9 research outputs found

    Age-sex marriage and the family structure of the guild merchants Yenisei province 60s. XIX - early XX centuries.

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    The article in the light of the modernization theory explains how to change the age and gender of marital and family structures guild merchants Yenisei province in the 60-ies. XIX - early XX centuries. Particular attention is paid to the processes of transformation of traditional society into an industrial-based analysis of demographic indicators of the merchant class. In archival materials, many of which are first introduced into scientific circulation shows age and sex and family and marriage patterns of guild merchants. A comparison study with other indicators of Siberian regions and national trends. It was revealed that the family and marriage structure of the merchants of the Yenisei province in the study period was influenced by traditional norms, although the trend towards degradation of family forms, first of all, the patriarchal type, characteristic of the rise of modernization processes, traced, especially in urban areas. The dynamics of the age and sex structure, indicative of the stabilization of migration flows in the region, indicating that the «smoothing» of the colonial specifics of the region

    Effective wound healing agents based on N-alkenylimidazole zinc complexes derivatives: future prospects and opportunities

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    The aim of the study: to provide experimental evidence for effects of recently developed zinc complexes with N-alkenylimidazole as wound healing agent

    Age-sex marriage and the family structure of the guild merchants Yenisei province 60s. XIX - early XX centuries.

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    The article in the light of the modernization theory explains how to change the age and gender of marital and family structures guild merchants Yenisei province in the 60-ies. XIX - early XX centuries. Particular attention is paid to the processes of transformation of traditional society into an industrial-based analysis of demographic indicators of the merchant class. In archival materials, many of which are first introduced into scientific circulation shows age and sex and family and marriage patterns of guild merchants. A comparison study with other indicators of Siberian regions and national trends. It was revealed that the family and marriage structure of the merchants of the Yenisei province in the study period was influenced by traditional norms, although the trend towards degradation of family forms, first of all, the patriarchal type, characteristic of the rise of modernization processes, traced, especially in urban areas. The dynamics of the age and sex structure, indicative of the stabilization of migration flows in the region, indicating that the «smoothing» of the colonial specifics of the region

    The study of normal pregnancy in women with hereditary thrombophilia

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    Objective: The definition of the conditions under which women with inherited thrombophilia can have a positive pregnancy outcome. Materials and Methods. We conducted a retrospective and partially prospective analysis of 100 women with various forms of hereditary thrombophilia with the purpose of studying the conditions of a positive outcome of pregnancy. Results. We learned that normal uncomplicated pregnancy is possible if the age of the pregnant geminimen 26 years or properly selected antithrombotic therapy. Later than the time of menarche and the presence of a large number of mutations, mainly homozygous forms are markers of phenotypic manifestation of hereditary thrombophilia, starting with the first pregnancy. Conclusion. Timely diagnosis of genetic mutations and polymorphisms of thrombophilia (pre-pregnancy), pregravid proper training and appropriate management of pregnant women with the use of antiplatelet and (or) anticoagulant therapy let to get a good results by reducing the performance of reproductive losses and complications of pregnancy

    From Traditional to Evidence-Based Use of Hippophae rhamnoides L.: Chemical Composition, Experimental, and Clinical Pharmacology of Sea Buckthorn Berries and Leaves Extracts

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