry

    Second Language Acquisition from Aligned Corpora

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    The paper describes a system for automatic aligning and searching for translation equivalents in large bilingual corpora. This implementation was developed to facilitate our tasks in GLOSSER #343 Copernicus '94 Joint Research Project, where Linguistic Modeling Laboratory was charged especially with preparation of bilingual material. The GaleChurch algorithm is chosen as aligning procedure for parallel texts. The main functional characteristics of our system MARK ALISTeR (MARKing, ALIgning and Searching TRanslation equivalents ) are described. The program package can be used under MS Windows as an autonomous procedure of second language acquisition and CALL instrument. Evaluation of the results and the alignment errors of the algorithm and the tool is presented for different types of texts. 1 Introduction Large corpora are a well recognized basic resource for linguistic knowledge acquisition. When they are parallel and aligned, their role of text support for second language learning i..