22 research outputs found

    Disruption of TLR3 Signaling Due to Cleavage of TRIF by the Hepatitis A Virus Protease-Polymerase Processing Intermediate, 3CD

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    Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and cytosolic RIG-I-like helicases (RIG-I and MDA5) sense viral RNAs and activate innate immune signaling pathways that induce expression of interferon (IFN) through specific adaptor proteins, TIR domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-β (TRIF), and mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS), respectively. Previously, we demonstrated that hepatitis A virus (HAV), a unique hepatotropic human picornavirus, disrupts RIG-I/MDA5 signaling by targeting MAVS for cleavage by 3ABC, a precursor of the sole HAV protease, 3Cpro, that is derived by auto-processing of the P3 (3ABCD) segment of the viral polyprotein. Here, we show that HAV also disrupts TLR3 signaling, inhibiting poly(I:C)-stimulated dimerization of IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3), IRF-3 translocation to the nucleus, and IFN-β promoter activation, by targeting TRIF for degradation by a distinct 3ABCD processing intermediate, the 3CD protease-polymerase precursor. TRIF is proteolytically cleaved by 3CD, but not by the mature 3Cpro protease or the 3ABC precursor that degrades MAVS. 3CD-mediated degradation of TRIF depends on both the cysteine protease activity of 3Cpro and downstream 3Dpol sequence, but not 3Dpol polymerase activity. Cleavage occurs at two non-canonical 3Cpro recognition sequences in TRIF, and involves a hierarchical process in which primary cleavage at Gln-554 is a prerequisite for scission at Gln-190. The results of mutational studies indicate that 3Dpol sequence modulates the substrate specificity of the upstream 3Cpro protease when fused to it in cis in 3CD, allowing 3CD to target cleavage sites not normally recognized by 3Cpro. HAV thus disrupts both RIG-I/MDA5 and TLR3 signaling pathways through cleavage of essential adaptor proteins by two distinct protease precursors derived from the common 3ABCD polyprotein processing intermediate

    Marking Embryonic Stem Cells with a 2A Self-Cleaving Peptide: A NKX2-5 Emerald GFP BAC Reporter

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    Fluorescent reporters are useful for assaying gene expression in living cells and for identifying and isolating pure cell populations from heterogeneous cultures, including embryonic stem (ES) cells. Multiple fluorophores and genetic selection markers exist; however, a system for creating reporter constructs that preserve the regulatory sequences near a gene's native ATG start site has not been widely available.Here, we describe a series of modular marker plasmids containing independent reporter, bacterial selection, and eukaryotic selection components, compatible with both Gateway recombination and lambda prophage bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombineering techniques. A 2A self-cleaving peptide links the reporter to the native open reading frame. We use an emerald GFP marker cassette to create a human BAC reporter and ES cell reporter line for the early cardiac marker NKX2-5. NKX2-5 expression was detected in differentiating mouse ES cells and ES cell-derived mice.Our results describe a NKX2-5 ES cell reporter line for studying early events in cardiomyocyte formation. The results also demonstrate that our modular marker plasmids could be used for generating reporters from unmodified BACs, potentially as part of an ES cell reporter library

    Mutational Disruption of cis

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    Magnetic Fractionation and Proteomic Dissection of Cellular Organelles Occupied by the Late Replication Complexes of Semliki Forest Virus

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    Alphavirus replicase complexes are initially formed at the plasma membrane and are subsequently internalized by endocytosis. During the late stages of infection, viral replication organelles are represented by large cytopathic vacuoles, where replicase complexes bind to membranes of endolysosomal origin. In addition to viral components, these organelles harbor an unknown number of host proteins. In this study, a fraction of modified lysosomes carrying functionally intact replicase complexes was obtained by feeding Semliki Forest virus (SFV)-infected HeLa cells with dextran-covered magnetic nanoparticles and later magnetically isolating the nanoparticle-containing lysosomes. Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture combined with quantitative proteomics was used to reveal 78 distinct cellular proteins that were at least 2.5-fold more abundant in replicase complex-carrying vesicles than in vesicles obtained from noninfected cells. These host components included the RNA-binding proteins PCBP1, hnRNP M, hnRNP C, and hnRNP K, which were shown to colocalize with the viral replicase. Silencing of hnRNP M and hnRNP C expression enhanced the replication of SFV, Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), and Sindbis virus (SINV). PCBP1 silencing decreased SFV-mediated protein synthesis, whereas hnRNP K silencing increased this synthesis. Notably, the effect of hnRNP K silencing on CHIKV- and SINV-mediated protein synthesis was opposite to that observed for SFV. This study provides a new approach for analyzing the proteome of the virus replication organelle of positive-strand RNA viruses and helps to elucidate how host RNA-binding proteins exert important but diverse functions during positive-strand RNA viral infection