9 research outputs found

    Recent research on magnetospheric wave-particle interactions

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    Highlights of recent Stanford University VLF research in the Antarctic include new observations of wave-induced particle precipitation and controlled experiments on nonlinear wave growth phenomena. Higher-than-expected levels of burst precipitation have been discovered inside the plasmasphere, near L=2,using subionospheric signal perturbations called "Trimpi events". Studies of burst precipitation have been extended to the region poleward of the plasmapause using the Siple transmitter signal as a waveguide probe. Experiments on the "coherent wave instability", using the amplitude and frequency modulation capability of the new Siple transmitter, have produced exciting new results. Examples are : 1) better definition of the power threshold for the stimulation of temporal wave growth, 2) generation of strong sidebands by unamplified "beat" waves and 3) generation of chorus-like elements within a band of simulated hiss. Using a new digital processing technique developed at Stanford, new features of the phase behavior of growing waves have been found. Opportunities for extending these experiments are discussed

    Verificação e calibração do modelo de simulação do desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte baseado no escore de condição corporal avaliação interna Verification and calibration of a simulation model for reproductive performance of beef cows based on body condition score internal evaluation

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    O trabalho foi desenvolvido com os objetivos de demonstrar e fazer a avaliação interna do modelo matemático desenvolvido para descrever o processo reprodutivo em sistemas de produção e simular o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte a partir do escore de condição corporal ao parto (ECCPAR). O modelo é baseado na relação entre o ECCPAR e o intervalo parto-concepção (IPC) para vacas com cria ao pé; para novilhas e vacas vazias à concepção, foi baseado na probabilidade de ocorrência. Para a avaliação interna do modelo, foi utilizada a metodologia de verificação e calibração. O uso da técnica de variação dos dados de entrada foi feito por meio da construção de cenários, variando ECCPAR, data de início da estação reprodutiva (IER), data média do parto (DPAR) e ganho médio diário do nascimento ao desmame (GMDND). Esses cenários serviram também para demonstração do modelo. Por meio da calibração, foram escolhidos novos desvios-padrão para as variáveis: período de gestação, GMDND e data média do parto (DPAR). Os testes de degenerescência e independência de sementes geradoras de números aleatórios, após a calibração, comprovaram coerência do modelo na geração de aleatoriedade para as variáveis de interesse. A variação nos dados de entrada indicou eficácia do modelo para simular a dinâmica do processo reprodutivo, no entanto ajustes na taxa de concepção de primíparas são necessários para que o modelo simule valores compatíveis com a realidade.<br>This work was carried out with the goal of demonstrating and performing internal evaluation of the mathematical model developed to describe the reproductive performance in production systems and to simulate reproductive performance of beef cows from the body condition score at calving (BCSAC). This model is based on the relationship between BCSAC and the interval between calving and conception (ICC) for lactating cows; for heifers and empty cows at conception, it was based on the probability of occurrence. For internal evaluation of the model, it was used the methodologies of verification and calibration. The use of technique of variation of input data was done based through the construction of scenarios by changing BCSAC, starting date of the reproductive season (SDRS), average date of calving (ADC), and average daily weight gain from birth to weaning (ADWGBW). These scenaries also served for demonstration of the model. Through calibration, it was chosen new standard deviations for the following variables: gestation period, ADWGBW and average birth date (ABD). Tests for degenerescence and independence of seeds generating random numbers, after calibration, showed coherence of the model in generating randomness for the variables being studied. Variation on the input data showed effectiveness of the model to simulate the dynamics of reproduction systems. Nevertheless, adjustments in conception rate of primiparous females are needed for the model to generate values that are compatible with reality