17 research outputs found
Application of evolution's laws
Technical systems evolution follow trends, some laws describe the different steps of evolution of those systems. These laws are known as "laws of technical systems evolution" from the TRIZ theory. The aim of this paper is to propose an approach facilitating the use of the evolution laws, as part of a framework for innovation. To achieve our goal we start by an analysis of each definition of the three first evolution laws. Itâs analysis weâll permit to extract with precision part of the definition weâll use to construct a model helping the use of the laws. The model we propose is composed of a short quiz that users must answer. The purpose of these questions is to guide the user as far as possible in the identification of functional elements of the system and possible developments of innovative products, as recommended by the three first laws. After that, weâll conduct an experimentation to taste this model on two kinds of participants, some of them are software developers working in differents companies, they do not know the TRIZ theory. The other participants are students in training who learned some tools to innovate, they are not completely novices on TRIZ. To conclude, weâll present the relevance of our approach to use systematically the first 3 evolution laws of TRIZ
ModÚle UX-FFE : Expérimentation de la phase de validation d'un nouveau processus d'innovation dédié à une entreprise industrielle mature
Le modĂšle UX-FFE est un modĂšle qui associe les approches « User eXperience » et « Fuzzy Front End » dans le but de rĂ©pondre aux enjeux Ă©conomiques et sociaux dâune entreprise industrielle mature. Ce papier prĂ©sente une proposition de structuration de la phase de validation du modĂšle. Ensuite, nous verrons comment cette proposition a concrĂštement Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ©e en milieu industriel. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que notre proposition facilite lâintroduction dâinnovations de rupture et a une influence sur la qualitĂ© de lâexpĂ©rience utilisateur tout au cours de la phase de validation du modĂšle UX-FFE, donc au cours du processus amont dâinnovation. Enfin, cet article prĂ©vient aussi quâune nouvelle approche de la mesure de la performance des processus dâinnovation est envisageable.SociĂ©tĂ© Souriau Esterlin
Towards radical innovations in a mature company: an empirical study on the UX-FFE model
Publication dans le cadre d'une thĂšse Cifre entre le LAMPA et Esterline.The ability to successfully conduct radical innovations is mandatory for mature industrial companies that want to remain competitive in the global market. This ability relies on several ingredients, namely: (1) the structuring of the innovation process; (2) managerial principles; (3) methodological tools; (4) the presence of a culture of innovation. This paper reports about the impact of applying the User eXperience-Fuzzy Front End (UX-FFE) model, which brings together the systemic innovation process with the social, economical, and methodological aspects on the outcomes of the innovation process. Firstly, it appears that the operational performance of the upstream innovation process relies on the quality of the social context, intrinsic to the group of co-creators, corresponding to the reported perceived experience. Secondly, the UX-FFE model application, therefore, allows optimizing the upstream innovation process performance. Indeed, we argue that the evaluation of the co-creators perceived experience brings new opportunities to optimize the operational performance of the upstream innovation process. The first part of this paper presents deeper a theoretical model, named UX-FFE, which combines a UX approach with an upstream innovation process (FFE). The main interest of this UX-FFE model is that it allows evaluating the social aspect of the upstream innovation process, which may be detrimental to the success of radical innovation projects in mature companies. The second part presents the results of previous experiments that validated the model. The results allow the design of an instrument dedicated to the evaluation of the user experience of co-creators in the ideation stage. Finally, the third part reports about the experimentation of the UX-FFE in a mature company. Results present the impact of the co-creatorsâexperience on the performance of radical innovation projects.Esterlin
Une vision multidimensionnelle des typologies d'innovation pour identifier et concevoir une démarche d'innovation
Quels que soient les auteurs majeurs, la premiĂšre partie de cet article confirme quâil ressort une valeur universelle portĂ©e par une innovation, celle dâune nouveautĂ© associĂ©e Ă une rĂ©ussite commerciale.Nous rappellerons la vision pionniĂšre de Schumpeter qui tend vers une caractĂ©risation gĂ©nĂ©rale de lâinnovation jusquâĂ une Ă©chelle internationale portĂ©e par le manuel dâOslo.Nous verrons comment ces visions croisĂ©es ont permis de faire Ă©merger un nouvel agencement des typologies pour lequel nous proposons un modĂšle synthĂ©tique.Cette synthĂšsesâest basĂ©e sur le systĂšme de caractĂ©risation originale proposĂ© par Garcia et Calantone, mais en considĂ©rant cette fois les innovations radicales, rĂ©ellement nouvelles et incrĂ©mentales non pas comme des typologies mais comme des niveaux dâintensitĂ©. De plus, nous apporterons des complĂ©ments qui renforcent les notions de discontinuitĂ©s, fondations de leur modĂšle. Enfin, et toujours dans un souci de clarification et de comprĂ©hension, il nous a semblĂ© utile de reprĂ©senter les domaines de validitĂ© de ces diffĂ©rentes typologies dâinnovations par des Ă©quations boolĂ©ennes, en complĂ©ment des travaux de Garcia et Calantone. La mise en exergue des diffĂ©rentes variables, composantes de chaque typologie, favorise ainsi lâajustement voire le choix de la meilleure typologie en fonction de lâobjectif visĂ©. A lâinverse, notre formalisation croisĂ©e peut faciliter la reconnaissance de lâorigine dâun rĂ©sultat Ă partir de son observation
ModĂ©lisation des processus dâinnovation en PME
Abstract â Innovation is a complex process more than one way. The organization of the preliminary phases of innovation projects mobilizing interdisciplinary teams that implement a variety of methods. The authors' research led them to propose fruitful links between a selection of tools and methods to model the process and provide a relevant and efficient organization with the objectives and constraints of SMEs. The aim of this paper is to present several virtuous loops within the process that generates knowledge and skills to develop innovative practices. RĂ©sumĂ© - Lâinnovation est un processus complexe a plus dâun titre. Lâorganisation des phases amont des projets dâinnovation mobilise des Ă©quipes interdisciplinaires qui mettent en oeuvre une multitude de mĂ©thodes. Les travaux de recherche des auteurs les ont conduits Ă proposer des liens fĂ©conds entre une sĂ©lection dâoutils et de mĂ©thodes afin de modĂ©liser les processus et proposer une organisation pertinente et efficiente par rapport aux objectifs et aux contraintes des PME. Lâobjectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter plusieurs boucles vertueuses au sein de ce processus qui gĂ©nĂšre des connaissances et fond Ă©voluer les compĂ©tences te les pratiques
L'identification des futures générations de produits industriels
La conception de produits nouveaux et innovants nĂ©cessite la connaissance et la maĂźtrise d'un grand nombre de paramĂštres. Parmi ceux-ci, deux paramĂštres s'avĂšrent indispensables lorsque le secteur d'activitĂ© est trĂšs concurrentiel : le choix des outils et de la mĂ©thodologie Ă mettre en Ćuvre. Aussi, pour maĂźtriser leurs futures gĂ©nĂ©rations de produits technologiques, les entreprises industrielles utilisent, pour la plupart, leur propre " boĂźte Ă outils " de conception, trĂšs souvent limitĂ©e Ă un ou deux outils. Notre travail de recherche traite d'un outil de conception trĂšs performant : TRIZ. Nous Ă©valuons tout d'abord les possibilitĂ©s et les limites de TRIZ dans sa partie " Ă©volution dirigĂ©e des produits technologiques ". Nous constatons en particulier que le corpus de connaissances basĂ© sur des lois et des lignes d'Ă©volution, ne permet pas, dans son Ă©tat actuel, une utilisation aisĂ©e par les services de Recherche et de DĂ©veloppement. Afin d'Ă©valuer la validitĂ© du besoin d'une mĂ©thode d'utilisation de lois d'Ă©volution issues de TRIZ, nous avons mesurĂ© auprĂšs d'un Ă©chantillon d'entreprises reprĂ©sentatif, l'intĂ©rĂȘt suscitĂ© par nos travaux. Au travers d'expĂ©rimentations industrielles, nous avons pu Ă©laborer, pour quelques lignes d'Ă©volution, une mĂ©thodologie d'application de celles-ci. GrĂące Ă la simulation numĂ©rique discrĂšte, nous avons validĂ© quelques concepts innovants identifiĂ©s par cette mĂ©thodologie. Nous dĂ©montrons ainsi en quoi cette nouvelle approche s'intĂšgre naturellement dans la chaĂźne numĂ©rique de la conception. Notre dĂ©marche permet de formaliser une compĂ©tence des concepteurs essentiellement basĂ©e sur l'intuition. Nous l'avons traduite sous la forme d'une maquette logiciel : " TRIZAO ", qui viendra enrichir la " boĂźte Ă outils mĂ©thodologique " des services de Recherche et de DĂ©veloppement des entreprises. Enfin, nous envisageons diffĂ©rentes perspectives pour la suite de ces travaux prĂ©curseurs. L'enrichissement de cette mĂ©thode pourra se faire, d'une part par la formalisation dans TRIZAO d'autres lois et lignes d'Ă©volution et, d'autre part, par l'analyse de passerelles permettant de simuler numĂ©riquement les Ă©tats d'Ă©volution identifiĂ©s et ainsi permettre l'intĂ©gration de TRIZ dans la chaĂźne numĂ©rique de la conception.ANGERS-BU Lettres et Sciences (490072106) / SudocNANCY/VANDOEUVRE-INPL (545472102) / SudocSudocFranceF
ModĂ©lisation des processus dâinnovation en PME
Abstract â Innovation is a complex process more than one way. The organization of the preliminary phases of innovation projects mobilizing interdisciplinary teams that implement a variety of methods. The authors' research led them to propose fruitful links between a selection of tools and methods to model the process and provide a relevant and efficient organization with the objectives and constraints of SMEs. The aim of this paper is to present several virtuous loops within the process that generates knowledge and skills to develop innovative practices. RĂ©sumĂ© - Lâinnovation est un processus complexe a plus dâun titre. Lâorganisation des phases amont des projets dâinnovation mobilise des Ă©quipes interdisciplinaires qui mettent en oeuvre une multitude de mĂ©thodes. Les travaux de recherche des auteurs les ont conduits Ă proposer des liens fĂ©conds entre une sĂ©lection dâoutils et de mĂ©thodes afin de modĂ©liser les processus et proposer une organisation pertinente et efficiente par rapport aux objectifs et aux contraintes des PME. Lâobjectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter plusieurs boucles vertueuses au sein de ce processus qui gĂ©nĂšre des connaissances et fond Ă©voluer les compĂ©tences te les pratiques
Using TRIZ in the forecasting of the computer role playing games evolution
This research aims to find out the patterns existing in the computer role-playing games (CRPGs) design and to find out if the system evolution laws of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) are applicable to them. Only part of the technical evolution laws was explored and only on the selected subsystems of CRPGs, because the complete analysis would constitute a much longer paper. The research was essentially qualitative. In conclusion it allows to state that TRIZ evolution laws are matching to many instances of CRPG subsystems evolution paths what allows to propose directions for the future development of CRPGs
Application of Evolution Laws
AbstractTechnical systems evolution follow trends, some laws describe the different steps of evolution of those systems. These laws are known as âlaws of technical systems evolutionâ from the TRIZ theory. The aim of this paper is to propose an approach facilitating the use of the evolution laws, as part of a framework for innovation. To achieve our goal we start by an analysis of each definition of the three first evolution laws. It's analysis weâll permit to extract with precision part of the definition weâll use to construct a model helping the use of the laws. The model we propose is composed of a short quiz that users must answer. The purpose of these questions is to guide the user as far as possible in the identification of functional elements of the system and possible developments of innovative products, as recommended by the three first laws. After that, weâll conduct an experimentation to taste this model on two kinds of participants, some of them are software developers working in different companies, they do not know the TRIZ theory. The other participants are students in training who learned some tools to innovate, they are not completely novices on TRIZ. To conclude, weâll present the relevance of our approach to use systematically the first 3 evolution laws of TRIZ
The Prehistory of the North Pilsen: didactic applications in teaching of local history
Ve svĂ© absolventskĂ© prĂĄci chci upozornit na nespornĂĄ pozitiva projektovĂ© vĂœuky. V jedinĂ©m komplexnĂm projektu proto prezentuji Ćadu aktivizaÄnĂch didaktickĂœch ÄinnostĂ, kterĂ© by mÄly pĆesvÄdÄit uÄitele o vĂœhodĂĄch tĂ©to metodiky. NedĂlnou souÄĂĄst mĂ© prĂĄce tvoĆĂ prĂĄvÄ didaktickĂ© aplikace, kterĂ© se zamÄĆujĂ na regionĂĄlnĂ dÄjiny a zĂĄroveĆ jsou pojaty prĂĄvÄ neotĆelou inovativnĂ vyuÄovacĂ metodou, tedy projektovĂœm vyuÄovĂĄnĂm. Pro vyuÄovĂĄnĂ celĂ©ho kontinuĂĄlnĂho vĂœvoje pravÄkĂ©ho osĂdlenĂ regionu severnĂho PlzeĆska jsem zvolila vyuÄovĂĄnĂ pomocĂ jednoho dlouhodobĂ©ho projektu, jenĆŸ mĂĄ za cĂl pĆiblĂĆŸit ĆŸĂĄkĆŻm historii na zĂĄkladÄ jejich vlastnĂho emocionĂĄlnĂho proĆŸitku.ObhĂĄjenoIn my graduate work I want to draw attention to the evident positive project-based learning. In a single complex project thus presents a number of motivating teaching activities that should convince teachers of the benefits of this methodology. An integral part of my work is very didactic applications that focus on regional history and are also being conceived novel innovative teaching methods, ie project teaching. In order to teach the entire continuous development of prehistoric settlement in the region Northern Pilsen I chose teaching through a long-term project, which aims to bring pupils history based on their own emotional experience