4 research outputs found

    Optimization of electron beam parameters of LIA-10M accelerator

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    A numerical simulation of the LIA-10M accelerator was carried out. It is shown that at the existing configuration of the diode unit and maximal for LIA-10M injection parameters (3 MeV, 50 kA) significant (up to 40%) beam losses in the accelerating channel are possible. As a result of calculations the injector cathode geometry was optimized what permitted to avoid beam electron leakage onto the walls of accelerating channel and to improve significantly output parameters of the LIA-10M accelerator.Проведено численное моделирование ускорителя ЛИУ-10М. Показано, что при существующей конфигурации диодного узла и максимальных для ЛИУ-10М параметрах инжекции (3 МэВ, 50 кА) возможны значительные (до 40%) потери пучка в ускорительном тракте. В результате расчетов оптимизирована геометрия катода инжектора, что позволило избежать утечки электронов пучка на стенки ускорительного тракта и существенно улучшить выходные параметры ускорителя.Проведено чисельне моделювання прискорювача ЛІП-10М. Показано, що при існуючій конфігурації діодного вузла і максимальних для ЛІП-10М параметрах інжекції (3 МеВ, 50 кА) можливі значyі (до 40%) втрати пучка в прискорюючому тракті. У результаті розрахунків оптимізована геометрія катода інжектора, що дозволило уникнути витоку електронів пучка на стінки прискорюючого тракту і суттєво поліпшити вихідні параметри прискорювача

    Diagnosis of the nutritional value of colostrum in cows of different milk yield

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    When forming in an organism of a newborn calf of tentative immunity, the main source of immunoglobulins, a lysozyme, the functionally active leukocytes and lymphocytes, a colostrum is. The quality of a colostrum is a very important condition for formation of full-fledged immunity. A number of scientists claim that cows of different lactic breeds considerably differ on the level of lactic efficiency, at the same time the mass fraction of immunoglobulins negatively correlates with amount of colostrum at the first milking. Studying of dynamics of quality of a colostrum depending on the size of a milk yielding of cows for a lactation was a primal problem of researches. As an object of researches served the cows of four breeds divorced in the Samara region: Black Pied breeds, Bestuzhev, Holstein and Ayrshire. It is established that the content of immunoglobulins in a colostrum of the first yield of milk at cows of different breeds changes under the influence of the level of lactic efficiency and also with the animals' age. The highest content of immunoglobulins was in a colostrum of Bestuzhev breed – 103.35-81.38 g/l, and the lowest at Holstein breed – 74.52-42.29 g/l. Immunoglobulins of a colostrum are divided into three classes – IgG, IgA, IGM. In a colostrum of the first milk yielding of cows of Black Pied breed the share of IgG makes 84.1-85.5%, Bestuzhev breed – 85.7-86.3%, Holstein – 83.9-84.4%, Ayrshire – 85.7-86.6%. The tendency of increase in a share of IgG, in process of increase in milk yields of cows for a lactation is noted. It is established that at increase in level of lactic efficiency of cows, the quality of a colostrum decreases and the number of incidence of calves increases. As a result, the size of average daily gain of young growth live weight proportionally decreases. On the basis of the received results we recommend to estimate quality of a colostrum of the first milk yield by means of an optical or digital refractometer. Carry out the targeted selection work with breeds in the direction of colostrum upgrading

    The effects of meldonium on microrheological abnormalities of erythrocytes in rats with obesity: An experimental study

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    Background: The microrheological disorders of red blood cells in obesity is often missed by the researchers. This study aimed to report an experimental investigation on laboratory animals with developed obesity and to find out the effect of meldonium on the erythrocytes. Methods: A total of 95 healthy male-rats of Vistar line were taken into the investigation, 29 animals had experienced no impacts and allocated as the control group, while 64 rats which had developed obesity induced by a cardioangionefopathogenic semisynthetic diet into the obesity group. These rats were casually divided into an experimental (34 rats) group and the control group (30 rats). The rats of the experimental group in the next ten days were intragastrically injected with meldonium for 80 mg/kg. The biochemical, hematological and statistical methods of investigation were used in this study. Results: During the formation of obesity and the use of meldonium, the body weight of the rats were gradually decreased to the normal level. On the obese rat’s group receiving meldonium, the content of the lipids peroxidation products in erythrocytes progressively decreased. and reached the level of the healthy control rats group. Moreover, there was a decrease in the number of erythrocytes-discocytes accompanied by an increase in the reversible and irreversible changes. These values were returned to the level of the healthy control rats group at the end of the observation. This pattern was observed in the total number of erythrocytes aggregate and free erythrocytes. Conclusion: The application of meldonium eliminates the existing erythrocytes abnormal microrheological features in the rats with recently developed obesity. © 2020, Sanglah General Hospital. All rights reserved

    Development of Modern Fundamental Materials Science at the Faculty of Materials Science of the Moscow State University

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