7 research outputs found

    Folk Terminology Associated with Multipart Singing among Russians

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    The article is devoted to folk singing terminology associated with multipart singing in Russian regional musical and folklore traditions. This terminology reveals a systemic character, since it directly correlates with the terms denoting the intonation types characteristic, on the one hand, of a broad (protyazhnïy) style of singing, a clear representative of which is the genre of lyrical songs, and on the other hand, of lamentable intonation, which is due to the desire to emphasize the personal nature of the expressed feelings. The article discusses the types of multipart texture and functions of singers in an ensemble which have received terminological designations

    Musings on Ethnomusicology, Interdisciplinarity, Intradisciplinarity, and Decoloniality

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    Govoreći iz perspektive hrvatske etnomuzikologije kao jedne od etnomuzikologija "kod kuće", autorica promišlja o poziciji etnomuzikologije na globalnoj razini, naročito što se tiče odnosa između mainstream etnomuzikologije na engleskom jeziku i drugih, rubnih etnomuzikologija, interdisciplinarnih povezivanja sa sestrinskim disciplinama (prvenstveno etnologijom i kulturnom antropologijom) te nastojanja za dekoloniziranjem etnomuzikologije. Uzevši u obzir pitanje recipročnosti (ili njezina manjka) među različitim disciplinama i (etno)muzikološku nepriliku s lingvocentrizmom, smatra da bi više intelektualne energije nego što je to danas slučaj trebalo uložiti u angažiranu usporedbu vlastitih terenskih i analitičkih procesa i rezultata istraživanja s kroskulturnom etnomuzikološkom literaturom, kao i literaturom u drugim disciplinama znanosti o glazbi. Povezan je s time i prijedlog da se pitanje dekolonijalnosti shvati ozbiljno. Stoga, umjesto pukog slavljenja različitih etnomuzikologija, predlaže kombinaciju "bietnomuzikologičnosti" i "udomaćujuće-pidžinizirajuće" etnomuzikologije kao načina da se etnomuzikologiju učini relevantnijom disciplinom na svjetskoj razini.Thinking from the perspective of Croatian ethnomusicology as one of ethnomusicologies "at home", the author muses on the position of ethnomusicology on a global scale, and in particular how it relates to mainstream English-language ethnomusicology and other fringe ethnomusicologies, the interdisciplinary links with sister disciplines (primarily ethnology and cultural anthropology), and endeavours to decolonize ethnomusicology. By taking into account the issue of reciprocity (or the lack thereof) between various disciplines and the linguocentric predicament of (ethno)musicological studies, she argues that more intellectual effort than is being currently exerted should be invested into engaged comparison of one\u27s own fieldwork, analytical processes and research outcomes with cross-cultural ethnomusicological literature and literature in other disciplines of music studies. Related to this is her suggestion to take the issue of decoloniality seriously. Therefore, instead of mere celebration of different ethnomusicologies, she proposes a combination of "bi-ethnomusicologicality" and "going pidgin" ethnomusicology as means for making ethnomusicology a more relevant discipline on a global scale

    International conference Kosta P. Manojlović and the Idea of Slavic and Balkan Cultural Unification (1918-1941)

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    This conference is organised within the project Serbian musical identities within local and global frameworks: traditions, changes, challenges (No. 177004) financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. It is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia as well as the Department of Fine Arts and Music SASA

    Mathematical techniques related to economic crisis diagnosis

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    Economic crises and their diagnosis, cost function for a linear market, new points of equilibrium origin

    Critical infrastructure simulation in the context of an industrial region

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    Economic security, critical infrastructure simulation, industrial region, economic system infrastructure

    Russian Folk Culture in the 20 th Century: Oral Evidence of the Villagers (On the Materials of Folklore Expeditions)

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    Folk culture is capable of developing certain adaptation mechanisms that help it promptly react to the changing conditions of natural, socio-political, and economic environment. This is evidenced by the stories of the villagers recorded during folklore expeditions to different regions of Russia. The article highlights changes that took place in the traditional Russian culture under the influence of collectivization in the 1920s–1930s, the collapse of kolkhozes in the 1990s, the development of the rural club amateur performances in the Soviet time, the events of the World War II, modern military conflicts, and Chernobyl ecological catastrophe. The authors come to conclusion that representatives of traditional culture flexibly adapt to their new living conditions, while extreme conditions such as wars and ecological catastrophes often contribute to the actualization of folk culture and enable the return of its certain aspects to living practice