15 research outputs found

    Bezpieczeństwo i skuteczność dwufazowej insuliny aspart 30 (BIAsp30) u Irańczyków chorych na cukrzycę typu 2: otwarte, nierandomizowane, wieloośrodkowe badanie - irańska podgrupa badania IMPROVE™

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    Introduction: To evaluate the clinical profile of BIAsp 30 (30% soluble insulin aspart, 70% protamine-crystallized insulin aspart) (NovoMix®30) in type 2 diabetes patients in routine clinical practice in Iran. Material and methods: IMPROVE&#8482; was a 26-week, multinational, open-label, non-randomized study in patients with type 2 diabetes. The safety and efficacy of BIAsp 30 were assessed at baseline and at 13 and 26 weeks. The titration of BIAsp30 was at the physician&#8217;s discretion. Results: In Iran, 478 patients (47% male) previously treated with oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs) (N = 159, 33.3%) and/or insulin other than BIAsp30 (N = 317, 66.3%) or a few who were treatment-na&#239;ve (N = 2, 0.4%) participated in the study. After 26 weeks of treatment with BIAsp 30, the rate of reported major hypoglycaemic episodes was reduced by 88.1% from baseline (baseline v. Week 26: 0.303 v. 0.037 episodes/pt-year; p < 0.001). No significant differences in minor hypoglycaemic episodes between baseline and Week 26 were found. Glycaemic control was significantly improved from baseline to Week 26 with a mean HbA1c reduction of 1.2 &#177; 1.9%. Patients&#8217; quality of life as measured by the DiabMedSat questionnaire significantly improved from baseline (58.1) to the end of the study (75.4, p < 0.001). Conclusions: BIAsp 30 therapy appeared safe and effective and improved quality of life in Iranian patients with type 2 diabetes after 26 weeks of treatment. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (4): 364-370)Wstęp: Celem badania była ocena profilu działania insuliny BIAsp 30 (30% rozpuszczalnej insuliny aspart, 70% insuliny krystalizowanej z protaminą) (NovoMix®30) u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 w warunkach standardowej opieki zdrowotnej w Iranie. Materiał i metody: IMPROVE&#8482; było 26-tygodniowym, wieloośrodkowym, międzynarodowym, otwartym i nierandomizowanym badaniem z udziałem chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. Bezpieczeństwo i skuteczność insulin BIAsp 30 oceniano na początku badania oraz po 13 i 26 tygodniach. Dawkowanie insuliny BIAsp30 było zależne od zaleceń lekarskich. Wyniki: W irańskiej części badania uczestniczyło 478 chorych (47% stanowili mężczyźni) leczonych dotychczas doustnymi lekami hipoglikemizującymi (N = 159, 33,3%) i/lub insuliną inną niż BIAsp30 (N = 317, 66,3%) oraz nieliczna grupa pacjentów niestosujących wcześniej farmakoterapii (N = 2, 0,4%). Po 26 tygodniach leczenia insuliną BIAsp 30, częstość epizodów ciężkiej hipoglikemii zmniejszyła się o 88,1% (wartości wyjściowe v. tydzień 26: 0,303 v. 0,037 epizodów/pacjenta-rok; p < 0,001). Dane dotyczące częstości epizodów lekkiej hipoglikemii na początku badania i po 26 tygodniach leczenia nie różniły się istotnie. Odnotowano natomiast poprawę kontroli glikemii; po 26 tygodniach odsetek HbA1c obniżył się średnio o 1,2 &#177; 1,9% w stosunku do wartości wyjściowej. W okresie od rozpoczęcia do zakończenia badania nastąpiła istotna poprawa jakości życia chorych, oceniana przy użyciu kwestionariusza DiabMedSat; punktacja wynosiła odpowiednio 58,1 i 75,4 (p < 0,001). Wnioski: Terapia insuliną BIAsp 30 stosowana przez 26 tygodni u Irańczyków chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 okazała się bezpieczna i skuteczna, a ponadto spowodowała poprawę jakości życia pacjentów. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (4): 364-370

    Heredity of type 2 diabetes confers increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and inflammation.

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Heredity of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with greater risk for developing T2DM. Thus, individuals who have a first-degree relative with T2DM (FDRT) provide a natural model to study factors of susceptibility towards development of T2DM, which are poorly understood. Emerging key players in T2DM pathophysiology such as adverse oxidative stress and inflammatory responses could be among possible mechanisms that predispose FDRTs to develop T2DM. Here, we aimed to examine the role of oxidative stress and inflammatory responses as mediators of this excess risk by studying dynamic postprandial responses in FDRTs. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In this open-label case-control study, we recruited normoglycemic men with (n=9) or without (n=9) a family history of T2DM. We assessed plasma glucose, insulin, lipid profile, cytokines and F2-isoprostanes, expression levels of oxidative and inflammatory genes/proteins in circulating mononuclear cells (MNC), myotubes and adipocytes at baseline (fasting state), and after consumption of a carbohydrate-rich liquid meal or insulin stimulation. RESULTS: Postprandial glucose and insulin responses were not different between groups. Expression of oxidant transcription factor NRF2 protein (p<0.05 for myotubes) and gene (pgroup=0.002, ptime×group=0.016), along with its target genes TXNRD1 (pgroup=0.004, ptime×group=0.007), GPX3 (pgroup=0.011, ptime×group=0.019) and SOD-1 (pgroup=0.046 and ptime×group=0.191) was upregulated in FDRT-derived MNC after meal ingestion or insulin stimulation. Synergistically, expression of target genes of inflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (pgroup=0.001, ptime×group=0.007) was greater in FDRT-derived MNC than in non-FDRT-derived MNC after meal ingestion or insulin stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings shed light on how heredity of T2DM confers increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and inflammation. This could provide early insights into the underlying mechanisms and future risk of FDRTs for developing T2DM and its associated complications

    Plasma Protein and MicroRNA Biomarkers of Insulin Resistance: A Network-Based Integrative -Omics Analysis

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    Although insulin resistance (IR) is a key pathophysiologic condition underlying various metabolic disorders, impaired cellular glucose uptake is one of many manifestations of metabolic derangements in the human body. To study the systems-wide molecular changes associated with obesity-dependent IR, we integrated information on plasma proteins and microRNAs in eight obese insulin-resistant (OIR, HOMA-IR &gt; 2.5) and nine lean insulin-sensitive (LIS, HOMA-IR &lt; 1.0) normoglycemic males. Of 374 circulating miRNAs we profiled, 65 species increased and 73 species decreased in the OIR compared to the LIS subjects, suggesting that the overall balance of the miRNA secretome is shifted in the OIR subjects. We also observed that 40 plasma proteins increased and 4 plasma proteins decreased in the OIR subjects compared to the LIS subjects, and most proteins are involved in metabolic and endocytic functions. We used an integrative -omics analysis framework called iOmicsPASS to link differentially regulated miRNAs with their target genes on the TargetScan map and the human protein interactome. Combined with tissue of origin information, the integrative analysis allowed us to nominate obesity-dependent and obesity-independent protein markers, along with potential sites of post-transcriptional regulation by some of the miRNAs. We also observed the changes in each -omics platform that are not linked by the TargetScan map, suggesting that proteins and microRNAs provide orthogonal information for the progression of OIR. In summary, our integrative analysis provides a network of elevated plasma markers of OIR and a global shift of microRNA secretome composition in the blood plasma

    A high carbohydrate, but not fat or protein meal attenuates postprandial ghrelin, PYY and GLP-1 responses in Chinese men

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    Dataset for replication of work published by PLOS One entitled "A high carbohydrate, but not fat or protein meal attenuates postprandial ghrelin, PYY and GLP-1 responses in Chinese men